Ch. 65 - The Present

374 11 7

Harry Styles
April 24, 2022
7:23 pm

It's been an hour since I got home. An entire hour without Adelaide, and it feels like my heart's been ripped out of its chest. Of course though, it is wherever she is. The note on my pillow was the only thing left behind.

To: Mr. Harry Styles"I have her. It seems, you can't have everything you want. Don't worry, I won't hurt her. If you comply."

"Macey I don't know, no one knows. Griffin was knocked out, all the security footage was tampered with. Mace, what if this is the time she-" I try to say, playing with the rings left on my fingers. I'm well aware that spinning a ring around won't give me the answers I want, but I also have no idea what will so... here we are. 

"Stop, I'm already on my way back out there ok? We'll all come out and look for her ourselves, we're going to find her." God, I can't help but picture it, a search party. A search party because Adelaide is missing. 

I have to repeat it to myself, burn the imaginary image into my brain because my heart just can't believe it. 

"Macey it was awful." I try to describe, but there are no words to convey the horror I returned to. My mind won't let me see anything else. Griffin knocked out, each and every one of our security screens smashed... and the blood. We can't touch any of it of course, so every time I look up from the screen of my phone I'm reminded. I've been frozen at the kitchen island, everyone doing seemingly important things around me. 

"Would it help to tell me about it now, I'll listen. Like I said H, I'm on my way to the airport. We're picking up Jeff now, I'm here for you, try getting it all out before you forget." She says so bravely. It is her best friend that's missing after all. 

Missing. Adelaide is missing and there's blood all over the stairs. 

"I already gave my statement to the officers when they arrived, there's not much else to say yet."

"I know that," she says, her tone more "Macey-like" than before. In this moment, I'm actually really glad for her special kind of tough love. It's the most normal thing about this evening so far. 

"I got here around 6..." I shudder as I try my best to take a breath. "I saw the blood right away, I ran to the security room- I mean there's a panic room inside, I assumed Adelaide would be in there but... I mean that was the plan we made. When I saw Griffin knocked out on the ground, I knew." I realize I've rushed through the entirety, so I take a second to catch my breath.

"She's going to be ok Harry, she's a fighter. So are you, so I want you to keep talking, ok? We're at Jeff's now, just keep telling me what you remember."

"All the tv screens were destroyed, and I went to wake up Griffin and he was completely lost when he finally came to. I left him there with my phone to call 9-1-1, and I ran upstairs to look for her. The blood, it was on every single step, just everywhere. I opened the door to our room and heard the water running, the bathtub, it had completely run over and the worst part-" but I break down, the realization of it all still stinging again so much. She had just been there, she had to have just been there, I could have...

"You wouldn't have been able to stop it, they probably would have taken you too. We don't know who it is or what they want, they could have been after you, you have to remember that." Macey tells me again, but I can tell, I can hear it in her voice. The same hurt I feel that this could have maybe been prevented. 

It's my fault. 

"But Mace still, those candles. I could practically still see the smoke from them all lingering. They had just been blown out. I mean, the smell was so strong I-"

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