TCG: Chapter 29

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"Are you sure you're okay, Amanah?" Miall asked as he got dressed while I stayed in bed.

"Yeah, a bit more sleep will help," I answered as I watched him. "What do you think happened to the centre?"

"I don't know, that's why I have to go and investigate the ruins. You stay here and rest, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered, folding my arms over my lap. "I won't go anywhere," I confirmed, and he smiled.

"You'll be able to rest. The children have already gone to school."

"Do you think it's safe? I mean, it's close to the examination centre," I clutched the sheets closer to my body.

"We moved the classes to the council building so it could be safer for them. Don't worry so much; you were groaning the whole night. Are you sure you don't want me to take you to Anin?" He caged me in, leaning closer to me.

Giving him my best smile, I nodded and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm okay, so go," I pointed to the door, and he stared at me for a while before caving in.

"I love you," he murmured, pressing his lips against mine.

"Hmm, I love you too," I smiled, and he kissed my forehead again before leaving.

Lying on my back, I stared at the ceiling and gently massaged my belly.

Even though it was a huge inconvenience that the examination centre collapsed, I was glad it was my day off.

Although I had nothing to do. I remember the first time I was here, I would waste my day on Nioz TV. The drama was unreal, and I was obsessed! Sometimes, I would have tea with Mom, but she was on holiday with her friends. Anin was probably at work, and Malakhi must be with Miall.

Maybe I should've gotten—no. Let's just go get food.

Getting up from the bed, I had been feeling an eerie discomfort by my waist lately, and today, it felt a bit bad. It will probably go away.

Wearing my slippers, I slowly dragged myself downstairs, careful not to slip. Maybe we should move into a small cottage once the children are all grown up so that it could just be the two of us.

That does sound nice. Smiling in victory, I hurried my steps toward the fridge and paused when I heard my name being called out.

"Yes?" I called out, but the house was empty. I wondered if I was just scared of being alone right now. "I must be crazy," I whispered as I shook my head.

Opening the fridge, a huge smile crept onto my face as I set my eyes on my dessert. Thank God he didn't throw it out!

"Run!" Looking at the bowl, confused, I looked around the kitchen, but there was no one. And why did the voice sound so muffled and far away?

"That's really weird," I muttered to myself as I placed my bowl on the counter and looked at the fridge once more, trying to find something else to eat. "You must be really hungry today, aren't you?" I smiled as I rubbed my belly.

The discomfort grew the longer I stood, deciding on just the dessert; I grabbed my bowl and sat on the nearest chair. Groaning out softly, I patted my belly, trying to get the little one to calm down.

"It's okay, you're going to eat just now," I sang as I pushed the fork into my mouth. Moaning out happily, I praised myself for adding yoghurt to this tasteful dessert.

A sharp pain hit my lower abdomen, and I shrieked as I held the area.

"Don't you like it?" I asked as I looked at my belly. "What's wrong, hmm?"

Putting down my fork, I got up and headed to the house phone to call Miall. I shouldn't have left my phone upstairs.

"—nah. No!" That muffled voice shouted again, and I looked around the room confused; as I was about to reach the phone, I felt my breath escape my body as I slipped and fell forward.

Putting out my hands before me so I could land on them so as not to hurt the baby, my action was futile. I landed on my hands and felt my belly brush against the cold wooden floor.

A splitting pain shot through my wrist, and I groaned as I held it against my chest.

"Ah!" I cried out as a sharper pain hit, and this one felt more intense than the last one.

My thighs immediately felt warm, as if I was peeing on myself. The tears just kept running down my face, and I had no idea why I was crying. Bringing my unhurt hand down to my thighs, I shakily brought it up to see what it was.

"No," I sobbed as I stared at my blood-painted fingers. "M-M-Miall!" I stuttered as I cried out, feeling more blood flow out of me. "Anyone?" I screamed as much as I could, but I swear it was no louder than a whisper.

The room was starting to look fainter and fainter; my body felt so cold, and I couldn't move it. I couldn't will myself to move closer to the phone.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered, running my fingers softly over my belly. "You're going to be okay," I hummed as I willed myself to stay awake.

However, sleep was calling me. The sound of it comforted me.

"When we wake up, you and I will be in a hospital meeting each other for the first time," I murmured as I slowly lost consciousness.

I stared at the door longingly, waiting for anyone to open the door and help me.

... no one came.

In my dream, I was happy. Nothing was wrong with me, and nothing was wrong with Miall. We played outside with our children, while I nursed our new born baby by the porch, even Orion was there in his wolf form.

Kenji would climb on his back, and Orion gently ran around the yard.

I could hear beeping sounds in the distance, and a voice I was so familiar with for five months was shouting orders.

Is he also a part of this dream? Smiling softly, I felt content as I watched my family engage in their activities. Even Maniah, who was always reading her books, played with Orion while Miall was so engrossed in whatever Kye was telling him.

In my dream, I was happy. 

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