Different worlds, Same emotion

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((Skipping back to the current day where Two was missing in the human world and all that))

It had been ages. Four couldn't remember when everyone last saw Two. He had tried to fix the portal by himself, but nothing seemed to work. He didn't have the powers that Two had, to make things float.. He figured that would be better than just stretching his arms and getting tangled up. He even screeched at the pieces, then felt stupid. Everyone was back to their normal life, still worrying about Two, but Four instructed them to go back to normal while he did all the work. X knew this wasn't good for Four, but he couldn't do anything to stop him. Then he got an idea. It may not be the best idea, but it could stop Four from overworking himself.

Four took a break to catch his breath. He stared at the pieces of the portal that didn't quiet fit together and sighed loudly. X became visable as he rounded the bushes to meet up with Four, with his plan in mind. "How are you doing, babe?" He asked. Four was about to respond when it finally clicked that X had called him 'babe'. "What did you just call me?" He asked rather sternly. "Babe~" X responded softly. Four's face flushed and he looked away. X could feel his cheeks getting warm, trying to hold back the feeling he sat down beside Four. "You know, Two will be ok. You were right when you said he was strong. He's probably been through much worse." X mentioned. "Like what?" "I dunno. I just feel like he has." The two went quiet. Four stood up, brushing the dirt off of his butt from the log they were sitting on. "I gotta figure this out." Four sighed, lifting a foot to start walking but X stopped him. "Relax for a while, Four~" He cooed, taking both of Four's hands in his. "X what are you-" X cut him off and kissed him. Four tried to break out of the kiss, but then melted into the embrace. They kept kissing, X moving back towards the log. He pushed Four down onto it and laid on him, preventing him from getting back up. "Mmmpph.... X I..." Four sighed in between breaths. X kissed Four's stomach and went up to his chest, then made out with Four again. Four did it back, now fully into it. Alright. I just need to keep this up long enough that he will drop fixing the portal and come back to the house. X thought to himself, taking breaks to breathe then going back in. The two started sweating from their own body heat, still gripping each other and trying to pull themselves closer.

mmphh..... mph...?

Four started to get suspicious, so he lightly shocked X with his zappy powers. "Ow!" X squeaked, pushing himself away from Four. Four wiped his lips and the sweat for his face. "What was all that about?" He asked, standing up. X stood up and blocked Four's path to the portal. "Four it's been weeks! All you've been doing is sitting outside for hours trying to fix the portal! You need to take a break, please!" X exclaimed. "I'm trying to save Two from wherever he is." Four argued, pushing X out of his way, a little too hard. X toppled over and hit his head off of a piece of the portal, making a painful squeaking sound. ((X squeaks like a dog toy)) Four quickly ran over to him, "X! I'm so sorry!" He apologized, helping X up. Four checked X, luckily he wasn't bruised or scratched. "Ow...." X whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes. Four felt regret fill his chest, making him feel sick. "Let's go home. I'll stay with you, ok?" X nodded slowly. Four picked X up and carried him home. X smirked while Four wasn't looking. He planned the whole thing.

"Let me get this straight-" Two began, "You're not human??" Millie chuckled. "I'm part human. My mother was a full bred Anabat, and my father was human." Two tried to comprehend what Millie had just said. "Ana...what?" "Anabat. It's a humanoid looking creature with two big wings on their back. They can sense when storms are coming, and can see in the dark. Since I'm half of that, I've got the wings and the ability to sense storms." She explained, walking past Two towards the door. "Wings?? But you don't have... do you? Am I blind..?" Two stumbled over his words. Millie gestured for him to follow her.

They did the farm work, putting the livestock away, then Millie led Two to a hill far away. It was night when they arrived, but it gave a nice view of the city, which was worth it. Two felt like he had seen something like this before, but brushed it off. "Do you have any abilities that can make you fly?" Millie asked suddenly. Two nodded, "I can float..?" He was still confused why she had brought him here. Then Millie did something with the back of her overalls, and two giant bird-like wings shot out of her back, folding back up neatly. Two couldn't look away. Millie noticed and caught his eyes. "Want to go for a fly?~" Two felt his face heat up, so he quickly used his floating ability and jumped into the air, waiting for Millie to fly up to meet him. She quickly flapped her wings, quickly at Two's height now. She giggled and flew past him. He stared in awe at her, before snapping himself back to reality and following after her. "Just follow me. I fly around here all the time." Millie beamed once he caught up. Two nodded quickly. She tilted her wings and turned around, flying back towards the forest on the hill. Two followed close behind. She flew past the forest, and flew down towards a large body of water, where she dragged her hand across the water's surface as she flew. Two did the same, but ended up falling into the water. Millie stopped and started to get worried, as Two didn't resurface. "Two? Two??" She called, flying above the water. Suddenly Two shot out of the water, creating a funnel of water after him. He then pushed his hands away from him, making the funnel explode into little water droplets, that fell back into the water. Millie pushed Two's shoulder when she reached him, "You scared me!" She exclaimed. Two looked down, "Sorry.." He apologized. Millie quickly kissed him on the cheek and flew off into the night sky. Two zoomed after her and got in her way, making her stop. "Last one to that waterfall over there is a unsolved math equation!" He shouting, pointing at the distant waterfall than zooming off. Millie laugghed, "You have the weirdest sayings! Just say rotten egg." She flew after him, almost overtaking him, but he beat her there. He floated overtop of the waterfall and cupped his hands, reaching into the water and filling his hands. Millie arrived shortly after, and her chucked the water at her. "Hey!!" She shouted cheerfully. Then she turned around and flapped her wings at the water, making a bunch splash up into Two's face. She laughed hard as Two gave her a dissapointed face. Then he used his powers to make a bunch of water bubble things, and floated them around Millie. He didn't pop them on her though, he was worried if he got her wings too wet, she couldn't fly. She held one of the bubbles in her hand, examining it in awe. Two kept staring at Millie, he was pretty sure he had hearts floating above his head. He loved her so much it made him want to cry. He already told Millie about his feelings and she did the same, but he wanted to keep telling her.

"You're a goof

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"You're a goof." Millie blushed, noticing how Two had just been staring at her. He snapped out of it. He floated over to her, moving the water bubble out of her hand and putting his hand in hers instead. He stared into her eyes and tried to keep his breath steady. He then placed his free hand on Millie's cheek, drawing closer until their lips met. It was like time slowed down, and all sound fizzled out as they kissed. Millie obviously had to keep flapping her wings, but that was besides the point. This felt...

 This felt

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...so good.

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