An Intruder.

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His hand gently runs through my hair as I open my eyes to meet his. The jealousy and possessiveness from before was gone from his eyes. His eyes showed softness, for the first time. It actually felt like he was admiring me. Am I dreaming or did I actually sense love in those dreamy eyes?

"You look beautiful, Y/N." Nope, definitely not dreaming. The way my heart is racing, I'm sure I'm not sleeping. "Thank you." I mumble, lowering my gaze, too shy to meet his eyes. I got a few compliments today, but all those praises meant nothing compared to his compliment. "Let's go back before it gets suspicious." He says, holding my chin to lift my head up, our eyes meeting. "Stay in my sight." I could tell he meant it. He was dead serious. I nod and he quietly exits the room after that.

I wait for a few minutes so it wouldn't seem suspicious. While I waited, I head over to the mirror present in the room to look at myself. My hair was open now, flowing freely from side to side. It did cover up the back design of the dress but I didn't care. If Jimin likes it like this, this is how it'll stay. I move my hair that were over my shoulder a bit to the side, my face heating up when I see the hickey he has made on my neck. His mark, his very first hickey on me. My heart skipped numerous beats.

I brush my fingers over it, it was so prominent, anyone could easily see it even from some distance. He's unbelievable, gosh. I hear a knock on the door, quickly hiding the hickey as I turn to see who it was. Jungkook. "Hey, what happened? Did he scold you?" I just smile widely at him and he got so confused. I slightly move my hair to show him the hickey I was gifted with. "Oh, shit. He really marked his territory, huh?" I couldn't help but giggle.

Me and Jungkook left the room together. According to him, it was alright if I was seen with him. He was just a mere bodyguard, anyone hardly paid attention to him. So I decided to just spent the rest of the night with him since I couldn't spend it with Jimin. But just like he had instructed, I stayed in his sight, throughout the night. I glanced at him so many times and eveytime I ended up blushing like crazy. He barely looked at me but I understood the reason. If he paid too much attention to me, I'll start getting everyone's attention.

While I spent the night with Jungkook, he introduced me to Yoongi officially. He was uptight and very serious about his job, just like Jimin. But he often showed his gummy smile to Jungkook which I found adorable. They had a good friendship. "So, Yoongi. How long have you known Jimin for?" I ask, circling around the half empty wine glass in my hand. "I've known him ever since he was born." He simply states.

Interesting. He did seem a bit older than Jimin. Jungkook and Yoongi were the people Jimin trusted the most, it was obvious because firstly, Jimin made them his personal bodyguards. Meaning they go wherever Jimin goes. And the fact that he lets Jungkook take me home while Yoongi stays with him. I'm glad Jimin sent me home with Jungkook that day. I made a very good, silly new friend.

"You know, Y/N. Yoongi used to play guitar before." Jungkook says and I hum in response. "Play someday for me?" I ask, giving Yoongi my best puppy eyes. He sighs, giving in, making me and Jungkook chuckle. "Good job, Y/N." Jungkook says, giving me a thumbs up.

"Uhm, excuse me, Y/N?" I turn around to where the voice came from, immediately getting uncomfortable to see who it was. "What do you want, Mark?" Yoongi says, annoyance clear in his voice. "Oh, nothing. Just came to say hi to Y/N. I finally got your name." The smirk on his face was so disgusting, I could puke the wine I just had right on his face.

"Dude, what the hell? You were eavesdropping?" Jungkook says, getting pissed at the guy as well. I hadn't said anything til now, I was too uncomfortable to engage in the conversation. "Easy. Just heard her name, that's all." His eyes weren't moving away from me and it was making me very uneasy. "Dear, Y/N, would you honour me with a small dance?" Hell no. Get away from me.

"She doesn't want to. Just back the fuck off." Yoongi's annoyance clearly increased as he quickly steps between me and Mark when he tried to approach me. "It's surprising how Jimin's personal bodyguards are here with this doll, instead of doing their duty." Mark says, inching closer to Yoongi with a challenging stare. I almost puked at the pet name he called me. "Who is she, huh? How come you both are protecting her instead of the one you're paid to protect?"

They were protecting me? No, they weren't. We were just spending time together because I don't know anyone else other than them. That's all. Of course they have an eye out for Jimin. They wouldn't let him get in any sort of danger.

"Who she is is none of your business. Mind your own and get the hell out of here." Yoongi's voice was low and scary, I could practically sense the anger radiating from him. Mark just lets out a chuckle, eyeing me one more time before leaving. The air became much less tensed when he left. "Who is he?" I ask, looking at Yoongi and Jungkook curiously.

"He's from another gang. They never really had good terms with Blood Coffins. Suddenly they offered a hand of friendship. It's very suspicious and they could be planning something. Just stay away from him, Y/N." Jungkook says and I simply nod. Never had any intentions of getting close to that jerk anyway.


It was almost 2am. The party ended a while ago, people were starting to leave now. I got up to leave as well but Jungkook grabs my wrist and takes me to the side, away from the public's eye. "You can't leave." I raise my brow in confusion. It's 2am, I'm exhausted and I have work tomorrow. What does he mean I can't leave? "What?"

"Jimin said you're staying here tonight. Stay hidden until all the guests leave. I'll come get you once it's safe." Jungkook doesn't wait for my reply as he runs out. I look around to see where he bought me. It was the same room Jimin gave me the hickey in. Guess I can't do anything but wait, it was Jimin who wanted me to stay after all.

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