The Lost Prince

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Four and X stood in an open spot in the forest, holding eachother's hands. "I'm.. I'm not even usre if this will work, X." Four started, sweating nervously. "I think it's an Algebralien specialty... What song should we use?" X asked, using his free hand to scroll through music on his phone. "Um... I.. I dunno.." Four murmured. X picked a random song he thought was good. The music started and Four looked over at X, "What song is this?" "um, 'something entirely new', by 'Steven Universe'?" X answered. "Huh. Let's hope it works." "Yea.. Let's." As the song began, the two started to slowly dance together.... clumsily. "ow!" X exclaimed, drawing back, shaking his hand. "Sorry! Sorry! I thought you were ready!" Four apoligized, looking down at his hand, which had emitted the zappy power and shocked X. "I-It's ok. Let's just get back to it. Hopefully that didn't screw anything up." X insisted, holding Four's hands again. They kept dancing, humming the tune, as best they could, while a glow circling around them started to get more intense. "This.... um..." Four started, blushing. "This feels...." "Good..?" X finished Four's sentance. Four nodded, cracking a smile. Near the end of the song, X tripped over his foot and nearly fell over, but Four grabbed him, and held him in his arms. The two blushed as they looked up at each other. They leaned in... And their lips met. They both closed their eyes. The ring of light shot up into the air, and as it cleared, the two got down on their knees while still holding the kiss. The song ended, and the two pulled back. X panted and attempted to catch his breath. "Whew... That was exciting! Right F-" He looked over at Four, who was hunched over and his back was facing X. "F-Four? What's wrong?" He scooted closer. Four looked over at X, his eyes gleaming with pride and pure happiness, then he spun around slowly, revealing a small turquoise 4. Though the horizontal nub had two bumps instead of one. Its arms were blue, and its legs were blue. Of course, the colours were still pale, but they managed to work it out. X's pupils grew large and his could barely speak. "Oh... Oh my god... F-Four.... It's.... We.." He panted, scooting closer until he could hold the newborn baby in his arms. "It's a boy~" Four hummed, gently putting a finger on his new son's chest. X sniffled and kissed the baby on it's forehead. "He's perfect. In every way." He smiled, cradling his son. "Not bad, eh? I thought a cross-number/varible babies would be-" Four stopped mid-sentance at X glaring at him. He swallowed and didn't say anymore. "What should we name him, Four?" X asked softly after a moment or two. Four put a hand to his 'chin' and tried to think. "Cleave." He said after a moment. "Kleave? Like the whale?" "Kleave with a 'C'." X smiled at Four's idea, and nodded. "I like it. Cleave it is." Cleave shifted and opened his eyes slowly, looking up at his parents. "Awww.... He's so cute!~" Four hummed, leaning his head on X's 'head'. "He's got green eyes, cool!" X sang, holding Cleave close to him. The two hugged gently, as to not squish Cleave, and sat in the forest, embracing eachother.

~6 months later..~

Two, Four, X, and all the other Algebraliens (Except 1 and 3) were at the shattered portal, where Two was first sucked in. They were trying to figure out wether they should repair it or scrap it. (Cleave was being babysat by Leafy and Firey). They eventually settled on repairing it, to see if they could change the location of where it would take them. (This was before Fourteen or Fifteen). Of course, since there was already a lot of tension between the group of them, an argument was sure to spark. And sure enough, it did.

"I don't know why I have to do this, I wasn't even involved when it actually worked." Six moaned, turning over a small piece of the portal's structure in his hands. "Because we are friends, and friends help friends." Five retorted, taking the piece from Six's hands. "I don't wanna!" Nine whined. Eight sighed at this. "Yea, why should we have to work to fix something we didn't even break?" Seven argued, waving his hands around. "Because it's very helpful, Seven." Two exasperated, using his magic to lift pieces up and put them together. "Why would I listen to you? You don't even show up in the Equation Playground." Two froze. Four noticed and stood up. "Alright that's enough!" He shouted. "You're one to talk." Six murmured. "Guys please, let's not fight." Eight sighed heavily, looking around. "Yes, let's not." X agreed. "I'm not arguing, I'm stating facts." Seven protested. "Yes you are, now get to work!" Five grumbled, shoving Seven lightly. They all went silent after a bit of bickering, and went back to fixing the portal. They had all the pieces assembled after a few hours, and X and Five used Yellow Face's super, super glue to glue the pieces back together. "What colour would you think my fins would be if I were a Waterling?" Six asked Four, smiling eagerly. "I think it matched the colour of your eyes." Four responded blankly. "Oh-ho!! Red fins!!" Six smiled like the Grinch and rubbed his hands together. "It's intresting how you've got some Waterling DNA in ya, Four. Since you don't like water and all that." Seven butted in. Four rolled his eyes. "Well I learned to swim, and I'm not terrified of water." Four replied, putting his hands on his hips. "Oh shoot I think it's raining!" "What??" Seven burst out laughing after fooling Four. Four grimiced and clenched his teeth. "Funny." He scoffed, glaring at Seven. "Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun!" He responded quickly. "Guys please..." Two started. "What biome are you from Two? Or have DNA in ya, if that makes sense." Six asked, still pretending he had fins. "I... I don't know. Maybe just Grasslands?" "Boring!" Nine shouted from his spot on a log. "No it's not!" Two argued. Five sighed as another argument started up. "Not only boring, but man I'm so used to them. I'd love a change of scenery." Six added. Ten stepped in at this. "Well it's not so bad.." "Thank you!" Two sighed heavily. "How'd we end up here anyways? I don't remember." Nine asked, shifting his sunglasses on his face. "Yeah, I don't remember either." Seven agreed, rubbing his 'chin'. "Conversation for another day, guys. Please." Five begged, adding the last bits of glue to the portal. Eight suddenly widened his eyes, making most of everyone look over at him. "I remember." He says. "Of course, the old man remembers." Seven teased, Eight shot him a glare. "Please not now.." Five prayed, unable to stop what's coming. "It was Two!" Eight pointed at Two, and everyone looked over at him. And like that sentance sparked their memory, they all remembered simultaneously. Two felt a cold shiver run down his spine. "Oh yeah.. Oh my god yeah!!" Six shouted. "He got us stranded here!" Seven accused. "Now guys, let's not-" "Oh come on Four, you were the most upset out of all of us!" Nine inturuppted Four before he could finish. "Didn't he only have a mom?" Ten said, which made everyone look over at him. Four went silent. "Four..?" X started, coming over and trying to take Four's hand, but he moved it away. "I lost my mother." He said blankly, looking over at Two with pissed off eyes. Two backed away. "I-I didn't mean it.." He shivered. "Yes you did! When we all ended up here, you said 'We're not lost, we're free'!" Six shouted, pointing a finger. Four's fingers started to grow into claws, like they did back when he was more... 'demonic'. Two swallowed hard, and backed into the portal, as the group drew closer. They all kept arguing and shouting at Two, until they started to see that orb of multicolour light begin to form inside the portal's hole. They all froze as it got bigger, and bigger. "What the math did you do??" Five screamed, quickly turning and trying to run, but a strand of light shot out of the orb and wrapped itself around Five, yanking him back. Everyone tried to scatter, but more of those strands of light reached out from the portal and grabbed onto them. Two was quickly sucked in, as he was closest to the portal.

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