Poured Love.

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"What do mean, overly interested in me?" I cross my arms over my chest, keeping my eyes on Jungkook. "Remember I told you that their actions were quite suspicious? He was here just to find anything they could blackmail Jimin with." Jungkook sounded serious, unlike how he usually sounds. "And you seemed to catch his eye. His gang thinks you're special to Jimin. But we're guessing they don't know for sure so it's better to discuss the matter right now before it gets too late."

And just like that, I was back in Jimin's room, sitting on the bed with Jungkook. He said Jimin went to an important meeting somewhere but hopefully will be returning soon. Until then, me and Jungkook got to spend time together and I annoyed him with questions.

"What's the name of Mark's gang?


"So lame."

"Right? They couldn't be more creative." I giggle at his words. "Is Mark the leader?" I ask and Jungkook shakes his head. "He's Raven's right hand. He's the leader." I hum in response. Before I could ask anything else, my stomach growled with hunger. "Hungry? Should've said so." Jungkook clicks his tongue and calls Jin for my breakfast.

"Oh, it's pretty herself again!" Jin says excitedly when he enters inside the room, seeing me with a wide smile. I giggle, nodding. "It is I." Jungkook looks at us confused. "You've met each other before?" I nod to him before turning to look at Jin again. "Thank you for the breakfast. You're an amazing cook." His smile got even wider. "Why, thank you, darling. I'm just a call away." He says, leaving the room.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask Jungkook as I ate the omelettes and bread with the glass of juice. "I already ate." He replies, getting busy on his phone. Once I was done eating, I got up from the bed, stretching my arms. "I want to go home. I stink." Jungkook lifts his eyes from the phone to meet mine. "Just shower here." He says as if it wasn't a big deal. "In Jimin's bathroom? No thanks." I instantly got nervous to which Jungkook just laughs.

"He's really starting to fall in love with you, Y/N." Jungkook's words caught me by surprise, my heartbeat increasing to the max level suddenly. "He's been so different ever since you guys kissed, good different. He actually smiled at me. Twice." I giggle at Jungkook's words, fiddling with my fingers nervously. "Do you love him, Y/N?" His question left me blushing like crazy as I met his eyes.

"I do, Jungkook. I love him so much." I let out without even thinking. It was like an instant reflex. "How much?" He asks, and I lay down on the bed, thinking for a while before speaking. "To the point where he's my first thought as soon I wake up, then he never leaves my mind. And then I sleep with him on my mind and heart." I sigh, closing my eyes as I poured my feelings out.

"He makes me feel so alive. As soon as I see him, I feel everything in me jumping around with happiness. When he comes closer, all I want to do is become one with him. When he touches me, fuck. I can't even tell you what happens to me when he touches me. He's my everything now, Jungkook. I can't imagine a life without him."

"Damn. You're really in love." I smile, opening my eyes to look at Jungkook. "Even after knowing the things he does?" He asks and I simply hum. "My love for him doesn't depend on anything. If being with him makes me a criminal, then so be it. As long as I'm with him, I know I'll be fine." I see Jungkook smiling at me before his gaze turns towards the door. Lifting my head curiously to see what he's looking at, I freeze when I see Jimin by the door. How long has he been standing there?

"Don't stop on my account. Please, do continue." He says teasingly and I my cheeks go red. He heard everything, didn't he? I hear Jungkook chuckling as I glare at him. He knew Jimin was here but continued the conversation on purpose. "Don't glare at him. I told him to keep going." I gulp, looking at Jimin. He knows how I'm desperately in love with him now. And huge part of me was so relieved by it. I wanted to let him know but I wouldn't have ever gotten the courage to.

"You can leave now, Jungkook." Jimin says and Jungkook waves at me before leaving the room. We're alone. My heart is racing so fast. Jimin comes to sit besides me on the bed, his eyes staring at me while mine were lowered. I'm too shy to look up. "Say it to my face." He says, making my blush intensify. Grabbing my chin, he makes me look at him. I immediately get lost in his eyes. "Tell me how much you love me, Y/N."

My lips slightly part, trying to make sentences in my mind. But the way I was ranting before was completely gone. My mind wasn't working properly. "Come closer." He whispers and I scoot forward immediately. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his lap. I was straddling him as his face was in my neck. My arms already around his neck, slowly stroking his hair. "I'm waiting, Y/N." Come on, just say everything that you feel without thinking. Thinking will make you nervous. I closed my eyes and started ranting about my feelings as if I was alone.

"I love you a lot. I love your past, I love your present and I love your future. I love what you are, I love what you were and I love what you'd become. You complete me. You're like these perfect pieces of jigsaw that fits so perfectly with every piece of mine. I smile seeing you smile, I cry seeing you cry. I hurt when you get hurt, I enjoy when you get happy. I don't know how or when I fell this deep, maybe it happened when we first got face to face. Just know that I'm deeply and unconditionally in love with you, Jimin."

I open my eyes to meet Jimin's. And I completely forgot how to breathe. He was crying. Big tears were falling down his cheeks as he stared into my eyes. My heart sank. Why was he crying? Did I say something wrong? Did I hurt him?

"I love you too, Y/N. So much."

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