A task

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I woke up early for work and I did not want to be late as I am going to discuss with Mr. Talbott about the marriage law thing. I will try to convince him to take out my name from the marriage law.

I quickly got ready. I chose to wear a black pant and a white shirt and for the cold I wore a cloak on top. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and was satisfied with myself. 

I apparated directly to the ministry of magic. There were colleagues who greeted me on the hallways but I directly went to see Mr. Talbott in the marriage law department.

'Good morning, Is Mr. Talbott available now?' I asked a brown haired lady who was looking into some papers.

'Good morning, please wait I will have to check' she said while keeping the parchment on the desk. She immediately knocked on the cabin and entered it. After some time she came out of the cabin.

'May I know your name miss?' She asked while checking me out from up to down. 

 'My name is Mildred Williams and I am an auror here' I gave her my name. She once again went inside and came out after some time.

'Mr. Talbott told you to wait for some time. He is busy with some work' she said and continued to look into that previous parchment. 

That's when I observed the surroundings of the office. There was a notice board on the left wall and on it there was a picture of Mr. Talbott talking infront of a press. He was addressing a press in the newspaper. The headline was zooming infront of Mr. Talbott's face. 

The headline went like this "Marriage law to be enforced earlier than expected" I rolled my eyes after reading the contents of the newspaper clipping. Mr. Talbott is a tall man with dark black eyes, he has a sharp jawline with some stubble grazing his facial features. He also wears glasses which gives him a stern and serious look. 

There were three to four tables which had numerous parchments lining to be addressed. Witches and wizards were bustling in and out of the office.

I looked at the watch on my wrist. It showed past 10.00am and I was to be sharp at 10.00am in my department. I sighed and took long strides to the earlier witch with whom I had a talk.

'Will you ask once again? Actually I am getting late' I rushed and looked from the cabin to the witch.

'Yes, please give me a moment' she went inside and came out in sometime with more parchments in her hands.

'Mr. Talbott wants to meet you. He is waiting inside' she said keeping all the parchments which looked like letters. I ignored them and entered the cabin.

I could see Mr. Talbott focusing on some parchments on his hands. His table was cluttered with a magical pen which was writing on its own. I could hear the parchment screeching because of it. 

Mr. Talbott looked up from his parchment and took out his glasses. 'How can I help you Ms.?' Mr. Talbott asked. He looked exhausted. I think he is tired of answering each and everyone's queries. He deserves this I think.

'Ms.?' Mr. Talbott once again said and took me out of my reverie.

'Good morning Mr. Talbott, I am Mildred Williams and I work in the department of Aurors' I introduced myself while trying to take a look at the parchment on his hand. 

'Good morning Ms. Williams, please take a seat' he indicated a chair infront of him and I took it.

'I want to talk to you about marriage law' I straightly went to the topic. It's nagging me badly and I want my mental peace back.

'I see. Please wait' he said, while a parchment from a huge pile came flying to him from his back. I looked at it in awe. I kept quiet and wanted him to proceed.

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