You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 10

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Favorite comments from previous chapter:

“Ya remember your favorite quote that you liked the last time I posted it about being so irritated by that douche face of an EX-mate of hers. Ya I lied I at the moment want to do something to him that is illegal in just about every country besides probably Africa or Germany. ugh I'm glad her grandparents dont forgive his sorry pathetic dumb scrub ass. He needs a swift kick in the ass and a giant punch to the nuts. I dont give a flying F*** if his dad ordered it!!!! As I read this chapter I felt not one ounce of pity for that douche...I want to say so many other things about him but Wattpad doesn't allow my "language" skills to post it in this comment bubble. Just use the imagination and know that some of the things I want to call him are extremely inappropriate, rude, mean and could cause someone to cry with the way I would say them in. TSK...d*ck!” – ScenekidKriss

“Not only the son is a jacka** the dad is also. But like that saying goes 'Like father, like son'. Please ypdate soon :D” – Smartgirl94   “Is their a part where I rip off Nickolas head  and find felicity a new mate!” – superlexi101



Felicity’s POV

It has been another month. Alex and I still relieved our stress by having sex and I never ever thought of Nicholas again. Even if I did, I didn’t shed a tear. If he could mate with someone and get over me, I can do it too.

I’m now officially part of the pack, although Alpha Blake allows me to start a new pack by myself since he knows that I have the Alpha bloodlines in me. He also knows about my parents and promised me that he would help me find them. He really treats me like his own child even though Sandra is a month pregnant with his own child.

The rest of the packs, mostly the boys, are very protective of me, especially Alex and Peter. They don’t know the relationship between me and Alex, but they do know that we are very close. I actually think that Alpha Blake knows as he always sends this knowing smile that gives me the creeps. I also have a feeling that he wanted to give me Than Talk but then thought against it. I’m lucky he did not, if he did, the pack will never let me live it down.

There’s a piece of good news too. Alpha Blake decided to move the pack to France for the time being. He said he wanted us to know more what is happening in the outside world, but I know that he just wants to give me more time to get over my sorry excuse of a mate.

Right now I’m shopping for new clothes for the trip. I dragged Alex along so I wouldn’t be alone and he could also help me carry my bags. He’s sulking behind me while I skipped from store to store. As I now grow up in a group of boys, I prefer shorts and shirt, and I only go for comfortable and stylish ones, so that makes things difficult. I spotted a pair of skinny jeans that suited my conditions and hopped towards it, grinning happily. Alex followed, still sulking. I grabbed the jeans, wanting to go try it on. I turned around, noticing that Alex still look as sulky as ever.

“Aww c’mon Alex! Stop sulking like a baby! I can make you glad you came!” I cooed pinching his cheeks, causing him to glare at me harder and swatting my hand away. I sniggered at his looks and he looked as if he could kill me with his gaze, but I caught amusement in his eyes. I smiled at him innocently and jogged off to the fitting room.

I took off my pair of shorts, putting on the pair of dark skinny jeans. It felt really comfortable and I already wanted to buy it. But as I was about to take it off, the zipper was stuck. “Alex! Get in here and help me! My zipper’s stuck!”

Alex came in, grumbling to himself. He knelt down and slowly zipped down, untangling the zipper from the loose threads of the jeans. He looked up and suddenly the room had gone a few degrees hotter. We stared into each other’s eyes, and then he stood up and crashed his lips into mine, making me moan in the back of my throat.

[And you know what happens! Read the full version in my profile of you want!]


We were panting by the time we finished. I smirked at Alex. "See! Told you I could make you glad you came!" As we were trying to make ourselves look more presentable, we heard a knock on the door. “Ma’am, you’ve been in there for quite a while. Other people also complained that there are noises coming from this cubicle. Are you ok?”

I hurriedly answered, “Yeah I’m ok. Just that the zipper’s stuck and I’m trying to get it undone, that’s all. I’ve got it under control now. I’ll be out in a sec.” I heard the salesgirl mutter an “ok” and fading footsteps.

I turned towards Alex who was smiling sheepishly. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You were just too sexy.” I smiled back. “It’s ok. Coming to think of it, it was quite enjoyable. C’mon. let’s get out of here.”

Unlocking the door, I walked put, jeans in one hand to the cashier, ready to pay for it and do more shopping and hopefully more sex in the cubicles! ;)


Bonjour guys!! Can I have more comments and votes? Please I’ll love you all…

And it also seems that you people still hate Nicky. Oh well. You will forgive him one day. And so will Felicity. Oops! I said too much!! Byes!!!!

<3 Cat

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