Ch. 68 - The Present (The Interview)

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Harry Styles
May 16, 2022

"Harry, first, let me thank you allowing us to come into your home for this interview. I think this is by far the most personal either of us have gotten." Zane says, sitting across from me in the studio. I'm lucky he's so good at this, he got here a bit ago, we had some lunch upstairs. Zane's always made me feel incredibly safe. We thought, if we're really going to do this, let's just go for it so inviting him here felt appropriate. 

"No, Zane, thank you. I'm uh, I wouldn't be able to do this with anyone else."

Looking behind Zane, in the oversized chair we've set up and all the lights behind him, I'm thankful to have Gemma, mum, Jeff, and Macey here. Niall's still working on things for the show, finishing up some production on the song we wrote two weeks ago. I practically couldn't make it through that writing session, let alone finish up production on a song that I feel like Adelaide had such a hand in writing. Her letter to me though, it all just came to me. 

"I have to ask, first, is there any update on the whereabouts of Adelaide? We're all incredibly concerned for her safety, of course." Zane asks me, nervously, but I can tell, genuinely. 

"We look for her and follow every possible lead, everyday. That's all I can really say right now, but obviously, as information comes in, whatever the public should know will be announced on all the official social media platforms to push out as quickly as possible. I'll take this opportunity to point out the specific hotline that should be rotating at the bottom of your screens at home. Please call this number if you have any information that could lead us to the whereabouts of Adelaide. We're thankful for everyone respecting our privacy at this time, and sending their love and support. This, is how you can help."

Zane just nods, I'm thankful to have been able to get ABC to let me do this with him. I'd only feel safe and comfortable answering so much of what I've planned to talk about with him. 

"Well, speaking directly to our live audience, I will share that this interview is quite a unique situation. When Harry had to announce last month that his beloved fiance, American Designer Adelaide Young, had been kidnapped, I think we all felt the same hurt and fear that he did and still does. So many of you have reached out to the studio with your own stories, having met Adelaide on tour. Ms. Young grew up in the suburbs of Pennsylvania before working for The Creative, which is where she met Harry Styles, and began working as a lead graphic designer for his tour." Zane looks to me in case he missed anything, but I nod and smile. That's all we need to have shared about Adelaide's 'origins'.  

Zane continues, "I'll share with viewers that the entire Styles family and HSHQ team, is here with us around the room. Harry there's a lot of love here."

"Yes, I can't thank my family and friends enough for their support. My mum." I look to her, sitting in the corner with Gemma, and work to fight back tears. "Well, she's become everyone's mum really. No one has left me alone since Adelaide's disappearance."

"And this interview was at your-"

"No, sorry to cut you off, but I will make it clear. Whoever has Adelaide, we're complying with everything they would like from us to assure her safety, and hopefully safe return. I've requested this interview, at their request." I admit, allowing a single tear of defeat to fall. I have to work hard to keep my chin from trembling as I get all the words out, but I'm determined more than ever to make it through the interview. For Adelaide, and the baby.

"Well, then let's begin, shall we?" Zane asks, and I know he isn't putting it on for the cameras, that was the look of Zane, my friend.

"Tell us about Adelaide in your own words..."

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