The Question.

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Yoongi's words left me flustered. He really was loyal to Jimin and I couldn't be happier about it. Jimin deserves all of their loyalties. But this conversation was making me uncomfortable. I don't want to be the reason of two friends fighting. Especially when I know who I love. The fighting would be pointless. I stand up and both of them look at me. "Enough of this. I don't want this conversation to be carried out anymore. I belong to Jimin, now and forever. End of discussion." I bluntly say before walking away from them and towards the kitchen.

I really thought Taehyung and me would be good friends, he's a close friend of Jimin after all. But guess not. I don't care about it anyway, I just can't let anything hurt my Jimin. Entering inside the kitchen, my eyes instantly landed on Jin. Smiling, I approached him while enjoying the delicious scent. "What're you making, Jin?" He gives a small smile before stepping aside to let me see in the oven. Homemade pizza. And it looked delicious.

"It'll be done soon. Don't worry." He reassures me after seeing the hunger in my eyes. I sat down on the stool in the kitchen, having a fun conversation with him. He knows my name now, everyone in the mansion does. He told me a bit about himself. He's been Jimin's personal chef for almost eight years now. He's in charge of everything he eats. For the rest of the people here, there are plenty more chefs for them. I smiled so big when he finally gave me a slice of pizza he made.

"Gosh, Jin. You have magical hands." I smile, my stomach really needed this. "I'm happy you like it!" He always gave off such playful and positive vibe. I adored it. After finishing eating, I say bye to Jin and leave the kitchen. The living room was empty now. I sigh in relief, heading upstairs to the second floor when I hear Jimin's voice calling me from behind. "Y/N. Come here, baby." I turn around and see him standing by the entrance. Yoongi and Jungkook were beside him. I got nervous, did Yoongi tell him?

I approached them, standing close to Jimin as he wraps his arm around my back to pull me closer. I lean in but my eyes went towards Yoongi to know if he said something. He shakes his head a little and I knew what he meant. He didn't tell him. Maybe it's better if we don't. It's not like the topic would be discussed again. "Me and Yoongi have to go somewhere, princess. I'll be back soon, hm?" His voice seemed quite cheerful than usual, as if he was planning something. "Where?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Just work." He shurgs, pecking my lips which I happily returned. "Jungkook, keep her safe." He orders and I couldn't help but blush. Curse you, Park Jimin. "With my life, Sir." Jungkook replies, making me smile. He's extremely loyal too, just like Yoongi. They surely earned the trust Jimin has on them. Jimin turns to face me properly, his arms around my waist as I rest my head on his chest. My eyes closed. I could never get enough of his comforting hugs. I feel so safe and loved, right here, against his chest.

After kissing my lips tenderly, Jimin leaves with Yoongi, driving off in his usual limousine. I already miss him so much. "Come on, let's play some games." Jungkook's words brought me back from my Jimin paradise, nodding my head. I followed him up the stairs and in the game room. We ended up playing plenty of games, most of them where Jungkook won and I just sulked. But I still had a great time so it doesn't matter. According to Jungkook, winning took a lot of his energy so he's filling his mouth with chicken wings he ordered.

"Hey, Y/N?" He calls, sitting on the couch in the game room, eating. I was by the arcade game, playing a tennis game on it. I hummed in response, too focused on the game. "Yoongi told me what happened. I'm really sorry." His words immediately took my attention off the game and towards him, ignoring the fact I lost. "Why are you sorry?" I ask out of curiosity. "Because I know that would've been really uncomfortable for you. I'm just glad Yoongi got there on time to protect you."

His words got me feeling guilty again. Yes, I'm thankful Yoongi came and handled the situation. But what if he hadn't? What if it was just me and Taehyung? Would I have stayed quiet and just let him say those things to me? "What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, noticing how deep in thought I went. I sigh, going to sit besides him on the couch. I told him my worries and he just pats my back to comfort me. "Don't blame yourself like that, Y/N. It's not your fault. Besides, you weren't expecting anything like that. You were just in shock." His words did comfort me. I truly was in shock.

Smiling slightly, I give him a small nod as a thank you. He really is a good friend. "Will this go back to Jimin?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "There's no need to. You shut him off pretty well in the end. Yoongi told me, I belong to Jimin, now and forever." He tries copying my voice for the last sentence and I end up laughing. "God, you're so annoying." I say, playfully rolling my eyes. He ends up laughing with me.

Jungkook and me got back to playing games again, which again were mostly won by him. After about half an hour, mine and his attention were turned towards Jimin's voice when he entered inside the game room. "We're back." He says, entering inside with Yoongi. I forgot about the game completely on hearing his voice. I was losing anyway. "Jimin!" I squeal happily, hurrying over to him and jumps into his arms. He's always fast to catch me.

"I won against Jungkook so many times!" I giggle, looking back at Jungkook who's narrowing his eyes at me. I thought Jimin would believe me but it went the opposite direction. "You're very bad at lying, princess. Even I can't win from him in games." My mouth drops open before glaring back at Jungkook, who now had a satisfied grin on his face. I roll my eyes. "I'll do it someday." I mumble. Yoongi and Jungkook leave to give us some privacy.

"I have to ask you something, Y/N." Jimin speaks while I'm against his chest, snuggling in his embrace. "Yes?" My hands rested besided my head on his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now. And I think tonight's perfect for it." His words made me too curious now, looking up at him.

"Will you go out on a date with me tonight, baby?"

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