The Unknown

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Many years had passed since BFB had ended, and TPOT had started. Over the years Four, X and Two started to become friends. Even though Two did steal Four's show and all that, they ended up talking about their diffrences and the budding of a friendship began. Time was always weird in Goiky, so TPOT episodes took forever to make, and even longer to figure out what contest the episode would be. The show was aired all over their world, to other objects who'd watch and obviously vote. Though sometimes everyone wondered if the show was aired somewhere beyond their own world, but that was ridiculous. 

Four would sometimes give Two ideas for a contest, having years of experince, but Two would say it might spoil their relationship on tv, and they'd wait for an oppertunity to show the unknown audiences across the world. The other numbers tried to stay out of the hosts' way, so they didn't screw anything up. And Five, the mom friend, wanted Two's show to go as well as possible.

Four and X had gotten real close, and started to secretly date. They were too nervous to share their relationship with everyone else, so they decided to keep it a secret. Though some contestants started getting a hunch. A few days after they started dating, it was like X's kindness rubbed off onto Four. He started to care more about people, but still tried to remain tough. Though it shined the brightest when he made a replica Dream Island for all the contestants and hosts to live. It may not be as grand as the REAL Dream Island, but it was perfect to everyone. The hosts had their own houses, while a bunch of the contestants lived in a giant apartment, which the rooms inside the apartment didn't even look like apartment rooms they were so big. Of course Four couldn't have made this place all by himself, which is why everyone pitched in. Which is why everyone liked it there so much.

It was a nice day, the weather wasn't cold but not too hot. It was perfect, but the day would soon be over. It was the rest time in between Two's show, so everyone got to do their own things. Four was talking with Lightning about how TPOT 4 went, when X came up to them. "Hey guys!" X chimed. "Hey X! How's it going?" Lightning asked. "Not bad. I was just wanting to ask Four if he'd like to come on a walk with me." X replied. Four hid his face as best he could from Lightning, "Oh, uh.. Sure. Why not." The two then walked off. Lightning gave them a skeptical look and floated away.

Four and X, once out of sight from Dream Island, quickly started giggling and poking at each other. X tagged Four and started to run off. Four sighed and chased after X. They ran through a forest they usually walked through, jumping over roots and hiding behind trees. They made their way to a beautiful stream and X sat down beside it on a rock. Four stood in the water, trying to catch some fish that swam through the stream, making their way to the ocean. One jumped up and slapped Four's face, making X burst out laughing. "Don't you laugh." Four grumbled, wiping the water off his cheek. "Here, I'll help." X offered, still chuckling away. He grabbed Four's hand and made him bend down slightly, so he could reach his face. X wiped the water off Four's cheek, then kissed him there. Four suddenly picked up X and swung him around. "Four!! Stop!!" X giggled, beginning to blush. Four held X in his arms and kissed his 'chest' area.', making X blush more. "Four, seriously.. This is so-" "Us?" Four interuppted, also blushing. "I've got butterflies is my stomach..." X sighed, still smiling. Four set X down in the stream, and they began to walk off. 

They came to a nice hill, where they could watch the sunset. "Are we going to look at the stars after?" X asked. Four nodded. The two snuggled together and watched the sunset. As it set, X took Four's hand and kissed it. Four then pulled X's arm, making X get closer, and their lips met. They held the kiss, caressing each other, then pulled back. "We can't keep this secret forever, Four." X said suddenly, ruining the romantic feeling in the air. Four sighed. "I don't know X." He responded. "It shouldn't be too hard, I'm pretty sure they all have a hunch." X leaned back on his arms. Four put his face in his palms. "It's just... I'm not sure... I dunno." Four stumbled over his words. Then he got up and began to walk back to the forest. X got up too and followed.

"This shouldn't be an issue!" X debated, trailing behind Four. "Well it is for me." Four grumbled, then stopped in his tracks. X didn't notice and walked into him. He squeaked when he hit Four's back, "Oof! Why'd you stop?" Four directed X's attention to something incredibly strange. The forest seemed to go quiet as they approached it. It was some sort of broken portal like thingy. "What in math's name is that?" X asked, reaching out to touch it, but Four pulled him back. "Is it dangerous?" X asked, backing away, thinking of all the worst possibilities. Four examined it thoroughly. He didn't find anything that would turn it on, and a part of the portal was missing. "When did it get here? Where is it from??" X kept asking questions. "X." Four said blankly. "Sorry." X mumbled, going quiet. Four hesitated, but rubbed his hand over the metal the portal was made from. He felt the cracks and crevices that made some sort of blocky swirl pattern. "Well, since it's missing a part, I don't think it will turn on. I think it's safe for now, but we'll have to keep an eye on it." Four announced. X sighed in relief. "Should we head back?" X asked eventually. Four nodded, taking X's hand and leading him back home.

((OKOKOKOKOKOK I know what you're thinking- actually I don't know please tell me how you feel thanks for reading!!!))

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