Trying to understand him.

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Some of our bonding sessions pass in silence, while in others, I bring a book to read. Today, I chose one of his dark magic books titled 'Necromancy and the Summoning of Spirits' by Morgrim Nightshade, which I borrowed from his office library. I know all hell will break loose when he finds out. Lately, due to my night shifts, Severus has been ending his headmaster duties early to ensure we have time for our bonding sessions before I start my shift.

I remember Severus getting angry with me when I shared my experience of encountering a Chupacabra during my nighttime patrol in the dark forest. However, his anger dissipated when I presented him with two vials of Chupacabra's blood. This rare potion ingredient is notoriously difficult to obtain due to the creature's elusiveness.

I acquired the Chupacabra's blood by swiftly casting a series of intricate spells, leaving the creature no opportunity to defend itself. The memory of how I unleashed my magic against the beast still sends shivers down my spine. As I reflected on the intense encounter, I tried to calm my racing heart, but it stubbornly refused to settle.

Severus was waiting for me in our bedroom when I entered, the book clutched in my hands. His attention wasn't on me yet, giving me a moment to take in the sight of him, lounging in a vest, his dark hair falling slightly over his eyes. He shifted slightly, making space for me to sit between his legs. As I settled into the space he'd made for me, the warmth of his body seeped into mine, sending a rush of heat through me.

His hand snaked through my stomach to nestle me closer to his body. The sensation of his strong legs on either side of me, the solid weight of his chest behind my back, and the feel of his breath on my neck created an intoxicating mix of security and tension. He held his right hand infront of me to hold on to it to start our bonding session. As I slipped my trembling hand into his, I could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing, each exhale brushing softly against my skin, making my heart beat faster. The closeness of our bodies was a stark contrast to the emotional distance that often lay between us.

I opened the book, the leather cover cool and smooth under my fingertips, and began to read. The silence was thick with unspoken words and the electric charge of our physical proximity. Severus's hands rested lightly on my waist, his fingers occasionally tightening as he adjusted his position, each touch sending a thrill through me.

His gaze soon flickered over the cover of the book, and I sensed a shift in the air. His voice, when he finally spoke, was laced with skepticism.

'So, you've taken an interest in necromancy now, have you?' his velvety voice grazed my left ear lobe making me squirm in his arms.

I smiled, feeling a surge of defiance. 'I thought I'd expand my horizons. After all, why should you have all the dark fun?'

Severus's fingers tightened around my waist, pulling me closer. 'Necromancy is not a casual hobby,' he said dryly. 'It's not exactly light reading material for bedtime.'

I shrugged, turning a page deliberately slowly. 'I suppose you'd prefer I stick to gardening manuals then? Or perhaps a riveting history of cauldron maintenance?'

He raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. 'You never fail to surprise me, Mrs. Snape. Though your choice of reading does make me question your judgment.'

Just as I was about to retort, he snatched the book from my hands, his expression shifting to one of anger. 'Why did you take this without my permission?'

I turned to face him fully, my back pressing against his chest. 'I was curious, Severus. You keep so many secrets locked away. I wanted to understand what fascinates you about these dark arts.'

His eyes bored into mine, a mixture of fury and something else—concern, maybe? 'Curiosity killed the cat, Mrs. Snape. You don't know what you're getting yourself into.'

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