Heartfelt feelings

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~2 months... In human time. 1 year Goiky time...~

Two laid beside Millie in her bed, they were both snuggled up close. Two's face was laying on Millie's chest. He opened his eyes slowly, yawning and not wanting to get up. "Good morning." Millie greeted groggily. "I had a strange dream.. But it's probably nothing." Two sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Are you not going to tell me what it's about?" Millie hugged him from behind, sorta wrapping her bird wings around him. "Meh. It's already starting to leave my mind." He chuckled, letting her give him a few 'neck' kisses. Just then, Two's phone buzzed. He shifted over to it, still wanting to be in Millie's embrace and picked it up. "Ah, it's Four! The connection must be working finally!" Two chimed, showing Millie the text. "Awesome!" She hummed, getting out of bed. "I should go do the chores." She strechted her wings and arms. "I'll be down in a few minutes." Two responded, also getting up to stretch. She nodded, giving him a cheek kiss and leaving the room. Two sat back down on the bed to respond to Four.

Four! It's been a while! How have you been?-

-Not too bad. Everyone is getting along fine without you ;]

Haha, hilarious.-

-GB, TB and me have been working on a permanent portal, so we can visit the two worlds freely.

Woah. That might be an issue though...-


Well, none of the other humans in Millie's neighbourhood know about me yet.-

-Well you should probably get that over with soon. GB is about to figure it out.

Like, how close?-

-In a few hours it's done.

A few hours?? I don't think a human could get used to me that fast!-

-Well that's not my fault. Figure it out! Also tell Millie I said hi.

I will.-

Two grumbled and shut off his phone. He quickly hurried downstairs to try and figure something out. He made himself a tea and sat on the couch facing the tv. But he wasn't looking at the tv, he was just staring into his mug that X gifted him. His thoughts were cut short when Millie suddenly burst through the front door and shut it behind her. Two quickly stood up and went over to her. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My parents are outside, I completely they were coming over today!!" She replied. Two's face went pale, he took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Ok. We can do this." Millie's eyes widened. "What?? No, no! I'm not ready to introduce you to them! Or anyone, really." She exclaimed. "It's now or never! Well, not really but you get the point." Two put his mug on the counter and began to walk up the stairs. "What are you doing?" Millie asked, watching. Two didn't respond and dissapeared upstairs. Millie stood in silence for a moment before she opened the door. Her family members walked in, chatting. Millie's mother, Bailey, hugged her and wouldn't stop talking. "Do you have a boyfriend yet? Girlfriend?" Millie's grandmother, Donna persisted. Donna's husband, Eli dragged her to the living room. "DOn't mind her, you know how she is." Bailey sighed. Millie nodded. "Oh! I have the photo you wanted." Millie said suddenly, pulling a photo out from her pocket. Bailey smiled and took a look at it. "And you can unzip in here!" Millie turned and shouted at the other family members. They all reached back and unzipped a part of their clothings to let their wings come out. Donna and Eli's wings were messy and scruffy, depecting their age. The older the Anabat species, the more they are unable to use their wings. Millie's were healthy and fluffy, while Bailey's were just a little messy. Millie looked at all her family members and counted them in her head.

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