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!!Trigger warning? Depressing scenes! Disturbing images!!

Charolette sat on her throne, reading some books. Most of them consisted of drama and romance. She huffed and flipped the page. She looked up, looking at the large painting of her and her long dead husband Stanley. She kept her eyes on the painting for a while before she looked away, closing her book and leaning back in her throne. She crossed her legs and looked down at her hands, getting lost in her thoughts. "Mom..?" Two's voice suddenly asked, entering the throne room. Charolette shifted and looked down at Two. "Yes, my Clover?" She sat up straighter. Two took a deep breath, and took a few steps towards the throne. "I'm ready... To be crowned." He says eventually, holding his hands behind his back, like he's trying to be respectable. 

In the guest room, Six, Five, Ten and Eight. They've been getting a bit worried, as Four, Two, X, Nine and Seven have not returned. To keep their minds off the situation, they chatted and tried to get to know eachother better, without fighting or arguing. 
"No, I think I know everyone pretty well." Six added, waving a hand. "Sure you do. What genre of book is my favourite?" Five clapped back, making Six go quiet. "It's fantasy/romance." Eight mumbled. Five blushed a bit. "Wha- How'd you know that?" "I've heard ya read it outloud." Six chuckled. "Well, that's um... Certainly a genre." Ten said blankly. Six crossed his legs on the bed. "There's one thing you guys haven't noticed." He announced. They all looked over at him. "You know you've been misgendering me for a while, right?" The room went quiet. "I thought you wanted to be called a 'he'?" Ten asked, rasing a finger. Six shrugged. "Well I dunno. Kinda tetering on 'he' and 'she' recently." He explained, tapping a foot on the frame of the bed. Just then, the door opened, and a buff 12 guard stood with Two by his side. Two looked pale. Everyone stood up, "There you are! What's going on? Where are Four, X, Seven and Nine?" Five asked quickly. "I-I don't know.. Yet anyways..." Two quivered, fidgeting with his hands. "What did you do..." Eight squinted at Two, his voice soft and yet with a dissapointed tone. "Listen.. I did this for us! She said she'd let you guys free if-" "He took the proposition!!" Six interuppted, pointing a finger at Two. "The prop--" Five stopped mid-sentance. "Tell us you didn't actually... That woman is insane!" Ten shouted, more in the back of the room. Two shook his head. "Please you have to understand, once I'm prince, I can help you all better than before! I can--" Two stopped after he remembered the guard standing beside him. "This is unbelievable." Eight grumbled, rubbing a hand over his face. Two looked down at his feet. "Now, now, as his friends you should be happy for him!" Charolette's voice piped up, walking up behind Two. She ushered the guard to walk of and he did. She put an arm around her son, and smiled at the friends. "Fuck off, woman!" Six hissed, backing away a bit. She rolled her eyes slightly. Two gulped and attempted to calm the 4 of them down. "Guys please... I-it's.... It's for your own good." Five stepped forwards, a scowl on his face. "For our good? Or for your good?" "Hush!" Charolette exclaimed quickly. Everyone paused. "Clover here is going to have his crowning cerimony in two hours. I expect all of you to be well-behaved when the time comes. Or you'll end up like your other friends.." She explained, added the last bit in a quiet voice. They all looked at each other for a moment, before Charolette closed the door, and left with Two. "Are.... Are Seven, Nine, X and Four dead..?" Ten whimpered, looking over at the others. "Four wouldn't be dead.. Right?" Six tried to deny, but he was feeling uneasy about the thought of Four being dead, especially when he is the only algebralien out of all of them that can recover people... they hope.

Four opened his eyes groggily and yawned. He must have fallen asleep. He looked around. Still in his mother's tent. He stood up and tried to shake his tiredness away. He heard footsteps. He looked around, wondering if it was just his mom, but he remembered she had gone out to look for food, or to find a river to wash off in. He slowly crept towards the footsteps, and before he knew it, X walked into him. "X??" Four quickly scooped him up and hugged him. "Thank god! You're alright! Wait- What are you doing out here? I thought you were exploring the castle?" "I was, but I climbed through some vents and ended up out here." Four sighed and placed X back on the ground. He rubbed his eyes and groaned. "I wish I knew what to do..." X frowned and took one of Four's hands in his. "Me too. But we'll work something out, I know we will." He smiled up at Four, who smiled back. "And.. I figured out what powers I have~" X teased, smirking. "What-" "Let's go!" X dragged Four away.

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