Chapter 10

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Xiang gui ren was getting on Shen huang gui fei's last nerve. What little joy she could've gotten from His Majesty's favorite whore kowtowing to her was stolen by Her Highness, displaying a trove of gifts that The Emperor had nothing to do with. The look in The Empress' said it all.

Look, my newest pawn has won so successfully. Can you believe that His Majesty forgot about you already? Doesn't it sting?

It did sting, but Shen huang gui fei didn't dare give her the satisfaction. She comforted herself with the fact that Xiang gui ren only managed a small win. All of The Empress' women had a few small wins, a few good years before Shen huang gui fei got rid of them. She assumed Xiang gui ren would be the same until His Majesty said something that made her heart grow cold. 

While she dressed him one morning that he mention he would visit Xiang gui ren at the A Ge Suo after court. As sweetly as she could, Shen huang gui fei asked what Xiang gui ren was doing there. His Majesty then informed her of the disgusting news of Xiang gui ren supervising her maid as she taught her daughter and Second Princess. When Shen huang gui fei suggested that she supervise the lessons as well, The Emperor waved her away, stating that The Empress and De gui fei already had it handled.

It made Shen huang gui fei mad enough to spit.

Jiang gui ren didn't take the news any better and came crying to Zhongcuigong about the injustice of it all.

"How is she able to be in A Ge Suo and see First and Second Princess every day?," asked Jiang gui ren, "Jiejie, even The Empress is bending the rules for her now!"

"Must you harp on it?" Shen huang gui fei snapped. She turned to A'Fang, "Can't you fan faster?"

Jingse attempted to pat her mistress' sticky skin with a cool cloth but Shen huang gui fei snatched it away and did it herself. It was well into the seventh month* and the air in her palace was thick with heat, no matter how many boxes of ice were delivered. Her anger at The Empress and Xiang gui ren's favor made her run even hotter.

The palace rules stated that concubines had to request and be approved by The Empress to visit their children at the A Ge Suo. Special occasions needed no request but there were only a set amount of visiting days allowed for all, including The Empress. Not even a sick child could guarantee a visit. But somehow, because Xiang gui ren's maid had a bit of talent for painting, Xiang gui ren was able to spend more time with her daughter than she ever did. And The Empress was right behind her, claiming some nonsense about supervising the lessons.

"I can't even see my Huaguang," said Jiang gui ren, "Xu-niang said she hasn't been sleeping,"

"Don't worry so much about it. Children are like that at that age," said Shen huang gui fei.

Her words were terse and sharp, but Jiang gui ren paid no mind to it.

"I would never leave my Huaguang in that bitch's care. I've seen her maids flirt with His Majesty. Who knows what kind of nonsense that maid is teaching First Princess and Second Princess? It can't be anything good!"

Shen huang gui fei sighed and massaged her temple. Jiang gui ren had a particularly annoying voice.

"Someone like her," Jiang gui ren continued, "Probably only teaches her maid how far back on the bed to lay to get the best benefits from her master. She probably brought a bunch of nasty things from her old place of business. Disgusting!"

Shen huang gui fei paused. There was a nugget of gold in all the rubbish Jiang gui ren was spewing.

"Yes," Shen huang gui fei said with a smile, "It certainly wouldn't be anything tame. I think the horses where she's from were particularly well trained,"

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