The First Meet.

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I couldn't sleep the two hours left for me to see him again. As soon my alarm hit 6, I jumped off the bed, showered and changed into a loose brown sweater with a pair of blue ripped jeans. I mostly wore jeans. Skirts and dresses weren't my thing. I was the most comfortable in jeans.

Coming downstairs, I see mom and dad at the kitchen, ready to go to work. "Good morning." I say with a smile and they reply with small smiles.

"Y/N, we need to talk." My mom says, causing my breath to be yanked out my throat. I got caught, didn't I? They know I've been skipping lessons. Namjoon probably told them. I'm so grounded.

"Yeah?" I say, trying my best to sound calm.

"Me and your father have some business work to go to." Mom says, pointing towards the chair besides her for me to sit. I sit down, looking at them confused.

They both work together in a textile industry. That's where they first met too, according to the stories my mother have told me. But I still don't understand what they wanted to talk about? They go to work everyday.

"It's in Daegu. For three months." My dad adds, making my eyes wide in suprise. They'd be gone for three months? Leaving me behind alone?

"Three months?" I repeat, getting nods from my parents. "They're opening a new factory there. And they assigned us some of the work. We couldn't pass it because it's a good opportunity for us to grow stronger in the industry." I just nod at my mom's words.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll call you everyday, hm?" I just hum in response. Honestly, I don't really care how long they have to stay there. I'm fucking 22 years old. I can manage on my own. But my parents still treat me like I'm a little girl. The reason why I still have to live with them even when I begged them to let me move out.

After giving them a goodbye hug, I leave with my backpack. They'd be gone before I return back home. That means I could stay out the entire day freely. A smile comes onto my face with that thought. I'd be able to stalk him the entire day today.

I arrive at my favourite spot, standing by the tree I usually climb on. I was thinking if climbing up a tree again would be a good idea or not. I don't want my legs to feel like jelly again in time of need. But I was wasting time standing down here. I have to see him before he leaves.

That's when my eyes landed on the tree that was close to the mansion, right next to the wall. If I climbed up that tree, I might be able to hear a few things as well. Hearing Jimin's voice for the first time made me get all giddy. I want to hear his voice, I want to see if his voice would leave me just as mesmerised as his looks does.

The curiosity of it got to me, climbing up to the nearest tree of the mansion. It had more leaves than the other tree, making it easier for me to hide. Some of the branches extended over the mansion wall, giving its shade inside as well. I sit on the branch, with legs on the same side. I don't want to repeat the same mistake again. I had my binoculars pinned to my eyes, looking everywhere to spot the handsome devil.

My lips slightly part open when I see the sight. Jimin in his backyard. Shirtless. I repeat, he's shirtless. Have mercy on me, please. My heart was beating so fast. He looked so stunning and jaw dropping gorgeous with his abs on full view. He had a few tattoos on his perfect skin, making him even sexier. He was with his German Shepherds, playing with them. I could hear faint barks and I'm pretty sure I heard Jimin's beautiful chuckle too. What a sight. I must be in Heaven.

"Camera." I instantly remind myself, digging through my backpack. I have to take pictures of this. I just have to. He's shirtless and playing with his pets. And he's fucking smiling. I'd be damned if I don't take a picture of this. By the time I finally got my camera ready, he was gone. I couldn't see him anymore. He was probably behind the wall because I could still hear the faint barking.

"No, no, no. Please come back." I mumble to myself, hoping the shirtless handsomeness would appear again and I'd be able to capture the moment. But he doesn't. Desperately, I scoot forward on the branch, seeing where he was. "Come on, where are you?" I whisper, moving around to get a glance of him again.

I got too carried away on trying to spot him that I didn't notice I was by the edge of the branch by now. How did I notice that? By the creaking sound coming from the branch. It was breaking, with me on top of it. And guess what? I was right above the mansion's hallway that connects the two yards together.

"Don't break, don't break." I tried moving back but it was too late. The sound of wood breaking was heard all over along with my scream as I land on my back. Right inside the mansion. My back hurts, but I landed on grass so I didn't get too hurt. Groaning, I sit up, holding my back.

My eyes were wide open, looking around my surroundings. I was inside the mansion. I repeat, I'm inside the fucking mansion. Everyone probably heard the branch breaking and my scream. I have to hide, now. I force myself on my feet. I know where the main gate of the mansion is, but there was some distance I'd have to cover. Maybe if I run fast enough, I'll be able to escape? Don't be dumb, Y/N. There are plenty of guards by the gate.

I was glued onto the floor, no idea of what to do or where to go. It was like I was just waiting to be caught and shot dead. But I don't want that, I'm too young to die. But what should I do? How do I get out of here without getting caught?

I hear the barks of the dogs coming back, louder than before. They were coming from behind me. Jimin's German Shepherds. They were probably coming to attack the intruder, meaning me. So this is how I die? By dogs?

"Sit, boys." Hearing the beautiful, commanding voice sent goosebumps all over my body. It was coming from behind me. The backyard, where Jimin was. My heart was going crazy in my chest. I was in his mansion, he was right behind me, watching me. Fuck, I can't even move.

"Turn around."

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