You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 29

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Hey guys! Really sorry for the long wait! Song on the side is One More night by Maroon 5! Also, I changed the cast to play Felicity, Nicholas and Alex. It’s now Jessica Lowndes, Paul Wesley and Matt Lanter! Take a look! :)

Dedicated to chocolatelover!

Felicity’s POV
“Harder! Come on man! Haven’t you guys already eaten?! Huh?!” I hollered. This pack is hopeless. I had to train them because their lovely Alpha Nicholas is “on a business trip” and their Luna Shelby thought that going AWOL would be fun too, leaving THEIR pack under OUR care. Shelby has been gone for quite some time already, not that I miss her. Alpha Blake then took Alex away for a meeting for hours long, about what I have no idea and left me with the duty of training the pack.
My rules specifically were for them to fight in human form and try to beat our pack members as we cannot only be strong when we shift into our wolf form. It will become a weakness open to all enemies and they will attack you when in human form whenever they get the chance to. But this whole lot is too used to shifting into wolf form and attacking their enemy that they are very very very poor at fighting hand to hand combats or using any sort of weapons. All in all, they are just terrible at defending themselves when in human form.

I growled under my breath when I saw someone from Nicholas’ pack shifting into a wolf, pouncing on his partner, who was our pack member. He defended himself easily, dodging the wolf and hit it on its neck, stopping it in mid jump. I stomped over to where it lay dazed on the ground, recovering from the earlier attack. I squat down, staring into the wolf’s eyes. it looked down immediately, not wanting to challenge an Alpha. Good. At least it knows its manners.

“Which part of ‘do not shift into your wolf form’ do you not understand? Hmm?” I asked sweetly, the sarcasm ad menace laced in my words not hidden at all. I heard it whimper in guilt and sorrow as it tucked its tail between its legs. And because of that I felt kinda guilty myself too. “Go put on some clothes and get back to training,” I ordered as I watched it scurry away hurriedly.

I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands roughly. This training isn’t going anywhere if Alex isn’t here to help. I heard from the people he trained that he was one of the best and the fiercest trainer here and I didn’t believe it one bit. Alex was the one that trained me into what I am today, and throughout the whole time he treated me with utmost care and gentleness. He was really patient with me, and when I couldn’t get a step right, he would teach me again and again and again. As much as I don’t believe it, two is still better than one.

I ran back through the forest all sweaty and sticky. It was only somewhere between mid-afternoon and I have been training them for about 6 hours straight and only less than a handful of them could master the easy moves I taught them. I walked straight into the empty kitchen, grabbed a mug and filled it with ice cold water to quench my thirst. I sat on the counter top, staring out at the woods, spacing out.

“Hey there baby doll! How’s the training?” a voice came in through the entrance of the kitchen, effectively snapping me out of my daydream.

“Don’t talk about it man,” I groaned, taking another sip from my mug, which was snatched away from me seconds later. “Hey! Give it back!” I glared at him playfully, trying to get my drink back. I did, only after Alex took a huge gulp of it and gave me back the empty mug. I gave him a flat look. “Seriously? You could just go and get yourself one you know. I really needed that drink.”

“At least I cheered you up,” he grinned. “Now tell me, why are you so frustrated with training your ex-mate’s pack?”

I glowered at him. “Don’t remind me he’s my ex-mate, I so do not need another Shelby to tell me that,” and I proceeded to tell him how terrible they all are at fighting. When I was done, Alex stared blankly at me for a second before bursting out laughing at me. “You suck!” He laughed. I slapped him on the back of his head, hopping down the counter and walking to the field. I heard his footsteps nearing me and smirked when I saw him rubbing his head. “That actually hurts you know?” He hissed, glaring playfully at me while I laughed.

Our fun was immediately over when we walked into the clearing. Nicholas’ pack members weren’t even training at all. They were in their wolf form, rolling about, chasing each other, doing everything except learning how to fight properly. Our people, still in their human form, were running all about trying to put them in place, but to no avail.

Without a word, I stomped over right to the center of the clearing, shifted into my wolf form and sat down. I took a deep breath and howled, my Alpha voice ringing in the background. The whole clearing suddenly fell silent, so quiet that even the sound of a pin dropping can be heard.

They were all bowing down at me, ears folded to the back of their skulls. I bared my teeth at them, shifting back to my human form. I was shocked to see Alex still standing in his human form, looking just as confused as I was.

“How are you resisting the Alpha command?” I asked him, frowning. He shrugged, looking at me through wide eyes. “I have no idea,” he muttered.

The shuffling of the others behind me brought me back to attention. Just as I was about to start shouting at them, Alex grabbed my arm, stopping me. He jogged to the center, and said, with a voice so calm that it instilled fear into everyone within range of his voice. “Either you all start being serious with your training, or you will be training through the night. Understood?”

