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Jungkook guides me towards a car, having me settle down in the passenger seat. Where are we going? What's happening? Where's Jimin? Is he okay? Too many questions but not the courage to ask a single one. I was too afraid to even breathe at this point. Jungkook gets in the driver's seat besides me, driving the car in a hurry. He glances at me and notices the fearful expression on my face. I bet he could tell how scared I am.

"The battle was won, the mission was successful. But a few of us got injured. Including Jimin." Jungkook says and with that, my heart stopped. My eyes wide, mouth slightly open, tears kept rolling down my eyes but without a single sound. I was in such a painful shock, my body failed to move, brain failed to process, heart completely broke and everything else failed to cooperate.

"All of our men that got injured, their wounds aren't that serious, again, including Jimin. They're all safe. Your Jimin is safe, Y/N." Jungkook speaks again, trying to calm me down a little. It did give me relief knowing he's safe, but I won't be able to rest until I see him myself. "Most of the blood on us isn't even ours. We beat their asses, Y/N!" Jungkook seemed proud of them. I am too, everyone fought so barely. But my heart was aching too much for Jimin at the moment to celebrate their win.

"I'm taking you to the hospital right now. That's where Jimin is. He told me to bring you." These words eased me down too. If he asked for me himself, meaning he's conscious. He really is safe. "Oh, thank god!" I finally got something out, I finally spoke for the first time since Jungkook appeared. "I thought you forgot how to speak for a second." Jungkook jokingly says, trying to cheer me up. "Please just take me to him." I wipe my tears, desperately needing to see him. "I am, Y/N. I am."


I was standing by the window of the room Jimin was in. For now, the doctors had given him some sleeping pills to help him rest. He had a IV drip attached to his hand to recover all the energy, nutrients and vitamins that he might have lost. He has already been given a bag of blood from how much he lost. He looked so weak, so helpless. It broke my heart into pieces.

"Y/N, why don't you come inside?" Jungkook says, opening the door for me. I slowly walk in Jimin's room, my tears never stopped. "Don't worry, Y/N. He'll wake up soon and then you'll know that he's alright." I just give Jungkook a small nod in response, slowly making my way over to sit on the chair besides Jimin's bed. I gently hold his hand that didn't have an IV drip attached, caressing it with his thumb. "Please wake up soon."


It's almost been an hour since I came here. Jungkook informed me of everything that had happened. They defeated the group in that said location, but sadly it was just one of the battles. The war was still going. Still, a win was a win. I'm proud of everyone. Jungkook also told me that the ones that got injured included Yoongi and Taehyung too. They weren't in danger either. In fact, they were in a better state than Jimin, not even needing to be hospitalised.

Jungkook then left to wash up and wear some clean, new clothes, leaving me alone in the room with sleeping Jimin. Jimin's men were here in the hospital, just in case, but they're scattered all over the hospital, at least that's what Jungkook said. I don't care about anything else. I'm just glad I'm back with my Jimin again. I lift his hand up, softly kissing his knuckles. Having an MBBS degree, I removed his IV drip myself when it was done.

After another half an hour, Jimin moved around, he was waking up. I immediately got up from the chair, gently caressing his arm to ease him down. When he finally opened his eyes, I couldn't hold back the happy tears in my eyes. "Jimin.. thank god you're okay." I say between my cries, caressing his cheek now. "How could I not be okay? I have my princess to take care of." His words made me smile with a small laugh. I've missed him so much.

Jimin was now practically sitting on the bed, the backrest of the hospital bed was lifted up to make it easier for Jimin to sit. Jungkook came by and checked in on us, bringing some snacks for me and soup for Jimin. I was currently feeding him because he was being stubborn and saying he doesn't want to eat. Once the bowl was empty, I smiled proudly. "See, that wasn't too hard now, was it?" I tease him and he just rolls his eyes playfully.

"Come here, Y/N." Jimin says, patting the space besides him on the bed. I can't get on that bed, the nurses will kick me out. Besides, Jimin was stabbed on his thigh and shoulder, so me getting on the bed with him would definitely mean hurting his wounds. "I can't co-" He doesn't let me finish my sentence. "I said, come here." How am I going to argue now? He's more stubborn than I am.

I hesitantly sit down on the edge of the bed and he uses his uninjured arm to pull me in, making me lean against his chest. He was shirtless, because of the gauze on his shoulder. That made me wonder if he's naked down there too because of the gauze on his thigh. But his lower part was covered with a blanket so, I was safe.

I had missed him so much for these past two days that I immediately leaned against his chest. My eyes watering up again, finally being close to him. "I've missed you so much." I mumble between my silent cries and he leaves plenty of kisses on my head to calm me down. "I missed you too, baby. You're the reason why I made it through the battle." His words warmed my heart. He was being strong for me and that meant the world for me.

I kept resting against his chest for quite a while. My cries slowly died down and I just stayed melted against his chest. He keeps his safe arm around me, resting his head over mine. I've really missed these cuddles, I've missed him so much. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't seem enough. Now, all I wish is for him to get all better and come back to the mansion with me. I'm going to make him promise to never leave me for that long again. Yes, two days is a horribly long time for me.

But little did I know, my worries and pain didn't just end there.

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