Goodbye to a Friend

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Evelyn dragged her heels across the floor, splinteres from the un-sanded wood sticking themselves into her feet. She knew she had to get out, but she had barely any energy left. She just prayed that Quinn wouldn't appear. Just her luck, she reached an exit, a surge of adrenaline and energy struck her and she picked up her feet and ran to it. Her feet left blood trails as she ran. She grabbed the doorhandle and took a deep breath. She opened it and.. 

Next season: April 15 2023

"WHAT???" "UNFAIR!!!" Millie and Two exclaimed, as the credits of their show began to roll. "That's 2 years, I can't wait that long!!" Two grumbled. "Well, I mean the production value is pretty high, they're probably broke by now." Millie replied calmly, turning the tv off with the remote. "This is going to drive me in circles!!" Two scoffed, floating up. Millie laughed. "Ya goof." She commented, going to kitchen. Two landed back on the ground and followed her. "So what's the pkan for today?" He asked. "Well we have to to chores." Millie responded. Two sighed, "Well yes I know. I mean after that." Two concluded, putting his hands on Millie's hips from behind her. "Hm. Maybe we'll find another show to binge watch." She replied, turning around and putting her hands on Two's 'hips'. They kissed each other and pulled back after a moment. "How long do you think it's been since you've been in your world?" Millie asked, rubbing Two's hands. "I'm not sure. It's been at least 9 weeks here, but it could be longer in my world." Two stated. Millie shrugged. "Let's go get the chores done." She smiled, Two nodded and followed her outside. Millie's neighbors still didn't know about Two, and she wouldn't tell them until she believed they were ready.

In the city, down an alleyway, a stray cat walked around sniffing out the garbages. No one really walked down the alleyway, since it was literally just a dead end. Suddenly, a loud fizzing noise came from behind the cat, scaring it away. A blue-ish pink portal opened up, much like the one that Two went through. It wasn't very large, but it was big enough that all the sudden, X and Four peeked out. "Thank goodness Golfball made the portable portal!" X exclaimed. Four quickly covered his mouth. "We must stay quiet, and also, this portal can only be used three times. So once we completely enter, whatever this place is, we'll be able to only go back home. It will need a full recharge after that." Four explained quietly. X nodded and stepped out, looking at the two buildings making the alleyway. Four stepped out too, shutting off the portal. It returned into a strange satchel shape, easy for Four to carry it around. He swung it around his shoulder and looked around. "What world even is this?" He asked, then gaggged. "It smells awful!" X sniffed the air with his non-existant nose. "It's not that bad- ok nevermind it is." He gagged too. Four came up behind X and held his hand, making sure X didn't run off. He peeked around the alleyway's corner and nearly jumped. "What are those thing??" He murmured. X peeked around too and was shocked as well. "Are those humans?? They look way different from what I thought they looked like. David must not be a man then." X mumbled. Four went back into the alleyway and pulled X back too. "How do we know if Two's here?" X asked, getting worried. Four showed X a paper he had been carrying. "What's that?" "Golfball gave me coordinates to Two's location here." Four answered. "How did she do that..?" X wondered. Four shrugged, "Probably better not to question it." He looked around, looking for some sort of disguise. 

A random human walked past the alleyway and looked in, no one was there. They then walked by. Suddenly, two of the trash cans moved. Four had made small slots in the garbage cans so they could see, and easily close it if someone spotted them. "Alright, let's move." Four ordered, walking away. A smaller trash can, X, followed behind. Four checked the surroundings, and when it was clear, he began walking again, X following close behind. "Stay close, X." "I'm trying.. I have stubby little legs." X replied quietly. "Freeze!" Four suddenly snapped, going still and shutting the slot. X did the same and the two went quiet. A group of teens walked by, barely even noticing the trash cans out of place. "Go, go, go!" Four whispered loudly, getting back up and walked again. X once again followed. I swear when I find Two I'm going to break his kneecaps... Four muttered inside his head. 

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