A Manifesto.

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It's been a day since I've seen him. I felt cruel after he left me alone in the dining room. I couldn't complain to him so I decided to withdraw from him but I dread our bonding session which is unavoidable. 

I went to my department of aurors in the ministry of magic. As I entered the cabin, Helena was sitting there and scribbling something on the parchment from her quill. She looked up from her parchment and her face erupted in a big smile to welcome me. 

'Hey Mildred' she said and continued with her scribbling on the parchment with a frown on her face. She is a red head with a round face and big eyes which was now squiting at the parchment.
What is she so engrossed on?

'What are you doing Helena?' I asked out of curiosity and she looked up from her parchment once again.

'Oh, This? this is the list of names for the night shift which is starting from next week, I am just editing some of the names' she said and scratched one of the name from the list. This is the best opportunity for me to stay away from Severus!

'Please add my name too!' I exclaimed and it was so sudden that she had to look up from the list at me. My heart was drumming against my ribs because if she declines then it will be my doom.

'But why? You're a newly wed Mildred and you should be spending time with your husband' her eyebrows scrunched together in suspicion. 

'Actually, I wanted to experience the night shift and it will be a great learning experience for me Helen. Please?' I literally begged her while occupying the chair next to her. I could see some names in the list which she was working on.  I can see names of Finley Frost, Soren Whitewood, Percival Sterling, Calista Moonstone, Lillian Emberheart etc. There were more male colleagues than the female ones. I knew only two from them, Finley and Percival. 

'Please, please please' I held her hand and squeezed it while I made a puppy face. 

'Okay! I am only agreeing because we have shortage of female staffs for the night shift' she said and wrote my name down. Yes!

'Thank you so much Helen!' I scooped her in a hug 'Where is Hermione?' I asked while withdrawing from her. 

'She was assigned for the three teenage girls case who went missing in the Irving road and that case should be coming to an end tomorrow as the culprits have been caught' Helena said in a monotone voice. 

'Oh and who are the culprits?' I enquired while taking out another file which was for the night shift staff's mission.

'The culprits were from the previous death eaters and the girls were muggles' she said in a dreadful voice and my stomach did a flip flop.  This doesn't add up.

'But all the death eaters are locked up in the Azkaban' I tried to reason with her but she shook her head.

'There was a mass escape from the Azkaban. The person managing the Azkaban was the one who helped these prisoners escape from it. Later on it was revealed that he was cursed with Imperius curse. Seriously Mildred? You don't read the daily prophet?' Helen rolled her eyes at me. How stupid of me! I didn't read a line from the daily prophet since a week.

'I am going through a lot lately' I said and tried to ignore making an eye contact by starting to read the file. The title 'Safety at Hogwarts' gave me goosebumps all over my skin. Is it that bad? Severus must be knowing about this but he chose not to disclose it to me.

'I can completely understand' her voice was playful and she winked at me by squeezing my hand. I mentally facepalmed myself. Let her be in delusion.

'Why do we need to stand guard at Hogwarts?' I asked her with a frown on my face while keeping down the file on the table.

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