Raining Bullets.

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I was sitting at the backseat of the car, Jimin right beside me and then Yoongi next to him. One of the men was driving the car, Jungkook at the passenger seat. I was getting so scared, my palms were getting all sweaty from anxiety. This is too overwhelming and intimidating for me. Jimin probably notices me panicking as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his chest. "Don't be afraid, you're safe, princess."

His words immediately calmed me down. All I needed was to hear his voice to help my crazy beating heart. Closing my eyes, I scoot closer to him and hold his shirt tightly. I'm so scared to let him go. That's when I realized that I wasn't scared for myself. I was scared for Jimin. I barely cared about what would happen to me. But him, I couldn't see a single scratch on him. Please be safe out there, Jimin.

My eyes go wide when I notice the car stopping and the engine being turned off. No, no please. Stay with me. I look up at Jimin, begging with my eyes for him to stay with me. But I knew it wasn't possible. He's the leader, he has to be out there. "I'll be back soon, baby." He whispers, kissing my forehead. He signals me to sit at the feet area to hide even more and I instantly slide down, hugging my knees.

Everyone was already out of the car, Jimin glances at me once more before he's gone too. I was left all alone in the car. My heart was beating so fast, my body trembling with fear. I hugged my knees so tight, hoping it'll help me ease down a bit, but it was useless. Nothing can calm me down. I need Jimin. I need his arms around me, that's the only thing that can calm me down.

Five minutes pass, ten, fifteen. It was awfully quiet outside. What the hell was happening? Was everything actually going smoothly? Just as when I was starting to assume everything was okay, I heard a bang. Gun shot. I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't end up screaming. It didn't end with a single gun shot. It just kept increasing. The only sounds that could be heard were loud bangs of the guns.

I couldn't keep my cries in anymore, my hands on my ears as I begin to sob. I was so scared. My entire body was shaking too much. I was crying in my knees, keeping my ears covered to try to keep the loud sounds out. But it wasn't working. I'll go insane if this continues, I can't stay here. I was crying so much, I could barely breathe. The thought of people getting hurt and dying right around me was traumatizing. But what made my soul shake was knowing Jimin was out there.

After the way too long hell that broke loose, the sounds died down. There were no more gun shots, it got awfully quiet again. My ears were still ringing with loud bangs, quietly sobbing into my knees now. Now that the battle ended, here comes the most difficult part. Knowing who survived and who died. I wasn't ready, I was too shocked to function properly. The gun shots left me paralyzed.

I was still trying to gain some sense, crying in my knees with my hands over my ears when I hear the door of the car opening. I jump, quickly moving away from the door. I was too scared to even look up at who it was. "Hey, Y/N. It's me." Jimin's soft voice rightfully took its place in my ears, replacing the ringing the gun shots left. He's alright, he's safe and he's here with me. Oh, Thank god.

I immediately jump over to him, landing against his chest as I hold onto him tightly. His arms quickly wrap around me as I cried in his chest. "Shh, Y/N. Everything is alright." He whispers trying to calm me down but I just kept on crying. I thought I lost him and that thought wouldn't let my tears stop. I hid myself in his chest, not wanting to see the surroundings.

Jimin sat down in the car, me being on his lap, straddling him. I was pressed against him, quietly crying in his neck as he kept caressing my back. He left plenty of kisses on my face to calm me down. They helped but I was still scared. This night was way too scary for me. Jimin keeps his arms tight around me, holding me protectively. I could tell he didn't like seeing me in this state as he kept kissing over my eyes.

"Sir?" Yoongi called him from beside us but Jimin doesn't reply. I feel his hand rising from my back and I could guess he signaled something to him. The car was quiet as we went back to the mansion. I didn't open my eyes at all, just kept hiding in Jimin's neck throughout the ride. By the time we reached home, my cries had eventually stopped, leaving dried tear stains on my cheeks. Jimin carries me out of the car and inside the mansion, in the elevator and then to his bedroom.

He lays me down but I cling harder, not wanting to let go. I needed him to stay beside me now. "I'm here, baby. Just let me check on something real quick, okay?" He whispers, and no matter how much I didn't want to, I released my hold slowly. He gives me a small smile and kisses my cheek before exiting the room. I already miss his warmth around me. My eyes threatening to tear up again as I longingly stared at the door, desperately waiting for him to appear again.

The tears already started to roll down the corner of my eyes. What's taking him so long? I close my eyes, thinking he won't be coming back. My heart was aching and I couldn't do anything about it. That's when I hear the door opening, my eyes instantly opened to see Jimin. I made grabby hands, tears still in my eyes and he didn't waste a second to join me in bed and have me against his chest. Finally, I'm right where I needed to be, hiding in Jimin's chest. His lips were brushing against my forehead, making me smile from time to time.

"I'm really sorry, baby. I didn't want you to witness anything like that." He whispers, tightening his hold. I knew he didn't want me to go through this, but the only person to blame here was me. I chose this, I had many opportunities to run away from this world. But fear of this scary world was nothing compared to the love I have burning in my heart for Jimin. I'd rather die in this world than be away from him. "Don't be. I was just scared to lose you." My words probably suprised him as his hands stopped caressing my back for a few minutes.

"You'd never lose me, princess. We'll always be together."

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