I am so lucky that iEveryone that surrounded us nodded their heads and scurried quickly back to their positions. Alex turned to me, smirking. “I bet you didn’t have this effect on them did you?” I rolled my eyes. “Shut up and get to work.”

I. Am. Dead tired. Alex had me train WITH them for the whole effing 3 hours withoutgiving me a break. Damn right I was tired. When Alex dismissed us, I made it my mission to be the first to rush into the kitchen to gobble up anything edible. It was dark out already and I yawned, dragging my sore body up the stairs and into my room. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes were a pair of dark brown eyes. It was still very dark and my whole body was sore. “What do you want,” I mumbled, turning over to hide my face in the pillow. “Wake up I want to take you somewhere,” Alex whispered trying to wake me by shaking me violently. It obviously didn’t work out as he stopped a few minutes later. I sighed in relief, finally being able to go back to sleep, when my comforter was rudely ripped away from my body. I yelped at the sudden cold that hit me, huddling into a tight ball, trying to get warmer.

“Now get up already would you?” Alex sighed, exasperated. Just as I thought he was about to leave, I felt like I was being carried. I my eyes shot open and realized that I was over Alex’s shoulder. “Put me down!” I yelled, pounding on his back. “Nope! ‘Sides, I like the view from here,” he chuckled, slapping my ass. “HEY! PUT ME DOWN NOW!” I growled, hitting his back harder.

“Ok ok calm down babe. I promise to put you down if you stop struggling ok?” He grumbled. I muttered a yes, and was immediately put down on my feet. But before he could say anything, I ran as fast as my sore body could carry me up the stairs and jumped right into my bed, snuggling into the comforter. Soon I heard thumping sound of Alex’s footsteps and groaned. Seriously? Can he wait till the morning?
I heard him sigh again before he picked me up bridle style. I opened my eyes, glaring up at him. “What do you want Alex?” He grinned. “It’s a surprise. Now help me get yours and my coat. We’re walking.”

After God knows how long, Alex finally put me down on the ground. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, stretching lazily and saw that we were in the very notorious part of the town. “What the-” I asked, becoming wide awake instantly. “Why on earth did you bring me here in the middle of the night?! Do you know how dangerous this place is?” I half whispered, half yelled. Alex chuckled. “You really forgot didn’t you? Remember when I promised you that once you learnt how to fight well, I’ll bring you to an underground fighting club so that you can experience what it is like to be in that kind of place.”

Hell, I never ever thought that he would actually remember. It was so long ago! “Wow. I can’t believe you remembered,” I whispered, touched by is actions. He laughed at me. “Now cut the small talk. Let’s go have some fun.” Winking, he took hold of me by the elbow and lead me towards one of the oldest and shabbiest looking building I’ve ever seen.

“Are you sure you’ve brought me to the right place?” I asked skeptically, raising my brow. ‘I mean, this place is so run down! How do you expect a huge crowd of people having a fight in here? And it’s so quiet!” Alex rolled his eyes and dead panned me.. “Since when have you seen an underground fighting club taking place in a big and grand place huh?"

I chuckled sheepishly at my stupid question. "Can we go in now?" I asked, trying to changed the topic. Again he rolled his eyes. "Get in," he said, opening the rusty door. At first when I stepped in, I couldn't hear a thing. Not even the scurrying of mice, a leaking pipe which most old buildings have, nothing, nothing at all. It was pitch black, and honestly, it was giving me the creeps. But as I followed Alex down the stairs into a basement, I could hear the faint pounding of the music and the constant cheering of a huge crowd around me. I could feel the adrenalin kicking in and I was starting to get fidgety. "C'mon Alex we gotta hurry! Quick I don't wanna miss this for the world!" I breathed out, trying to find an entrance to the underground fighting club.

Alex laughed at my excitement, shaking his head. He stopped in front of a Brock wall, and before I could ask him what on earth he was doing, he pushed a random brick in the wall and lo and behold, the wall shook and opened, sliding sideways. I stared in amazement at what was in front of me. A huge ring was in the centre of the gigantic room. Two fighters were on the ring, circling each other wearily. One of them was already all bruised and beaten up. The whole crowd of people surrounding the ring cheered on as the two in the ring lunged at each other, grappling and fighting.

I walked in, feeling the excitement build up as I watched the fight going on in the ring. Throwing my hands up in the air I whooped, "Let the night begin!"

Nicholas’s POV
Sadness coursed through my veins as I thought about her. My heart broke when I realized what she said. “You’re just the same selfish bastard I knew. You lost your chance and will never get it back. I’m not going to say that I’m sorry because I’m not. You can’t have me anymore.” I was a selfish bastard? And she even asked about Shelby? What about her? She holds no importance in my life or whatsoever. Fortunately she disappeared a few days before Felicity got attacked and I haven’t seen her yet. Not like I care much.

