Gift Shopping.

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm. It's 7, meaning I have to go to work. But Jimin's arms are still tightly wrapped around me, preventing me from getting up. I struggled just to shut the alarm off. "Stop moving around." He groans in his sleep, tightening his arms to press me against him even more. "But I have to go to work." My voice was muffled because my face was against his chest.

I don't want to go either, I want to stay here, in Jimin's arms for as long as I can. But I'm new at the job and I really don't want to start getting in trouble already. "I'm your boss. And I order you to stay put." So he knows I've been working in his hospital. He really is my boss now. I giggle, humming in response before going quiet and snuggling against him.

Jimin instantly fell back asleep, he was probably tired from the work he's been doing the past two weeks. He deserves all the rest he can get. I scoot up in his arms slowly, wrapping my arms around his head as I let it rest over my chest. My hand gently strokes his hair as he throws one of his leg over my hips, his arms around my waist. I watched him sleeping in my arms, he looked so cute and tiny, completely opposite of the Jimin who never fails to give me butterflies.

He slept for almost an hour more and I just stared at him like the creepy stalker I am for the whole hour. When he woke up, his hair was a complete mess because I've been playing with them nonstop. I giggle but he just rolls his eyes, heading towards the bathroom. He really has so many sides and I won't rest until I've seen all of them.

I pulled out my nurse uniform from the closet, starting to get ready. Assuming Jimin would take a while in the bathroom, I remove my pajamas and place them to the side. I successfully wore my uniform. But the zipper at the back of my dress was annoying today. My hair got stuck in it and it was both painful and irritating.

I was still trying to get my hair out but it was too hard when I can't see anything. The bathroom door opened and I quickly turned to face him so he wouldn't know about the zipper problem. The part of my hair stuck in the zipper were pulling my head back but I ignored the pain. He probably noticed it as he stared at me for a while before stepping over.

"Turn around." He says, making me gulp. I can't let him see the state behind my back, that's way too embarrassing. "Why?" He rolls his eyes at my question, mumbling 'so stubborn' under his breath. He grabs my shoulders and turns me around himself, my eyes shutting down tightly. Indeed very embarrassing. I could feel his hands trying to take my hair out of the zipper. His cold fingers would brush against my warm back a few times, making me shiver everytime.

When my hair was out, he gently slid them over one of my shoulder to avoid getting them in the zipper again. He slowly zips up the dress, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Love the laced bra, my stalker." And there goes my ability to breathe. Fuck, I completely forgot about the fact that he could see my bra. My cheeks heated up so much, I was sure I could cook eggs over them.

He moves back to put on his shirt and I try to regain my breathing. "Are you free tonight?" He asks, making me look towards him as I nod. "Why?" His eyes were looking into mine for a few seconds as he was thinking of what to say. "It's my birthday today. There's going to be a party tonight. Be there." He says, ordering me. And I was at awe. He wants me to be there, so cute. He didn't wait for my response and left.

13 October. That's the date today. I mentally noted down the date in my brain and heart for forever. My Jimin's birthday. I have to buy a gift for him on my way home after work.


My shift ended an hour ago. It was 5.37pm right now and I still haven't been able to pick a gift for him. I have no idea what he likes or which gift would be good for him. The only thing I know is that he definitely likes black. So whatever the gift would be, it has to be black.

"Come on, Jungkook. Help me!" I whined through the phone. I was so stressed and panicked over the gift that I ended up calling Jungkook for help. "I'm trying! But it's really hard to think of a gift for someone who already has everything." I whine even more, letting out a long sigh. "There has to be something." I pout, looking around the huge mall I'm standing in.

After a moment of silence, Jungkook finally spoke again. "I know! Give him yourself. Let him take your virginity tonight." My eyes go wide, mentally slapping him for saying that. "What, no! That's why too fast. We just had a single kiss so-" Jungkook cuts me off. "You guys kissed?" My cheeks got red as I remember the way his lips met mine, the way he kept pecking me until I returned the kiss. "Aw. You guys are so cute." I roll my eyes happily at his words.

After what seemed like ages, Jungkook just said to buy a wristwatch for him with dozens of chocolate. When I asked if Jimin likes chocolates, he just said he doesn't know but he'll eat them happily if I gifted them. I couldn't think of anything else so I just decided to go with Jungkook's idea. As I was about to pay for the items, my eyes landed on an electric massage kit. The memory of me massaging him and feeling how tensed his muscles were came in my mind. this was something he could actually use.

I ended up buying all of the items. Wristwatch, chocolates, massage kit and a birthday card. I got everything wrapped in colourful papers properly, placing it all in a gift bag. I surely hope he likes all the gifts. Otherwise I'd end up panicking again and buying something else for him.

Now, time to head home and get ready for the party. Don't embarrass yourself, Y/N.

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