Ch. 64 - The Present

393 11 3

Harry Styles
March 17, 2022

The glow of the open fridge allows both of us to navigate the otherwise pitch black kitchen with some ease. Adelaide rips her lips away from me, working hard to catch her breath. "Harry, someone is going to hear us and come down here." She whispers in my ear, just as I turn up the song playing on my phone. We're both breathing as if we've run a marathon, but I promise, this is way more fun.

"And?" I ask, running my nose up her cheek. I can feel the goosebumps wash over her otherwise silky skin.

"Just because you decided to get drunk and streak through the house the other day, doesn't mean I'm inclined to having all of our friends see me naked right now." She tells me, although the tone of her voice is just as playful as it was 30 minutes ago when I had her naked on the kitchen table. 

She was the perfect midnight snack.

I pull her in tightly by her waist, kissing her shoulder gently. "No one is going to hear us. Trust me, if anything they would have heard you moaning my name just a bit ago..." I give her a gentle squeeze and she squeaks nearly jumping out of my grasp. 

"Harry don't-!" But I don't let her finish whatever she's going to feign protest with. I stop her with another perfect kiss because for some reason, since we've arrived in Vermont I've felt like I'm racing against time. I can't explain it. We've had a brilliant few days with each other, our friends... but even still. Something's just, off

"Harry, really, just give me a second." She counters, slipping out of my hands long enough to tip-toe to the entrance to the kitchen. She picks up my white t shirt we dropped and throws it on over her. Watching her gracefully return to my arms is a like a sight from a film, and when I pull her in I can hear her breath catch, stuck in the same moment as me. 

"See?" She whispers, suddenly out of breath. "All better now." I shift her hair so that her bangs are off her forehead and her hair falls long against her back. 

We slowly, and in perfect sync, continue to saunter around the kitchen, hand in hand to the playlist I've made. It's been great fun having all our friends with us this week to celebrate Adelaide and while I wouldn't have it any other way, I've grown jealous of everyone. I feel suddenly angry that we have to sleep at night, since it's the only time of day I get Adelaide all to myself. I couldn't help myself when I woke her up an hour ago. I just wanted, I just want, time as the two of us. 

"Sweetheart?" I hear her break the silence. "Are you crying?" She pulls her chest away from me, and while I'm left cold where her skin just was, I know she's going to want to see for herself.

"What if I am?" I ask cheekily, mustering all my charm, brushing a tear away quickly before rushing to replace my hand on her waist. 

"Well then I would want to know what's wrong?" She asks, allowing me to hold her in my arms, as she continues to dry off my cheeks. 

"Nothing baby. Nothing's wrong, I just love you a lot." I try to explain, knowing she's not going to buy that half-assed excuse. 

"Harry, you've written metaphors that give away more about how you're feeling than that, come on. Please?" I never stop swaying with her, and thankfully, as always Adelaide knows exactly what I need in the moment. She settles her head into my neck, getting comfortable in my hold, so I can tell her without having to look at her while I do.

"Well. I've missed you I guess." I admit. "That might sound selfish, or dramatic, but I'm used to everything being just us. I like it that way, and while I would never want to hold you back, I hate having to share you."

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