Forbidden Confession.

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Now that I've seen the things the mafia does, I know a lot clearer what I'm getting myself into. Jimin showed me the tunnel from the storage room. Currently, he had his men checking it thoroughly before Jimin closes it. He plans on getting strong tiles planted everywhere around the mansion where grass used to be. The backyard and front lawn would be completely changed. The storage room was in the backyard, which will be removed now.

Ever since what happened, Jimin doesn't let me out of his sight. He knows the Stones and other gangs would find one way or another to get to me just so they could weaken Jimin. The second I'm not in front of his eyes, he begins worrying too much. I've been scolded by him two times now. Firstly, when I went to the second floor to play some games without telling anyone. Secondly, when I had to go to the bathroom real quick but Jimin was busy on his phone so I went without telling. Now he has me glued onto his chest in his bedroom.

He's free for now so we're in his room, his back against the headboard of the bed, me straddling him as we make out. My hands on his cheeks, his hands travelling over my thighs and back as much as he wanted, making me shiver multiple times. Our chests were pressed together, his fingers brushing over my arched back. His fingers were doing things to me. I couldn't help but moan in the kiss. He got so rough with the kiss, I could barely keep up and before I could process, his tongue was in my mouth. My body felt weak, rolling my tongue with his.

I was in Heaven, his lips felt so perfect against mine. It never failed to make me forget about everything else and just have this beautiful sensation running through each and every cell in my body. I love him, I love him so much. I'm so happy he's in my life, I'm happy my true love is none other than Park Jimin. I was running out of oxygen, but he doesn't want to end the kiss. He keeps attaching our lips after just a second of rest. He's driving me crazy.

Unfortunately, our breathless movements came to an end when I hear a knock on the door. Jimin nibbles on my bottom lip, making me whine before distancing our lips. We had one of the most heated make out sessions and it left me in a breathless mess. "I want to do so much to you, baby." I grip his shirt tightly, closing my eyes. We just ignored the knock as Jimin leans into my neck, making me weaker with his kisses. "Stop driving me crazy. I'll end up losing control." His words made my entire body heat up.

Another knock, I sigh. Whoever it is, fuck off. Let me be in my paradise peacefully. "Who the fuck is it?" Jimin was just as annoyed as me and I couldn't help but giggle, hiding in his neck. Why the hell am I blushing? "It's Taehyung. Kiss each other's ass later, this is important." Jimin sighs, meeting my eyes. "We'll carry this later, princess." His words made me squeal like a teenager.


Taehyung informed Jimin that they found something in the tunnel, taking him inside it. I was claustrophobic so I didn't want to even think about entering inside. Jimin left Jungkook with me as me and him sat in the living room. "What did they find?" I ask, curiosity obvious in my voice. "One of the Stones' member. When they sneaked in, some of the maids here spotted them and yelled for help. The guards came in and shot one of them before they both got injured. Guess their team work isn't as good since they left a one behind."

I look down at the floor, being in my own thoughts. I can't believe they left an injured team member behind in a scary tunnel like that. People can be really selfish in this dangerous world. "Found anything?" I look back up when Jungkook spoke, noticing Yoongi walking in with a few men. "The guy won't speak. We'll have to try some other ways." Jungkook just nods and I could tell what those other ways could be.

Jimin comes in soon after with Taehyung, my eyes immediately going over to them. "Keep a close look on him. He'll try to escape." I hear Jimin saying to Taehyung. Yoongi, Jungkook and the rest of the men left the room to go work. Jimin came to sit beside me on the couch, holding my hand. "I have to go interrogate the guy. I'll be right outside. Stay inside, okay?" I simply nod at his words. Giving me a soft smile and pecking my lips, Jimin heads out of the mansion.

I was left alone in the living room with Taehyung. He comes over and sits besides me, right where Jimin was sitting before. "You could've told me, you know." He speaks and I just stare at him. "Told you what?" I was confused, having no idea of what he's talking about. "That you're Jimin's girl. You really got my attention that night of the party. Really wanted to get to know you more." His words left me in shock. I didn't expect him to get an interest in me. I didn't say anything so he continues.

"Jimin's a very good friend of mine. I would never want to hurt him. But it kinda stings, seeing you with him." What is even happening? Is he confessing to me right now? I don't understand. But the only one in my heart is Jimin. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. I didn't mean-" He didn't let me finish my sentence. "I really thought we connected as soon as we met, thought we'll look amazing together. But.."

I was too shocked to say anything. I was uncomfortable and anxious at the same time. He doesn't want to hurt Jimin yet he's telling the girl he loves that he wants to kiss her? Doesn't add up. Besides, we just met at that party for the first time. This is literally our second meet and he's already being like this? If this isn't just attraction, I don't know what is.

"Dude." A voice came from the entrance of the voice before I could say anything. My eyes quickly move towards the direction, seeing Yoongi coming over. Did he hear Taehyung? "What the hell are you doing? Wanting to be with Y/N? Do you have a death wish or something?" Yoongi's voice was cold, he was not to be messed with. I lowered my eyes. Why was I feeling guilty over this? Maybe because I didn't tell him to back off and Yoongi is the one doing it. Taehyung stands up with a sigh. "It's none of your business, Yoongi."

I look up, seeing Yoongi let out a sarcastic chuckle. "She's my boss' girl. Coming close to her means upsetting my boss. And when Jimin is upset, that is definitely Yoongi's business."

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