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'Dear Mrs. Snape,
We have packed the right clothes for you. We have kept your wand in a safe place with us. Your luggage will reach you in 2 days' time. Till then enjoy your 2 days honeymoon with Mr. Snape. Hermione was against the idea of keeping your wand with us but I thought what's the adventure if you have your wand with you *wink*.

P.S.: The lingerie is your gift from Hermione and me. Enjoy ;)

Yours Lovingly,
Ginny Weasley'

It's the worst day ever! Today's exhaustion, betrayal and now this. I felt like crying uncontrollably. I threw the letter away from me feeling myself shiver because of the bone chilling cold.

Tears rolled down my eyes and I didn't know when I started crying uncontrollably. I miss my mom very much. She would have let me cry in her lap.

I remember the one time I cried keeping my head on her lap. She consoled me by running her hand through my head. I want that now.

I jolted awake shivering from the cold.I didn't know when I fell asleep.

I dreamt of Severus coming down and draping a blanket over me lovingly. A tear slipped down my cheeks remembering the dream.

I stood up from the couch and lightened up a candle from the help of stove.

I really need to lighten the fireplace or else I will die out of cold here. There were logs in the fireplace amd I lit it up with the help of the candle. I rubbed my arms and my hands infront of the fire when I heard someone behind me.

'Really enjoying yourself aren't you?' Severus asked full of loathing for me. His face contorted with fury when he saw me sitting infront of the fireplace.

I saw him with pleading eyes when he directed his wand at the fireplace.

'Severus please don't!' I cried when water shot from his wand into the fireplace and it extinguished instantly. Now I can't light it up again! The water ruined the fireplace making it wet.

I hugged myself feeling shivers all over me. The cold gripping me badly. Severus gave me an evil smile and turned his back to go to his bedroom.

'Severus please don't leave me here in this cold. I will die, please' I croaked trying to get up but slipping down because of my gown.

'You should have thought that when you spiked my drinks with love potion' his soft voice said very low and he went back to his bedroom where he will be nicely draped in his blanket. Atleast he will be safe.

I stood up and looked inside my bag to see what type of clothes they have packed.

I took out a box which had a bright red lacy lingerie. A skimpy dress which is made of see through net and a pair of bikini. Nothing else in my purse. I really would have worn this if it was thick enough to warm me in this cold night.

I wish I had my wand. The frustration hit me again and I started crying again. What will I do now? There's no floo powder too! I would have flooed back to Hogwarts and went to the room which was given to me.

I tried hard to think of a solution but nothing came to my mind without my wand.

I kept thinking and felt my eyes droop with exhaustion.

'Get the hell out of my eyes!' silky voice snapped with frustration when a rough hand pulled me from holding my wrist. I couldn't make out what was happening when I opened my eyes slowly from my sleep.

He pulled me so hard to himself that I fell down from the couch.

I wimpered in pain while pulling my hand away from his. I am awake fully now.

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