An Auror

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I can see a brown eyed girl with long black hair which reaches her waist. I tied my hair in a ponytail and did a light make up. I wish I could wear muggle clothes like jeans and a loose top. My job as an Auror has its own advantages and disadvantages. I love being an Auror. I am lucky that the ministry of magic has decided to recruit me as an auror even after knowing that I am not from England.

I wear my shoes and make sure that I have my wand with me while casting a wandless magic to lock my door behind me. I apparated just outside the ministry of magic and waited for the elevator to come.

'Good morning, Miss Williams' said Mr. Hawthorn while entering the elevator. I could see that he was a little tense from his demeanor.

'Good morning, Mr. Hawthorn' I greeted him. 'How are you doing this morning?' I asked him out of concern.

'Today they are going to declare partners for all the magic population in England and I am tense because of it' replied Mr. Hawthorn. He indicated about the new marriage law which his department is going to enforce in a month. I don't know much about the law. I just know that the ministry of magic is going to enforce a law because of the decrease in magic population after the battle of Hogwarts.

'I think you will do fine today Mr. Hawthorn' I tried to boost his morale. He did not reveal all the details of the law outside his department yet. Whenever I asked about it from him, he would say that I will get to know when they decide to enforce it in the magical world. I got tired after a point and decided not to ask anything related to it.

'Hmm' he mumbled and the elevator dinged just in line. I waved my hand and went out of the elevator.

'Mildred!' I could hear Helena shout my name and I turned around to be engulfed in a hug. Helena is my closest and favorite colleague in my department.

'Good morning to you too Helena' I greeted and hugged her back.

Enough with the formalities. I wanted to introduce you to Miss Granger here, she has joined as an Auror here' Helena gestured her hand towards Miss Granger. I have heard about her a bit, she is a member of the golden trio and the brightest witch of her age.

'Hi, I am Hermione, Hermione Granger' she gave her hand for a handshake. I shook her hand and greeted her 'Hello, I am Mildred Williams, you can call me Mildred as we are going to work together'

She hugged me in an instant. I liked her and she gave me a good vibe that we are going to be best of friends.

'Mildred, Hermione will be introducing you about Hogwarts and the battle of Hogwarts. She will tell you about each and every detail about the battle as you have to get to know the details. you will need it to understand the work here' Helena said and went to continue her work.

'Mildred, are you new here?' Hermione asked me as I took my parchment to note down any details so that I could not forget anything.

'I have just been recruited, it's been a month now. They were giving me training about the work till now' I told her shrugging my shoulders.

'Me too! even though I am new here. Actually I was helping the other department with the reconstruction of Hogwarts and Diagon Alley,' she said and sighed, She seemed to be a bit sad about it.

I know about the battle of Hogwarts. I have heard about all the casualties and the side which won. I just want to know the details of it so that I can work efficiently if I am expected to work in that aspect.

'Helena told me that you are not from here. Will you tell me about yourself?' Hermione asked me and I started to tell her.

'I shifted from India just 3 months ago. I graduated from Mahoutokoro magical school Japan' I gave my magical background to her.

'Is it rude to ask your age? And yes! I have read about that school' Hermione asked me another question. She really is a bright witch.

'My age is 30 and I worked as a professor in Mahoutokoro school after I graduated from there' I replied. She seemed content for now.

'So, let's begin from the beginning. There was a dark lord named 'Voldemort'' she began in her teacher-like voice and I smiled at her.

She told me all about the background of the battle and she told me about Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. And how misunderstood he was etc. I have heard about his love story and his sacrifice.

After knowing about him in detail, I wanted to meet him in person. I get a feeling that he is a great personality.

She finished her story and asked me about the marriage law.

'I don't really know anything about it in detail. I just know that they are going to enforce a marriage law for the British magical people' I said and sighed. I am just happy that I am not going to be a victim of it as I don't come under their target population.

'I don't know how they can force people to get married to a person whom they don't even know!' Hermione seethed and clenched her jaw in frustration.

'Hey, you don't have to worry as I am sure they will consider Ron as a partner for you as he is your boyfriend' I stated and I could see a blush creep into her cheeks. I quirked a smile and she eased a bit after that.

'How are you so calm after coming to know about the marriage law? I am sure that the marriage law will not affect you as even you are committed to someone' Hermione posed the question while arching her eyebrows in curiosity.

'No, it will not affect me as I don't come under their target population of British descent. I am not in any committed relationship with someone' I confessed and she rejoiced that even I will not be affected by the marriage law.

I asked her questions about the four founders of Hogwarts and more about Voldemort. I also asked how the death eaters worked etc.

I want to know everything about the battle and the people who were involved in it.

I hope you enjoyed this part


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