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"Oh my God!"

The woman hovering over me gasped out. I don't know who she is, her voice isn't familiar. I can't open my eyes to see her face, but even if I could, I know I wouldn't recognize her. But why is she here? One of Raven's gang member? I didn't know they hired women too. Or maybe she's just lost and ended up in this shit hole. By the way she's shocked, she definitely isn't supposed to be here.

"I knew Raven was hiding something down here!" She speaks again, leaning down closer to me. I wasn't even moving, the only thing showing that I'm still alive is my faint breathing. "Oh dear. Are you okay?" Her voice is filled with concern. Finally. Someone with a fucking heart, and I'm not surprised that it is a woman showing empathy. She's a girl's girl, I can tell.

She covers me with something soft, maybe her coat? I was completely naked after all, my body ice cold. "I can get you out of here. But you need to be really quiet." She ways and all I could do in response was let out a small sound. She tries pulling me up to stand but my legs weren't working, nothing was. I probably had a few broken bones too. "Fuck." She curses, realising just how much of a bad condition I'm in. She's going to have to drag me out by herself.

She doesn't back down, having my arm around her neck, she forced my body up, holding me with other arm. My body was hurting too much, everything was aching from being moved. Winces and whimpers of pain came out of me but I couldn't be more thankful to her. She's actually helping me. I don't care if it hurts, I need to get out of here. She dragged me out of the cell, shushing me down softly from time to time. I can tell she's really scared, so was I. Being caught in this situation would mean death for both of us.

"Just a little bit more. Come on." She keeps dragging me along. I have no idea where she's taking me. I tried opening my eyes numerous of times but they just wouldn't cooperate. Fresh air started to surround us, the sounds of nature everywhere. I thought I'd never escape that hell and have some fresh air anymore. Yet here we are. Oh, how I've missed this smell.

She dragged me along for a while longer before she lays me down somewhere. I can feel grass underneath me. Where did she take me? "Here. Drink this." My eyes remained closed as she picked up my head a bit and the tip of a bottle touches my lips. She was careful while helping me drink. Water. I started to gulp down as much as my weak body would let me. I've gotten seriously dehydrated, a single drop of water was like heaven to my poor body.

She kept helping me drink until my body couldn't anymore. My tongue gave out on me too. Moving the bottle away, she lays me down again. "I'll be right back, okay? I need to go back so they don't suspect me of anything." I whine slightly at her words. She can't just leave me in the middle of I have no fucking idea where. "Don't worry. Just stay quiet, I promise I'll be back." Even though I don't know her, I trusted those words more than anything right now. She was brave enough to get me out of that hell right under Raven's nose. I'm sure she'll come back here too.

She runs off after that, I could hear her footsteps fading slowly. After a couple of seconds, the water she had given me gave my weak body a tiny bit of energy. Enough to open my eyes at least. I looked around to take in my surroundings. She hid me underneath a hill. The entrance of it was covered with vines and plants so I can't be spotted easily. Smart woman. By the looks of it, I think I'm in the middle of a forest. Because all I see from here are tall ass trees everywhere.


I laid in that little cave for almost an hour or so before the woman returned. She was genuinely happy to see my open eyes. I could sense the relief she's feeling just by helping a poor, helpless soul like me. She dragged me out and took me towards her car. Laid me in the backseat and drove off. I've finally escaped that hell hole. But I still need immediate health care. My life is barely hanging on.

Unfortunately, the woman couldn't take me to a hospital. According to her, Raven's men would start checking around as soon as they realise I've escaped. There's a high chance they'll look through every hospital too, since the condition I'm in, which will risk me getting caught again. But she did promise to help me. It took us a couple of hours to reach the location, meaning it's far away from the location Raven kept me in. What a relief. The further, the better.

She took me to a small cottage, being in the forest still. "Going in the city will be dangerous. They can easily track us through security cameras. We'll be safer here." The woman says. She laid me down on the couch. After spending days on the concrete, hard floor, this couch felt like the best thing in my life right now. "I'll help you as much as I can, dear." A middle age woman spoke. The owner of the cottage, I suppose. I think she's friends with the woman that saved me.

"I'm Jennifer." The woman that saved me spoke. "And she's Abigail, a family friend, who also seems to be great at herbs and remedies. She can help you." Jennifer shows me a small reassuring smile. I trust them. Herbs won't be enough to heal everything, but it's something. I can't go to a hospital so I have to make do with what I have.


It's been two days since I've been in this cottage. My state is better than before. Abigail has been helping me as much as she can. She helped me clean up and change into nice, clean clothes. She made most of my physical cuts and bruises better, but as I already expected, this wasn't enough. I had a broken rib, dangerous lack of blood, everything in my body was on really low levels.

My body was still aching even after two of these herbs. I needed painkillers, surgery to fix my ribs, blood bags to get my body to work properly again. The necessary things these remedies can't fix. I haven't even able to eat anything proper because my body is way too weak to even chew. The nutrients and minerals has to be sent in my body through IV at this point. Intake of food through my mouth is painful.

All I needed was to heal up at least to the point where I can speak, get some voice out of me. Now, after two days, I could bring myself to whisper. Jennifer has been living in this cottage with us, waiting for me to be able to speak too. Abigail and Jennifer were in the living room with me. I'm still laying on the couch where I have been for the past two days. They were trying to understand what I'm trying to say. I've been mouthing "Jimin" to them for the past two minutes but they just can't seem to understand.

The frustration of it was making tears come in my eyes. I really need Jimin. He can take me to the hospital too. Please just understand me already. I can't bare this pain anymore. I need him, I need him to be my angel once more and get me out of this pain once and for all. Seeing the tears in my eyes, Jennifer gently caresses my hair, calming me down. But obviously it doesn't work. Not until he's here. I keep mumbling his name, my eyes slowly shutting down from exhaustion.

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