Surpises, Surprises (short but still a part)

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It was a warm, spring evening. The birds chirped, and the morning dew dripped off leaves. Two yawned and rolled over, and to his luck fell off his bed. "ouch..." He grumbled, getting up, rubbing his head. He strolled over to the window and opened it. Ah, Goiky. He was staying there for a few days, as Millie had invited the neighbours to her farm for a small get together. She wasn't ready to introduce Two to them yet, so he stayed back in with everyone else. He rubbed his eyes as he looked out at the view, when he noticed many contestants making their way over to Four and X's house. He yawned, and figured they were just talking about contests and stuff. He ate some breakfast then left the house. He sniffed the air with his non-existant nose and sighed happily, then started to hear what some of the contestants were saying.

"How is this even possible?"

"I kinda had a hunch, but not about this."

"I'm going to need a while to get used to this."

Two made his way over to the crowd, and sifted his way through until he was face to face with what they were all looking at. "Woah.... H-holy...." Two stuttered. Four, who was standing beside the steps to the house, in which X was sitting on, moved over to Two. "Yeah. So um... I guess you know what happened." He said blankly, not sure how else to word his thoughts. Two let out a surprised breath. "How though..?" He asked eventually. Four shrugged. "He's so cute!" Leafy squealed, putting her hands to her face. "It's a he?" Two sputtered, his arms going limp. In X's arms, was a little Algebralien. A turquoise colour, with blue arms and yellow legs. Their shape was mostly 4 shaped. But the horizontal nub had two bumps, not one like any other 4's. X smiles down at his son, cradling him and humming. Two tried to speak but nothing came out, so he ended up just moving his hands around trying to say something. "His name is Cleave, Two." X smiled, his eyes glinting with joy. Two looked over at Four, who had the same glint. "I never thought, you, of all people, would have a child." Four shrugged again. "Times change." He murmured. "So are you guys married..? Dating? I mean, I assumed dating." "No we're married. Just, didn't have a wedding." Four answered Two quickly. Two squinted at Four out of his Peripheral vision. "How long have you been..." "Maybe a month or so." Four replied quickly again. Two had nothing else to say, so he just nodded. After a moment, he looked back at Four, "May I?" He asked calmy. Four nodded. Two got down on his knees to appear smaller to Cleave. "Can I ask.. Why Cleave?" He whispered, as to not disturb Cleave. "A whale friend of ours." X grinned. Two didn't say anything else. Cleave opened his eyes and looked up at Two, and tilted his wobbily head. "Oh my gosh... he is adorable..." Two smiled, using his index finger to gently rub Cleave's cheek. Cleave suddenly bit down on Two's finger. Even though Cleave only had little stubs for teeth, it still hurt. Two inhaled drastically but didn't scream, just stood there holding it in as Four had to try not to laugh. 

It was official, Cleave was fully taking on Four's chomping habits

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It was official, Cleave was fully taking on Four's chomping habits.

((I know I have been gone, and yes I am working on another part but Christmas prepping has drained my entire body. There is not a shrapnel of seritonin in this human raisin ✨✨ Hopefully yall have a good Christmas, see you in the next parts))

((Also to be clear Four and X did The Mating Dance if ya remember that old thing FWOOO))

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