Chapter 17

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Fortune does not come twice. Misfortune does not come alone.*

As Jiayi mixed the medical paste for Xiang gui ren's wound, the phrase wouldn't leave her head. His Majesty doted on Xiang gui ren. How could Jiayi have known that her mistress' reward of silks and furs for the upcoming seasons was that first fortune?

Instead, misfortune had sunk its claws into Xiang gui ren's household and refused to let go. First, The Empress Dowager gave Jiang gui ren a promotion. Her mistress kept up a happy face anyways, claiming it was too soon for her to think of something like that. Then, Fifth Princess attacked.

Fifth Princess had left a massive gash on Xiang gui ren's face, starting over her left eye and running down her cheek. Hwang taiyi did his best to sew up the wound and cautioned them about infection. If luck wasn't on their side, Xiang gui ren could go blind.

If that were the end of it, Jiayi would've been grateful. Instead, out came the news about First Princess' "affairs." The Emperor and Empress Dowager were furious, sending an all-out search in every eunuch's quarters in the Forbidden City. His Majesty's guards left no stone unturned, and when they found First Princess' things in Su gonggong's quarters, they arrested him immediately. There was no chance he was coming out alive.

Being free of Su gonggong for good was Jiayi's goal. That was the whole point of stealing such scandalous things from First Princess' rooms and planting them in the eunuch's rooms. Jiayi didn't think so much trouble would come from it. Now there were rumors about First Princess being a whore all over the capital. Despite being The Emperor's beloved firstborn, these rumors jeopardized her chances of finding a suitable husband. The Emperor banned her from The Empress Dowager's birthday banquet because the rumors would spoil the party. The Empress Dowager promised to have a special dinner with First Princess to make up for it, but the message was clear.

First Princess, for the time being, was damaged goods.

It made Jiayi stomach turn. First Princess was such a beautiful girl, inside and out and had never said an unkind word to her. Now, Jiayi was responsible for ruining her. 


Jiayi jumped at the sound of Molan's voice.

"I think the paste is finished now," said Molan.

"Oh," Jiayi looked down at the bowl in her hands, "You're right. Bring the hot water so we can redress mistress' wound," said Jiayi.

Pie'er and Ping'er, who couldn't stand to be from Xiang gui ren's bedside, brought a small table and laid out all the tools.

Xiang gui ren was covered in a thin sheet, dozing in bed.

"Mistress," said Ping'er, "Jiejie's here to dress your wound,"

Jiayi washed and dried her hands before peeling back the rusty colored gauze that covered Xiang gui ren's face. The sight of the thick black stitches crisscrossing along her mistress' purpled and pummeled skin made Jiayi's skin prickle. She swallowed back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

Jiayi wiped the area around the stitches as softly as possible with a shaking hand before picking up the paste. The first brush against Xiang gui ren's skin made her flinch with pain. Jiayi sat up and burst into tears.

Before she knew it, Molan had joined in. Ping'er and Pie'er weren't far behind.

Xiang gui ren smiled softly, "You four have been crying day and night, night and day. If it takes as long as Hwang taiyi said it would for me to recover, you'll end up like a bunch of dried dates,"

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