She's Gone.

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Jimin's POV:

I've never felt this much powerless and useless before. I've never felt this type of pain before. I can't describe in words how difficult it was for me to see such things happening to Y/N right in front of me. My Y/N. My baby. They treated her so badly and I couldn't even speak. Her bleeding forehead, her cries and sobs, her pleading, the way she called my name. Everything broke my heart and soul to bits and pieces.

She was beaten, harassed and abused right in front of me, and all I could do was watch it happening. I tried to move, I tried to speak so much. But the drug they gave me was such a heavy dose that it was difficult even to blink. I can never forget the sounds of her cries, her begs and the way she screamed my name. I have failed so badly, I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect my baby. She will never forgive me, I'll never forgive myself.

By the time Jungkook and a few other of my men came, it was already too late. They had taken her, they had dragged my Y/N out like an animal and snatched her from me. But I swear to every cell in me, I will not rest until they've paid for everything they have done. I'll make them pay for even looking at what's mine. They'll pay for whatever they might do to her. God, I don't even want to think about the things they'll put her through. She's too innocent and pure for that. I will save you, my baby. I promise.

The medicine the doctor gave me to get rid of the paralysis took almost twenty minutes to work. As soon as it did, I was eager to get the fuck out of this hospital. "Jimin, wait. We need to think this through!" Yoongi says, calling him from behind. I haven't fully recovered yet, but I didn't care. I had to get to my Y/N and I had to get to her right now. "Think what through?! Do you fucking see that?!" I yell, pointing towards the vomit in the room that the maid was cleaning right now.

"She's in danger, Yoongi. She can't handle the things they might do to her. I have to save her before it's too late." The pain in my voice was prominent, I couldn't hold back my tears. Yoongi pats my head. "I know, Jimin. But we have no idea where they took her. We need to investigate." Here comes the feeling of helplessness again. How will I live if I can't save her? "She was begging for them to let her go, Yoongi.. she was so scared, she was crying so much.." I spoke, the guilt of it all creeping in my chest.

Jungkook comes back after checking the surveillance cameras. "They came from the back gate. Took her out from there too. One of them was carrying Y/N over his shoulder, they probably gave her some drugs." I broke down, hearing Jungkook's words. God knows what they gave her. Where are they taking her? What will they do? It was too painful. I wouldn't be able to live if something happens to her. I'll never forgive myself.

The doctors told me I wasn't healed enough to head home. But I didn't give a zero fuck about that. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I walked out towards the back gate. It was difficult to walk with one injured leg but I have to pull through. Jungkook said they came in a van, the number couldn't be seen in the camera. Think, Jimin. Think. Where could they have taken my little Y/N?

"Jimin, we checked everywhere here. Let's go back to the station and try to track her down." Jungkook says from behind me. I was so lost at this point, so broken. I have no idea what to do anymore. After seeing the things they're capable of doing, I was so scared. "We'll find her, Jimin. I'm sure. She's really strong." I lowered my head at those words, letting a few tears fall down. Shaking my head, I look back at Jungkook.

"She's not strong, Jungkook. She needs protection, he deserved to be protected, and I failed. I couldn't protect her. She said I'm like her angel, saving her when she's in danger. But look at what just happened. I failed her." I run my hands over my face in frustration, wiping the tears as well. Jungkook pats my back before guiding me towards the car. There's no use staying here anymore.


For the past two hours, I've been at the investigation center of my gang, trying to track the van, anything that might give us a hint of where they went. But to no luck. It's been three fucking hours since they took Y/N. God knows in which state she's in right now. I hope she'll survive. She has to be strong for me. I'll save you, my love. I won't rest until you're in my arms again.

The clock is clicking but we're not making any progress. At this rate, I'll never be able to find her. All the locations where Stone stays were either abandoned or destroyed. There was no track of the entire gang. So the only other option we had was to contact some other gangs that might know anything about Stones. I was getting restless now. I can't keep sitting around like this, just waiting for some luck to happen.

I was going insane, waiting around. The guilt, worries and anxiety were eating me alive from the inside. Hours passed but every information we got led to a dead end. Soon enough, it was night and the shift of the team changed. But I was still here, looking for something to find her. To find my Y/N. Yoongi and Jungkook didn't leave either, trying their best to find the location.


I've lost my soul now. It's been two days since they took Y/N from me. I've spent these two days in the station, investigating to find her. But I haven't been able to. I was getting so weak now, so miserable without her in my life. I have no idea if she's even alive or not. All these negative possibilities were too painful, making even my soul shake with fear. If she did pass away, I won't wait to join her right after. I have to be with her. No matter in this life or the next.

Yoongi and Jungkook have tried many times to get me to eat something proper. But I've been living off of water and coffee mostly. I don't have an appetite. It feels like puke out anything I'll eat because my system was too screwed at the moment. I can't function properly until she's safely in my arms again.

How many more days until I finally find her? How many more days do I have to rot in this hell until she comes and makes it a paradise?

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