A Date?

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It was almost midnight. I was staring at my phone in front of me on the bed. Should I call him? Fuck, I really want to hear his voice. I want to ask him when he'd return. Could I go and see him when he does? Get a hold of yourself, Y/N.

Picking up my phone, my eyes read over the text Jimin once sent me. Climb. I read it numerous of times. I haven't saved his contact yet. Should I? Of course I should. I should have his contact in my phone. Just as I pressed the save button, it asked me what name I want it to be saved as. That left my indecisive self in thoughts again.

Just a red heart? How about just his name? Name with a heart? Oh, I know heart and a gun. Perfect. And that's how his contact got saved. Two emojis, red heart and a gun. Okay, now that's out of the way. Should I call him? No, not call. I should just text him. Yes, that's good. Text would be better.

Y/N: Hey.

Shit. I just sent a fucking hey but my heart is beating as if I sent him my nude or something. Calm down, Y/N. Breathe. It's just a simple text. I drop my phone on the bed as I start pacing back and forth in my room. He must've seen the text by now. God, why am I panicking? It isn't even a risky text.

The phone dings. Notification. He replied? I squealed in excitement mixed with nervousness. My heart was going crazy in my chest. I was acting like a teenager getting their first crush. Damn it, Y/N. You're 22. Act like an adult.

I take a deep breath, grabbing the phone to see the notification. He actually did reply. The response made me melt into a puddle of shyness.

Jimin: Hello, my stalker.

Even though he calls me a stalker, at least he calls me his. He can add whatever he wants after 'my' and I'll be happily blushing over it. Okay, enough daydream, time to reply back. But what should I say? I can't just text him saying if we could meet tomorrow? That'll be so awkward and I'd die at the spot. I heard another notification coming from my phone and my heart sank when I saw the text.

Jimin: Something on my stalker's mind?

Fuck yeah. You're on my mind. You're always on my mind. I was literally squeaking and kicking around on my bed at this point. He's literally making me go crazy over text messages. Curse you, Park Jimin.

What should I say though? I can't tell him that I know he's busy tomorrow. He'll ask me how I know and I can't say Jungkook's name. I have to think of a way in which Jimin tells me himself that he's busy tomorrow.

Y/N: My dress. Can I have it back when I return the pajamas tomorrow?

I actually did want it back. Namjoon and Hoseok bought it for me so it was special. I would definitely want it back. But Jimin had completely opposite plans, making my heart skip multiple beats.

Jimin: I'm keeping it.

He'll be the death of me, I swear.

Y/N: Why?

Jimin: Just want to. And don't come tomorrow.
Bingo. Now I can ask him. And I will get my dress back, he can't keep my gift. It's important to me.

Y/N: Why not?

Jimin: I wouldn't be home.

He knows I come for him. He knows I come every damn day just to see him. And something stirred inside me when he showed that he knows it. God, just kill me with your beautiful hands already.

Y/N: Where are you going?

Jimin: A date.

What? WHAT? I read it, again and again. I couldn't believe it. He's going out on a date? I felt stinging pain in my chest. But Jungkook said he was going with his father. Why would he lie to me? Is Jungkook just giving me false hope? And Jimin. This man, I swear. Why did give me butterflies when he had another woman in his life?

No. I can't let this happen. I won't let them hurt me like this. It's unacceptable. I immediately call Jungkook without thinking much.

"Hello?" He picks up.

"Hello my ass. You lied to me!" I scream out. I could feel tears coming to my eyes but I forced them back. "What are you talking about, Y/N?" I roll my eyes. "Don't play innocent with me. Jimin has a date tomorrow. You said he's going with his dad!"

"He is, Y/N. He doesn't have a date." Jungkook replies back with a rather calmer voice compared to mine. "He just told me himself he has a date. Stop giving me false hope, Jungkook." I was on the verge of crying. I felt hurt. I thought I could trust Jungkook.

"Y/N, do you feel jealous right now?" His question caught me by surprise. My tears immediately drying as I try to process the emotion I'm feeling. I really do feel jealous. "Y/N?" He speaks again and I just hum in response. "You are jealous. Good job, you gave Jimin exactly what he wanted." My eyes went wide after hearing that. He did it on purpose to make me jealous? God, he's so evil.

"I swear he's going with his dad. If you don't believe me, I'll show you."

"How will you do that?" I whisper, my hurt completely disappearing, being replaced with slight embarrassment and a huge amount of blush. I actually was jealous over him. "I can send you pictures. Jimin and his father are about to leave right now." Right now? This late? I can never understand them.

"Okay, fine. I'll be waiting." After that, I disconnect the call. I was so embarrassed. Jungkook knows how jealous I got. What if he tells Jimin? What if he tell him that he got exactly the reaction he wanted out of me? Gosh, I always let my feelings get the best of me.

My phone rings with two message notifications. I quickly open them up to see two pictures that Jungkook sent me. It was of Jimin and his father, standing by the car, talking. A few other men placing their stuff in the car. The pictures were a bit blurry, indicating that Jungkook secretly took them. But I didn't mind. I could clearly see him.

I zoomed in on his frame, eyeing him up and down like the crazy stalker I am. He looks so beautiful. God really took his time in creating him. Just a picture of him was enough to send my heart in a spiral.

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