Surrounded by bottles of alcohol in my study, I tried to drown my sorrows. The empty bottles lay on the ground, some broken after I vented my anger and frustrations on it. I randomly grabbed a bottle and brought it to my lips, only to realize that it was empty. I growled, flinging it to the far wall opposite my table. I smashed into smithereens, falling onto the floor in pieces.

As I was just drinking, I thought of a plan. I will make each and everyone of the people who stole Felicity away from me, especially that wimp Alexander, pay. He is the main cause of all my troubles. Then when I succeed, Felicity will be begging on her knees for me to spare her and let her come back to me. And when that happens, I shall make her the rightful Luna of the pack! Yes, that's it! I'm gonna collaborate with the rouges. I'm sure they'll love power from someone of a higher position than them! Plus, they also want to take this pack out. And after they do, I will kill them so that they do not kill Felicity, the important Moonstone Alpha. Once she becomes my Luna, she will bear me off springs and...oh the plans I have in store for her!

I smirked, immediately picking up the phone and dialing a number I never thought I would dial. "Hello? Is this the Alpha of the rouge pack? I have something's o propose. How do you like to work with me, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, to take out The Shadow Claw Pack?"

What I never expected to hear next was: "Great! We've now got both the Alpha and the Luna on the pack on our side! Thank you Alpha Nicholas. We are delighted to be able to collaborate with you. Your mate, Luna Shelby and my whole pack will be waiting for you at the outskirts of the country. Be quick!"

Felicity's POV

I am so damn nervous. My heart feels like its gonna jump out of my chest any time. I had asked for the best fighter in the whole ring and they gave me this hulk. I stared at my opponent, sizing him up. He looks strong, big in size, his muscles all bulging out of his arms. All in all, he looks scary, but he's just a mere human. "You know girl, if you would just tell me now that you are scared I'll let you off," he taunted. Very cocky one, at that. My poor bruised ego.

"You think too lowly of me, BOY," I snapped back. It obviously pissed him off as he growled and charge towards me. "I gave you a chance!" He yelled before he pulled his arm back to deliver a blow.

I watched him come towards me as if in slow motion. I could see everything clearly as I took a step back and dodged his attack. I then took advantage of his momentum, grabbing his arm and throwing him forwards towards the ropes. He stumbled backwards, loosing his balance as a fell on his back. I smirked at him. "Gonna get up, BOY?"

With a furious snarl, he got and tried to punch me, failing terribly. I grabbed his fist, pulling him towards me as I punched his face, breaking his nose. The crowd cheered, and when I looked at them, I saw Alex looking at me proudly, putting his thumbs up. I grinned, putting up my own bloody thumb, laughing at his disgusted look. I switched my attention back to my opponent, who was lying on the ground clutching his broken nose, which was bleeding profusely. The referee came over, counting him. He manage to stand up at the count of 6, standing up firmly facing me. I have to give him credit for that. That blow I delivered was no weak punch. No doubt he WAS the best. I'm gonna beat him in this match.

He came at me again, this time aiming for my shins. I dodged his attack agin, but it seemed like he was ready for that as he punched my jaw with his left fist. I took a few steps back, taken by surprise by his attack. I growled lowly as he ran towards me, smirking. When he was just a short distance away from me, I did a roundhouse kick, hitting his left temple. Before he could fall on the ground, I grabbed his head and brought it down hard on my knee. Then I grabbed him by his neck, punched his left cheek, splitting his lips, and kicking him in the stomach before slamming him on the ground. Luckily for him, he was already out cold.

The referee came over to where I stood and raised my hand proudly. "And the champion for the night is Moone!" The crowd chanted my nickname, cheering for me. I laughed at the level of enthusiasm they were showing at my victory. "And now the prize money for the championship goes to Moone! Congratulations!" I took my prize from the referee, raising it up high for the crowd. As they cheered louder, I searched for that familiar face of Alex in the crowd, and found him standing at the side of the ring, looking at me proudly. I jumped down, laughing in glee as I rushed into his open arms. "OH MY GOSH ALEX!" I gushed. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I FREAKING WON!!"

Alex chuckled at me. "Well we gotta get back now. The sun's almost rising and I'm sure you don't want any questions we can't answer be asked, do you?" He ruffled my hair when i pouted and gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. "You know I don't fall for that Fi. Now c'mon champion. I'm calling it a night," he said as he walked me to the entrance. "We'll be back. I promise." He promised. I grinned at him, willingly followed him out of the building with my thirty hundred bucks clutched tightly in my hands.

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