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"Jimin!" Jimin's father screamed out too loud that even I heard that from a yard away. My eyes immediately landing on the limousine, watching Jimin getting out from it. He had blood over him too, some wounds on his beautiful face. But after studying MBBS all my life, I could tell they weren't injured too badly. Just simple scratches and cuts here and there.

By the state they're in, it seems like most of the blood on them weren't even theirs. "Gosh. How many people did you guys kill?" I whispered to myself. But just when I did, I notice Jimin's eyes looking exactly at my direction, at this freaking tree. I let out a small squeal in suprise, quickly covering my mouth so I wouldn't be heard, lowering down my binoculars. Was that a coincidence? It's not like he actually heard me, right? That's impossible. It's probably nothing.

I try to calm my rapid beating heart. If he knew I was here, he would've definitely acted out on it immediately. But he went back to talking to his father and seeming pretty normal, as normal as someone who just killed a dozens of people would be. I stare through the binoculars again, watching them talking and taking the suitcases out of the car. Once the car was empty, everything was carried inside the mansion. And with that, everyone disappears in it too, including Jimin.

Resting back against the tree, I was breathing a bit faster. My heart still hasn't calmed down. It feels like as if it wasn't a coincidence. As if Jimin actually knows about my presence, as if he knows I was stalking him. His eyes, those beautiful eyes that were glowing perfectly in the moonlight. Even if he looked for a second, it felt like he looked straight through my soul.

"Get a grip, Y/N. Stop thinking nonsense." I pat my chest, trying to calm myself down.

As I was about to get off the tree, I realised I couldn't feel my bottom. It was completely numb and in pain from sitting in such a difficult position and on such a harsh surface for so long. I didn't even notice the state I got in just because I was too focused on the state Jimin was in.

"Curse you, Park Jimin." I mumble, trying to move my legs which were on either side of the branch. But I couldn't get them to move. I had no choice but to climb down with my hands only. Holding the branch besides me as tight as I can, I push my upper body towards it, causing myself to hang from the branch I was holding. My legs dangling down as I try to move them again, holding myself up with just my hands was too difficult. On top of that, my hands started to hurt from the rough surface.

"Fuck." I curse out, knowing I wouldn't be able to hold on for too long. I yelp in pain, feeling my hands get cut, making some of the blood come out. I couldn't hold on anymore, eventually falling down to the ground with a scream. I was pretty high up on the tree so hitting the ground from that hight hurt like a bitch. I looked down, seeing multiple cuts and bruises on my legs and arms, drops of blood falling down from some of them, a few painful groans coming from my mouth. My whole body was aching, but I was relieved at least none of my bones got broken.

"Who's there?!"

I gasped in shock when I hear a deep, muscular voice of a man coming from over the mansion. I could hear footsteps, the guy was approaching my way. The scream I let out probably caught his attention. I messed up big this time. I don't even want to think what would happen to me if I get caught.

Luck wasn't on my side as my legs still were unable to move. I laid on my stomach, dragging myself away with my arms to hide behind some bushes. I looked back, his flashlight could be seen moving around. Fuck, he's going to catch me.

"I said, who is there?" He yells again, making me hurriedly drag myself on the ground again. I hid behind some of the bushes, laying silently behind them as I cover my mouth with both hands so I wouldn't end up screaming.

The guy came into my sight. He was looking around, moving his flashlight all over. I knew if I just breathed a bit louder, he would definitely notice me. Hang in there, Y/N.

I was staring at him through the brushes, hoping he'd turn back soon and I'd be able to escape. But he wasn't budging, as if he was determined to find something, anything. He did hear my scream, I'm sure. He's wearing a bulletproof vest and a few guns stuck to his legs. He was one of the guard.

He started walking forward, my eyes going wide from shock. I'm done for. This time, I'm seriously done for. He's going to shoot me as soon as he sees me. Please, go away. Please just go away.

"Yes, sir?" The guy suddenly speaks through the earpiece he has in his ear.

"No, sir. I heard–" His sentence was cut before he could finish. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." I then see him turning around and going back to the way he came from.

What the hell just happened? Did someone save me on purpose or was this a coincidence? Definitely a coincidence. He was probably called for something he was assigned for that he didn't do. Talk about a perfect timing.

"Phew. That was close." I take a few seconds to calm myself down. I lay on my back, looking up at the starry night. It looked so beautiful. But it's definitely very late. I should get back home before someone notices my absence.

My legs felt weak, but I was able to move them now. Putting the backpack in the car that I had over my shoulder the entire time, I drive back home. Even though I had a near death experience, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Jimin was alright. Nothing bad happened to him. I can sleep peacefully now.

After showering and getting rid of my ruined pajamas, I was comfortably laid on my bed, hugging a pillow as thoughts of a certain mafia leader ran freely through my mind. It was 4am. Two more hours and I'd get to see him again.

"See you in the morning, Jimin."

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