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Four found it after five days after Two dissapeared. Though, the portal was damaged severely, it probably wouldn't turn on again. Four blamed himself for not getting rid of it when he had the chance, if he had, Two would still be in Goiky. He didn't know where Two was, but he wasn't dead. Everytime he tried to recover him, nothing happened. Where ever he was, he was still alive. 

Two had a nice routine going. He'd wake up, eat the breakfast Millie had prepared, chat for a bit, then go outside and work on the farm. He'd help her pick berries, clean up, chase away wolves and on occasion milk the cows. He'd help her close the chicken crate's door, since it was pretty heavy to close, and finicky. The work would span 3 hours, then he'd go back inside with Millie and watch shows. He remembered when he first chased away a wolf, the nightmare he had the first night was nothing to him now. He knew all the names of Millie's livestock, and the neighbor's. Millie told Two everything, as their friendship only grew. Apparently her last name was Wheatly. She also used to have an abusive boyfriend, Gavin, who treated her like dirt. But luckily she moved on, he was now her ex and they don't talk anymore. Her oldest neighbors are Edith and Arthur Burton. They bought eggs and other foods from Millie, so she knew them well. Her other neighbors didn't talk to her as much, but they all knew Millie. She told Two that he must stay hidden, if any of her neighbors saw him, they would freak out. Two liked Millie. He liked her a lot. He was practically in love with her, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. He knew that his kind could never be with a human! right..? The dynamic was new, no Algebralien had even been with a human. He shouldn't even be talking to one, but he couldn't help it. And as the days passed, his secret was nearly impossible to keep. He felt like he'd explode if he didn't tell her his feelings.

It was a cool early morning, the morning dew dripped off the leaves onto the ground. Millie was already outside with a sweater on and letting the cows out to roam. Two was watching her from a distance. This is stupid... He thought to himself. I shouldn't be this scared. I shouldn't even have these feelings. He leaned on the fence behind him and tried to clear his head. It didn't work. Why do I feel like I need to cry and jump for joy at the same time? "Hey Two!" Millie's voice cut through his thoughts. He lost his balance and wobbled around before standing straight up again. "Yeah?" He squeaked, unable to keep his voice steady. "Are you alright? You've been really quiet today." Millie asked. "Well the day has only been day for 2 hours." Two responded quickly. What the hell was that?? I sounded like a child. He thought immediately. Millie chuckled. "I just want to make sure you're alright? Are you missing home?" She leaned against the fence beside Two. Think you idiot! Don't go quiet! "Oh um... Yeah. I am. But that's.... Not the only thing on my mind.." He mumbled. Millie waited for his response. Two inhaled deeply through his non-existant nose. "I like you!" He shouted. Millie's face turned into one of confusion, but still just happy to be around. "I like you too! That's what friends do." She replied. "No, you don't understand." Two said quickly. He paused. Well.. Here it goes. "When you first met me, you knew nothing about me. I was just  a stranger falling from a tree and you didn't try to hurt or even kill me. Sure you were shocked for a moment but then you just treated me like one of your kind- er, like a human." Two started explaining, blushing madly, "Overtime my feelings went from friends, to crushing hard. You're just so, pretty and smart... Optimistic and kind! And so many other th-" Millie put a hand over Two's mouth, making him go quiet. She was quiet too, and blushing. She sighed. "I have the same feelings about you, Two!" She said suddenly. "Mmph?" Two mumbled under Millie's palm, then moved her hand away from his mouth, "Really? I thought I sounded stupid." He chuckled nervously. Then Millie's fingers intwined with his, as she looked into his eyes. They couldn't speak. Two tried to say something, but nothing came out. Millie quickly gave Two a kiss on the cheek. "Now let's get something to eat!" She smiled. ".....yess....." Two breathed, blushing hard and letting Millie drag him into the house.

After having Millie's delicious pancakes, which she often made on Saturdays, the two decided to watch some tv. Two grabbed a bowl and filled it with popcorn using his powers while he prepared himself some tea. "Hey.. uh, Two?" Millie started, poking her head into the kitchen. "Yeah?" Two responded, not looking away from his tea. "There's something I should tell you." Two turned around, holding the now made popcorn bowl. He awaited her response. 

((HA short again but it needs to be short this took the entire day to figure out how to write thsi but whatever. I'll post an update a few minutes after this part!))

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