Trial of Love

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Four and X were having a relaxing day, they had talked with many Waterlings and got to know a lot of them. Theo, Jonas' daughter, even made Four a traditional outfit of the Waterlings. X made him wear it. 

The two laid on the warm sand, soaking up the sun. X nuzzled himself into Four's chest. Four rubbed his back, giving him a small kiss on one of his nubs. Four watched Theo and Roy play in the water while Modious watched from a hammock. "Do you think they constantly need to go into the water?" X asked randomly. "I would assume so. Their tails and fins look like they'd burn up in the sun if they stayed out too long." Four replied, making hand gestures with his free hand. "Maybe their skin is more delicate on land." X shrugged. "How do you think Waterlings determine their love?" Four went quiet at X's question. "I... uh... I dunno." He stuttered. X giggled. "Do you think they get married like grasslanders do? Do they just say their married and don't have a wedding? Do they-" "Ok I get it." Four interrupted, hiding his blushing face. X sat up and watched Lia and Jonas walk on the beach holding hands. "Imma ask them." He announced, standing up and walking over. Four couldn't do anything to stop X so he just followed far behind. When he got to X, he had already asked the two. "Oh we don't have weddings. Though it sounds intresting. To prove that we are soulmates with our girlfriend or boyfriend, we do a Trial of Love." Lia answered. Four tilted his head, "Trial of Love? What's that?" "Well, it's a puzzle-like underwater building that the couple goes through. One waits inside for the other to rescue them, while the other goes through a maze to find them. Once they are reunited inside, they solve puzzles to escape the building. All Waterling couples go  through it. It's quite easy for us, but to others..." Jonas trailed off. "Oh, pppshhh! We could solve it easily." Four teased. X grabbed his wrist and glared at him. "Four they said it was underwater." He shivered. "There is a way non-waterlings can go through it. But it would be on a time limit." Modious added from the distance. "Our elder Wakosish can make a potion that turns all non-waterlings into a waterling. However to make one takes a long time. And it only lasts an hour." Jonas continued. Four smirked, and pulled X back to talk to him privatley. "X! This is perfect! I've actually thought about what I'd look like as a waterling, and this just a great opportunity!" He whispered excitedly. X shook his head. "I don't think they'd have one for me. So it wouldn't be fair. Unless they had some sort of air tank that I could use." X debated. "I don't know how far away you think we are, but we do have airtanks. Elder Wakosish keeps them." Lia blurted. 

In a blur of talking, chatting and debating, X agreed to go through the Trial of Love with Four. He'd be the one inside the building while Four came to get him. Elder Wakosish got the potion and handed out 5 air tanks. They tried to explain that they just needed one, but Elder Wakosish refused. 

"And... DONE!!" Golf ball shouted, flicking a switch. The contestants watched as a new portal flickered on. After a moment, Two popped his head through, along with Millie. Everyone cheered. "It worked! Great job, GB!" Two exclaimed, hopping through into Goiky. Golf ball bowed, Tennis ball rolled his eyes. "Gosh it feels so good to be back!" Two stretched, sniffing the Goiky air. Millie stepped through as well. "How long does this portal stay up?" She asked, going over to Golf ball. "It's permanent! However, it will shut down in strong storms on the human side, or on our Goiky side. Where'd you set yours up?" Golf ball asked. "Oh, we placed it at the old factory we said goodbye at. No one ever goes there so it was the perfect spot!" Millie explained. Two looked around, then back at Golf ball, "Where's Four and X?" "Oh, they went to the water biome to visit the waterlings." She said confidently. Two and Millie went quiet. "The what." Two said blankly. "Oh! Right, TB, could you explain it to them?" Golf ball sighed, nodding towards Tennis ball. He sighed loudly but agreed.

Two and Millie flew above the waters, while Two used a compass to try to find the water biome. "This is stupid, we've probably been going in circles for hours!" Two whined, trying not to throw the compass into the ocean below in anger. "What did Golf ball even say the coordinates were again?" Millie asked, stretching her whiles while using them. Two grumbled loudly. "I don't remember..... Why couldn't she have given us a gps location??" He shouted. The compass suddenly slipped from Two's hands and fell towards the water. He reacted fast and zipped down to grab it. He caught it just before it hit the water. "Whew. Golf ball would KILL me if I-" Two was cut off by a giant aquatic creatue jumping out of the water. It smacked Two with one of its fins and dragged him under the water. "TWO!!" Millie panicked, looking around for him to surface. She couldn't go into the water, or else her wings would get wet and she wouldn't be able to fly again. Two broke the surface gasping. "Millie! Don't come near! There's some sort of shark that wants t-" Once again Two was cut off, but this time the creature had caught his leg and dragged him under. It wasn't biting, but Two knew it would. He quickly got himself unstuck and tried to swim back up, but the creature's tail pushed him deeper down. He tried to use his magic, but it was much weaker underwater. He looked around him and noticed some coral formations. He swam towards a wall-like one and hid behind it. The creature didn't see him hide, but knew he went down. It slowly swam around the same area, trying to find Two. He pushed himself against the coral, avoiding the holes in it as the creature swam by. Once it passed, Two peeked around the coral to try and get a better look at it. It was long and rough looking, with 8 jagged fins along it's back and 2 for its 'hands'. It was mostly grey, with big yellow eyes and a red pupil darting around looking for him. Two felt his chest tighten as his lungs started to burn. Mmph- The creature's head snapped back, making Two quickly hide behind the coral again. It circled back, looking more thoroughly. Two clamped a hand over his mouth in an effort to hold his breath longer. The creature sorta grunted and began to swim away. Two felt dizzy and his legs felt tingly, he wouldn't last much longer. He took a quick look around, and swam up. The creature had seen him. It spun around quick and came at him with a wide open mouth. Two stopped and stared at it. He raised his hands in an attempt to use his magic, but didn't need to. A giant whale-like thing slammed into the side of the shark-creature and rammed it into a coral structure. The whale's tail thrashed violently as it pushed the shark-creature harder and harder. Two attempted to swim up once more, but the whale's tail was in his way. He made an effort to swim around it, but he couldn't hold his breath any longer. He was about to gasp when something grabbed onto him and covered his mouth tightly, making sure he couldn't breathe in at all. Two's vision blurred as the thing carried him towards the surface. Two was about to pass out when they finally broke the surface. The thing uncovered his mouth and he gasped for air. As he regained his strength, the thing swam towards a beach and laid him in the sand. "Thank you..... random creature......" Two wheezed. "It's me you dumbass." Two sat up. There in front of him was Four. Though Four didn't look too much like himself. He had fins and a tail! And was wearing a very revealing 'outfit', even though he didn't wear clothes before. "Why am I the dumbass?" Two asked without thinking. "Because you nearly drown!! You're lucky I was around to save your ass!!" Four ranted.

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