Chapter 41

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A powerful ache was taking up residence at the base of The Empress's head. It had sprung into action the moment the eunuch told them the news of Xiang pin's accident, and as the days went on, it only got worse.

Thanks to the combination of her heavy clothes and jewels, Xiang pin had sunk like a stone before her servants could drag her out. Hwang taiyi had the momos nearly beat Xiang pin's back black and blue to force the water from her lungs, and even then, she was still delirious and sick in bed.

Dealing with His Majesty's mood made it even worse. In all honesty, The Empress couldn't tell if Xiang pin's accident was really the source of his ire or if he was using it as an excuse to vent his frustrations from court. Either way, the entire situation was just tiring. She had never seen The Emperor so furious because of one of his women. Not even Mu pin inspired this sort of fury in him.

Would it be better or worse if Xiang pin didn't make it?


There was no point in thinking about that when she had so much to do. The Emperor had ordered her to interrogate each and every one of Xiang pin's servants about what happened. So far, they all told the same story. The temperate weather inspired Xiang pin to picnic by the lake near the Imperial Garden. They were so busy with their tasks that they overlooked how close Xiang pin got to the water until she slipped in.

The Empress knew that The Emperor wouldn't be satisfied with just that. Someone needed to be punished.

"Your Highness," Shiyi said, her soft voice cutting through The Empress' thoughts, "His Majesty has called for you,"

Immediately, the throbbing in her head worsened. Still, she grabbed Shiyi's hand and made her way to her raised chair. Before they departed, she sent a maid to fetch one of the newer girls. Hopefully, they would drop by and distract His Majesty so she could have a chance to slip away and return to her palace. As she stepped through Yanxindian's courtyard, she was accosted by the sound of miserable sobbing. Irritation flared in The Empress's chest. Has she been called here to referee a childish spat with the hundreds of nursemaids that ran the streets here? Or had a pair of concubines behaved so childishly in front of The Emperor that she had to be dragged here?

The Empress took a deep breath and walked inside. Her composed and gentile smile evaporated at the sight of Yihe and Yian kneeling before The Emperor, their faces swollen and red from crying. She barely kept enough composure to greet The Emperor properly.

"Rise," he said, his eyes cold with anger. He gestured to the seat next to him with a lazy wave of his arm, "Sit,"

She did as she was told, "Thank you, Your Majesty,"

The Empress ignored her sons, even though their cries clawed at her heart like wild dogs.

"How may I serve you, Your Majesty?" She asked.

The Emperor closed his eyes and shook his head, "You see those wretches you bore me and still ask me that question?"

A cavernous pit hollowed out The Empress's stomach. The Emperor had never taken that tone with her children. He had never sounded so vengeful.

Smiling brightly, she stroked The Emperor's arm, "Your Majesty, Yian and Yihe are young still. Whatever they did to displease you, surely–"

"Displease me?" The Emperor said, jerking his arm away, "They contempt me!"

So, soft words and empty eyes wouldn't smooth things over this time. She turned to the kneeling boys, her voice steady.

"What have you done?"

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