Words Of Pain.

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He didn't say anything, working on his papers. I didn't say anything either, not wanting to disturb him. Maybe my presence was enough? I look around the room, observing my surroundings. It was a fairly big meeting room, a large tv on one side, shelves with lots of files on them. I wonder what these files have.

"We're here!" A cheerful man walks in, breaking the silence, two women following behind him. He must be Jin. By the outfit he's wearing and the hat on his head, he's definitely the chef here. Women just seem to be waitressing. "Ah. So this is she." Jin speaks, smiling at me widely. I couldn't help but smile back. "How pretty." His compliment made me blush.

I glanced back at Jimin who didn't even seem to look up from the papers. What is he even working on? "Don't mind him, he's always like that." Jin says, getting my attention. "Always?" I ask, making him laugh. "Tell me, what's your name, pretty?" Jin asks. He seems so cheerful and positive, I like it. "I'm fine with being called pretty." I reply back, meeting his playfulness. He laughs again. "I like you. Now I get why Jimin wants to have dinner with you."

My gulped, my heart going crazy in my chest. Why am I getting so shy? I didn't dare to look back at Jimin even when I heard some papers moving. "But tsk, your beautiful outfit is ruined. Did you fall, pretty?" Jin asks and I just nod, not really knowing what else to say. "Gosh. Can't believe Jimin lets you sit like that. Come on, lets get you all cleaned up." Jin offers me his arm and I gladly take it, about to leave the room.

"She's not going anywhere." As soon as Jimin spoke, everyone froze at their steps. Jin turns around, making me turn around as well. My eyes met with Jimin's, he was staring into my soul. "Sit." He signals towards the chair I was sitting on before with his eyes. I wasn't brave enough to disobey so I slowly released Jin's arm. "It's okay, pretty. Maybe next time." Jin whispers before leaving with his waitresses. I was still standing by the door, my body unable to move. Did I do something wrong?

Jimin gets up and starts walking towards me. He seemed too intimating, causing me to step back. I couldn't step back anymore when my back touched the wall. At the very next second, Jimin's hands were on the wall besides me, locking me in. He kept moving closer, my breath getting stuck in my throat. I can't breathe, this is too close.

"What do you want from me, Y/N?" His voice was low, dominating and intimidating. It sent shivers down my spine. "Money? Fame? What the hell do you want, huh?" His words hurt me. He thinks so low about me. I was here, longing to see him everyday of my life. But he thinks so badly about me. "No, I don't need any of those." I was trying so hard to fight the tears that were threatening to roll down my eyes.

"So you want to fuck around then? Is that it? Lets just get this over with so you can leave me the fuck alone." His words broke me. He was the one who saved me that night, I looked at him and believed he was my angel, my protector. And he thinks this about me? I was hurt, really badly. More than I expected. I push his chest to make him step back from me. My tears now rolling down freely.

"You're so cruel." That's all I managed to say before turning around to leave the room. I can't be here anymore, not after being degraded and disrespected like this. But he doesn't let me leave, he grabs my arm and gets me pinned against the wall again. His body pressed against mine, looking deep into my eyes. "What do you want me to believe then, Y/N? That you actually like me?" His words kept stinging.

"Why can't you believe that?" I whisper, not even trying to hold my tears back anymore. "Because I'm the most dangerous man alive. Do you have any idea how many lives I have took?" His words didn't faze me. I knew it all already. "But you did save me that day." I mumble in response. "Do you know how many people I've hurt?" His voice was becoming a whisper too. "But you made me feel safe." My eyes were closed now. I wanted to move, I wanted to leave. But his body against mine was preventing it, I was intoxicated with his scent.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?" His voice so deep, going in the depths of my broken heart. My eyes shot open when I felt his head going towards my neck. My head automatically tilting up, letting him get closer. I know he's the worst person anyone could think of. But my stupid heart fell for him. I fell for all his flaws and all his qualities. I fell for him whole, I accept him exactly how he is, even though I might now know him that well yet.

I gasp out when his hot breath touches my neck, my whole body was electrified. His nose brushed against the side of my neck, my breathing already fast. I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We were pinned together, not an inch of space between us. My arms unconsciously went around his neck. I didn't know how much I needed to hug him until now. He feels so warm right now, I instantly melted into his arms, forgetting about his hurtful words.

I can't believe this was happening. We were hugging each other so closely. His face in my neck, arms around my waist while mine were around his neck. The world disappeared for me. That's when I realized how meaningless the surroundings were for me. The only one that mattered was Jimin.

When the hug broke and our eyes met, I swear I saw vulnerability in his eyes for just a mere second before his intimidating eyes take over. He held my wrist, taking me over to the table where the dinner was. Sitting me down, he sits down just besides me. There was no space between us. "Eat." He says and I instantly do. I was starving afterall. Jin was such a good cook, everything was so delicious.

When I glanced over at Jimin, I could tell he hadn't eaten anything the whole day either. But he's eating with me, knowing I probably didn't eat as well. Even though his words hurt me before, but this was nice. It felt comfortable and safe. I just hope the pain his words left wouldn't stick around for too long.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered but didn't get any response. He just started staring at me. "Did we.. do something-" I cough, too embarrassed to ask the question. But I couldn't help it, I need to know what happened that that night or if I did something dumb again.

"Are you trying to ask if we had sex the last time you spent the night here?"

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