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It was early in the morning, and no one was awake yet. Two was awake however, wandering the forest where X and Four would walk togther. 

They are such a couple. Two thought in his head while he walked. How do they not expect people NOT to notice? Ha ha. I wonder why they aren't actually a couple. nervous maybe? He came across the stream and sat on a log, dangling his feet in the water. "God I'm lonley..." He said outloud, knowing no one could hear him now. He looked at his reflection and began to zone out.

He seemed to be the odd one out in the equation playground. He didn't know why. It could be because he hadn't been to it in years, and only now is hanging out. That couldn't be the only reason though. He always heard stories about how Four was the odd one out, and X was just apart of the crowd. Then Four just attached himself to X, or vice versa. He couldn't be that different, right? 

One was always nervous, hiding around and not wanting to be in the spotlight. He just wanted to be a bystander. Three was more outgoing, but could easily be forgotten, or he could forget something easily. Four always was scary, asserting his dominance and making sure everyone knew he was the most powerful. Five was the mom friend. They could be described as a 'she' just as well as a 'he'. Everyone called Five a 'he' though, so he just went with it. Six was chaotic, but always terrified of Four, not wanting to get tangled up with him. Seven was also someone crushing hard, but no one focused on him. He was sarcastic, and probably wanting to be assertive too. Eight was laid back and easy-going. He didn't really care about anyone or anything, but on occasions, he will. Nine is.... well, Nine is Nine. No one really knows how to describe him other than 'a skater' or 'annoying'. Ten was the shining star. The hero. The one everyone would go to for help, sometimes even Four. X isn't a number, he's a variable. No one can remember how he even ended up in the equation playground, but decided he was one of them. No one even knows if there are more variables, or higher numbers.

But out of all of them, I'm the odd one out. He thought to himself. Go figure... Maybe they don't like me like I thought they do. He slumped in his spot on the log. His butt started hurting so he decided to wander again. 

He kept walking, getting lost in his thoughts when a pain shot through his left foot. "BLOODY HELL!!!" He cursed, hopping around and holding his sore foot. He looked at what he had walked into and stepped back. It was some sort of strange metal. Possibly part of a larger contraption. He examined it, making out the cube-like swirl pattern on it. He tried to pick it up, but it was too heavy. After a few moments of continuious failure, he just lifted it using his powers. The thing went green as it started to levitate. He wanted to show it to Four, but thought it might sound childish. He wanted to appear as tough as Four, so maybe Four would want to be his friend more. "I guess I'm going on a scavenger hunt." He said outloud to himself.

After what felt like decades of searching, which in truth was 2 hours, he finally found the rest of the machine. It looked like a portal! (the same one Four and X saw obviously) He set the peice down, so that he could lift the entire thing up. He leaned it on a giant tree, and used his powers to put the peice back in its place. As soon as he did, the thing creaked and make other sounds that couldn't be described by words. Two stupidly got closer. Suddenly, the portal flickered on, a purpleish blue light filled Two's eyes and made him flinch. It was so bright... It was like looking at a miscoloured sun.

Four awoke to the sounds of worried voices coming from outside. He hopped out of his bed, and went to X's room. Still asleep. He quietly made his way to the door and went outside. A bunch of people were wandering around, worries looks plastered on their faces. "What's going on?" Four demanded. "Two's gone missing!" Taco exclaimed. Four wasn't phased. "Ok, ok, calm down! He's probably wandered too far from home. He can float, he can find his way back easily." Four explained slightly annoyed. "He's been gone for 6 hours and counting!!" Golfball shouted, Tennisball by her side. "How accurate are those analytics..?" Four asked, now feeling a sense of worry. "100 per-CENT." Golfball retorted, adding more epiphysis on the 'cent' to show how serious she is. "What's going on..?" X asked groggily, coming out of the house. "Go back inside X, I can handle this." Four shot quickly. "Handle what?" X asked more sternly. It was obvious that Four's attidude and forcefullness was rubbing off on X, as X's kindness was on Four. Most times, anyways. "Two's gone missing! For 6 hours, 3 minutes and 20 seconds and counting!" Golfball stated. "Do you got an enternal clock or something?" Four questioned, using mostly hand gestures. "What??" X shouted, the tiredness fully gone. "Where was the last place he was, GB?" Four asked. Golfball went quiet. "The one thing I need to know.." Four grumbled. "Have everyone looking for Two. Worse case is that he is hurt, and cannot use his powers. Now let's go!!" Four ordered, making everyone scatter like bugs after a rock was lifted. X grabbed Four's hand and tightened his grip. "What if he's dead??" X asked frantically. "He isn't. I would have recovered him by now." Four responded. "I'm worried, Four." X said, his tone lowering. Four crouched down and took X's hands. "Hey, It'll be ok." He assured, trying his best to calm X down, after noticing how scared he was. "Two is strong, he'll be ok." X forced a smile, but Four saw through it. He hugged X tightly. "It's going to be fine. We'll find him." Four said soothingly, trying to also calm himself down now.

A few days go by, and there is still no sign of Two. Everyone keeps looking.

Three days, still no sign.

Five days.. Nothing...



((EEEEE so hi. I'm literally on a writing spree for this story so imma keep writing see you in the next ones bestiessss))

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