Christmas Preparations.

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Carrying all the presents in my hands I was heading towards the castle. Choosing not to floo from Hog's head inn I walked from the Hogsmeade to the castle.

The snow clad fields and forbidden forest looks dreamy. I rushed to the castle not able to bear the cold. The school seem to be silent with no hustle and bustle of students at this time of the day.

I entered the great hall just to be awestruck by the beautiful scenery in front of me.

There are seven huge Christmas trees as tall as a giant decorated with beautiful stars and lights. The fairies which were flying around the Christmas trees giving it an enchanted look. The Christmas trees had small fairy homes where the fairies were coming in and out of it.

There's something missing in all the seven trees. I took out my wand and conjured seven huge stars which were twinkling and placed each on top of the trees.

Now it looks perfect. It just reminds me that I should have my own small Christmas tree at Severus's and my  bedroom. This will be something special for me.

Heading towards the headmaster's office I stepped onto the stone gargoyle and muttered the password. It sprang into life and led me to the office.

I should tell Severus about the Christmas tree and how beautiful it is!

'Severus, the Christmas trees look...' I said opening the door and coming face to face with my husband and someone sitting with Severus while showing his back to the door. 'beautiful' I breathed slowly completing my sentence and getting a glare in return from Severus.

The said man now turned his head back to see me.

'Mr. Hawthorn, this is Mrs. Snape and Mrs. Snape, this is the new Professor Mr. Hawthorn for Arithmancy class' Severus's soft voice was so stern like he didn't want to introduce me to him but he's forced to just because I came at the wrong time.

Mr. Hawthorn has a handsome face with sharp jawline and jet black hair nicely groomed. His lips broke into a smile which formed a dimple on his left cheek.

He took a step towards me and offered his hand for a hand shake.

'Nice to meet you Mrs. Snape' he said while bending a bit and kissing the back of my hand.

'Same here' I hesitated and withdrew my hand from his. My eyes srang to Severus and his eyes narrowed from me to Mr. Hawthorn.

'So, it's settled then. Will meet you tomorrow morning at the breakfast table' Severus said to Mr. Hawthorn in a tone of finality.

'Goodnight Professor Snape and Mrs. Snape' he said giving me a smile and leaving the office.

'You came so early. Why didn't you stay there for some more time?' Severus quipped at me while swishing his wand at the table behind him while his eyes unwavering from mine.

His table cleared all the documents and filing themselves under the drawers.

'I told you that I will be late' I shrugged my shoulders and looked for my luggages.

'I have moved the luggage to my personal quarters' Severus said leading me to a wall adjoining the headmaster's office behind the wall filled with books.

'Lily' he muttered and the wall sprang into life while opening up to a room triple the size of a master bedroom. A king sized four poster bed standing in the middle of the room while a couch with some other furnitures decorated the room.

My eyes swept across the room to realise that the room was decorated in Slytherin green and black colour. Green coloured bed covers with black bedsheets spread on the bed while green and black coloured net fabric was hung from the posters of the bed.

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