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"Y/N, baby. Wake up please." Jimin's voice rings around in my ears and I eventually open my eyes. When I see his face in front of me, that's when my mind started to function. He's back? Did I sleep for two days? My eyes start to tear up again, looking right into Jimin's eyes. I feared if I even blinked, he'll be gone again. "Shh, baby. Don't cry, I'm here now." His soft voice was making me cry more. Oh how I've missed him. He picks me up from the couch I fell asleep on, my arms and legs wrapped around him as he walked out of the home theater.

I don't care what time it was or when he returned. All that matters is that he's here, with me. I hid in his neck, letting my tears fall on his shirt quietly. The way I was clinging to him, it was obvious I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. And he doesn't either. I feel him sitting down with me on his lap. "Baby.. you need to eat something." He whispers and I just shake my head. I just need him. "I know you didn't eat the entire day. Neither did I. Let's eat together, hm?" He didn't eat? Not acceptable. I lift my head up to meet his eyes. "You're so mean." I whine and he just smiles, kissing my cheek.

After eating, Jimin and I were cuddling in his bedroom. It was still night by the darkness I saw from the window. Hiding in his chest, my grip on his shirt was tight. "I'm sorry for leaving like that, princess. I'd never do it again." I hum in response to his words. I didn't have to use words to let him know I believe him. He already knows the trust I have on him is immense. "I love you, baby." My heart starts to flutter. He never fails to make me go crazy. "I love you too, baby." The first time I ever called him baby. I knew he liked it as he leaves multiple kisses on my forehead.


When I woke the next morning, the sight was enough to make all my sadness and worries from yesterday to wash away. Jimin was sleeping right beside me, his arms around me as he cutely snored. This was perfect. This was exactly what I always want to wake up to. Him right next to me. I close my eyes and snuggle into his chest again, taking in his scent. I never thought I'd ever fall this deeply in love with someone. But look at me now. I fell madly in love with none other than the greatest mafia leader. And somehow, I have no regrets.

He was still sleeping so I gently start to place soft kisses over his chest. I've missed him so much, the kisses were an irresistible urge that I couldn't control. "Good morning to you too, princess." He's awake? My cheeks got red, not daring to lift my head from his chest. "Don't stop. By all means, keep going." He was teasing me, causing me to whine. "You don't deserve my kisses after leaving me like that yesterday." I hmph at him, crossing my arms while we stayed laying down. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you." He kisses my forehead and I'd already forgotten about what I just said.


I haven't gone to work for almost a week now. It was pointless having a job if you're not going to show. I asked Jimin and he said I could go over and tell the boss I'm quitting. That is if he hasn't fired me yet. At first, Jimin was going to come with me to the hospital because he didn't want me going out alone. But his dad called the last time and he had to go to a meeting his dad set for him. So, you guessed it. I was going there with Jungkook. "I think you really like spending time with me." Jungkook says, making me look at him.

I was sitting at the passenger seat as he drove me to the hospital. "What do you mean?" I asked, obviously confused. "You always have to go somewhere when Jimin is busy just so we both could hang." I know he was joking by the smile on his face. I laughed, hitting his arm gently. "Keep dreaming, lil bun." I teased him with the nickname he hates and that was all it took for him to stop messing with me.

When we reached the hospital, Jungkook followed behind me, having strict instructions from Jimin to not let me out of his sight. It only took me a couple of minutes to get the payment of the days I worked and give my resignation letter. When me and Jungkook stepped out of the hospital, I heard a loud bang. Gun shot. I froze at my spot, my mind stopped working. Jungkook pulled me to the floor, covering me with his body as he shots a few fires too. I covered my ears and uncontrollably started to cry. My eyes were shut tight so I had no idea what was happening around me.

After a few long minutes, the firing stopped, Jungkook had to drag me in the car before quickly driving off. I was still crying, too scared to speak. "Hey, Y/N. Calm down please." He was in the opposite state of mine. He was relaxed as if he wasn't in a gun fight a few minutes ago. "What was that?" I mumbled between my cries. "A warning. They weren't planning on hurting us. At least not this time." I wiped my tears, trying to gather myself. This was my decision, I wanted to be in this world so I need to deal with these things without crying my eyes out.

Arriving back at the mansion, Jungkook had called Yoongi and Jimin and they were coming back home. Right now it was just me, Jungkook and the guards in the living room. "Y/N, are you sure you want to be a part of this world? You can't handle a single hour of this life." Jungkook says, obviously worried about me. "I'm new to this dangerous, fucked up world, Jungkook. It scares me, yes. But that doesn't mean it'll make me leave my Jimin." He shows me a small smile, patting my back. "You're braver than you think. And stupid." I chuckle at his words.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jimin's voice caught my attention as he came running into the living room. Jungkook moves away and he sits besides me, pulling me on his lap. I immediately cling to him, hiding in his chest. "I'm so sorry." He whispers and I shake my head, meeting his eyes with a fond smile.

"We're in this together now."

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