You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 11

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Sorry guys for the long wait! I’ll explain later at the end of the chappy! My fav comments:   “Well at least she's moving on and I hope Felicity and Alex grow feelings for each other and let that jacka** of an ex- mate see what he was missing out on. Please update soon :D”-Smartgirl94  

“It;s interesting how Felicity has become more confident now she's moved on with the new pack. And you lady, Cubicles? U have some interesting plots in your head!

Loved the chapter.  Upload more whenever U can. :)”-PurplePixie


Felicity’s POV

We finished shopping when it was dark. I am now sitting on the couch, legs stretched on Peter’s lap and my head on a cushion. Alex decided to be a kid and ignore me. Sigh. We had countless number of “exchanges” in the fitting rooms and yet he still ignores me? How ungrateful of him. So what if I made him carry ten plus shopping bags for me? Not as if they are that heavy. Or maybe they are. Whatever. Who gives a flying cow how heavy they are?! All I know is that it is a fair exchange and he is also supposed to be a gentleman!

I ignored him too. Maybe tonight I won’t go over to him. “Hey Fi! How’s shopping?” Sandra came bouncing out of the kitchen, her blonde curls looking more like springs with their movements. Darren and a few others chuckled at the thoughts going through my head.

“Hey! Keep out of my head!” I growled playfully at them. The new addition, Travis, chuckled a bit too. He was found in the woods in his wolf form, a very light brown colour with stormy grey eyes. I know it’s a weird combination, but he looked ok with them. He’s a rather nce boys, and has now joined me and the boys. I slapped him on his head lightly since he was the nearest to me. “Oww! Fi bullied me!” Travis whined playfully, feigning hurt. I giggled a bit, making him smile.

A throat cleared and I turned to face an impatient looking Sandra. “Oh sorry but your questioned was…” I stupidly asked. Sandra looked annoyed at me as she repeated her previous question. “I said, how was shopping? And what on earth were you thinking just now that made them laugh?” I chuckled nervously as I replied both her questions.

“Uh… I was thinking… how nice it was to shop with Alex?” it came out more like a question than it was supposed to be intended to. I could tell she didn’t believe me, but she let it go. “Whatever, Fi. There’s still some food left in the fridge, and you’d better hurry up and pack, we’re leaving in the morning. Everyone’s done except you and Alex.” With that, she plopped down on the sofa beside the couch and switched her focus to the telly.

“C’mon Alex. Let’s go pack.” He stood up and grumbled “I’m not your dog.” I laughed. “Well, nobody said you were mine, but you can if you want.” That earned me a few guffaws from the living room and narrowed eyes and a growl from Alex. “Oh and by the way, help me take my bags up too. I thank you in advance.” I said solemnly, trying my best not to burst out laughing and the extremely pissed off look on Alex’s face. I could also hear the laughter in the living room getting louder, and even Alpha Blake chuckling in his study. I can picture him shaking his head.

I walked up the stairs into my bedroom with Alex carrying my bags. He rudely dumped them onto the floor and was about to storm out of my room when he turned around. “You owe me big time, girly.” He slammed the door on the way out, leaving me smirking at him.


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