The power of magic

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Severus's POV

'What did you tell her?' Poppy entered the room with a frown on her face and folding her hands.

'Why was she here? You know that I despise it when someone sees me like this' I said in a tone of finality and she huffed in return.

'She was here because we called her for you. You are breathing because of her' she sneered at me this time while placing the flask with a clink on the metal table beside my bed. Are my ears ringing? How could she save me?

'What do you mean?' I narrowed my eyes at Poppy and demanded the answer.

'When you disapparated back to Hogwarts, you were in a bad state. You were badly hurt and no potions and cures were working on you. We... listen to me Severus! We had to call Mrs. Snape because only she could save you as you both were bonded by a rare magic when you two got married' Poppy became angry when I started shaking my head in denial.

'And she accepted to save me in a moment?' I cackled in disbelief. I don't trust that woman.

'Yes, she did. She came the moment she heard that you were in danger' Poppy said slowly in a mutter and I looked at her in surprise.

'And when was that?' I asked, curiosity hitting me from inside.

'Last night. She was very frantic and sad because you were hurt. She was scared for your life. I think you should give her a chance' Poppy said and my head snapped towards her in such a sudden moment. How could she ask me of this?

'No one can take Lily's place, not even my so called wife' I sneered and gripped the blanket in my hands. No one can take her place. Is it that easy to forget someone who gave you so much to remember? She is the only person who was my friend and I love her above anything in my life.

'I can understand it but you should have seen the way she was worried for you yesterday. It was like she lost something very precious to her' Poppy said while her eyes traveled somewhere in distance. Is it now? The woman who spikes my drink with love potion and who never respects me is suddenly worried for me? Not possible.

'Is it now? Has she tripped somewhere and hit her head badly?' I quipped and rose my eyebrows at her mockingly.

'I know that you're blinded by the love for Lily but I hope that you see the way Mrs. Snape looks at you, I also pray that it doesn't take too much time to realise it. Severus, accept and value when a person wants to give you love and care.' Poppy said, patting my shoulder lightly and exiting the door.

Why is everyone so keen on making me care for her?

I still remember the letter from the Ministry of magic regarding the marriage law and for the choice of a partner.

Name of the witch: Mildred Williams
Age: 30 years
Birthdate: 24th April, 1968
Height: 5.05
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Occupation: Auror at the ministry of magic
Attributes: Courageous, Intelligent, Empath, Cheerful, and Loyal 
Academic achievements: Award for the best professor in Mahoutokoro.

The second witch who was chosen for me had a pure blood status. I immediately chose the second witch because even she is from Slytherin.

It was the day when Ms. Williams wrote a letter to me asking to meet me in three broomsticks. The second witch whom I chose to marry came to meet me without an invitation or a prior notice. She strutted into my office with an air of arrogance and attitude while trying to seduce me into marrying her. I would never tolerate a woman like her!

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