You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 33

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I am so sorry guys for the extremely long wait! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


Felicity's POV

Staying here and waiting for Alex to come is useless. I might as well do something on my own before he comes with back up. I put my faith in him. I just know it in my heart that he will come.

Ally came in a while ago to pass me a tray of food and scurried out immediately. It hurt to know that she was scared of me, but I can't blame her. After all, I was pretty hostile to her. There was a little bit of rice and chicken on the tray, but somehow they do not look as appetizing as the should. Just staring at it made me feel bile rise up my throat.

I need to get out of here. The walls feel suffocating, as if they were closing in on me. I pulled against those handcuffs, and all I heard was the clinking sound of metal. I tried harder, occasionally glancing towards the door to see if anyone comes in. Still, the handcuffs stayed where they were.

Frustrated, I tried one last time, pulling with all my might. I used my werewolf strength, combined with the strength of a Moonstone Alpha. The chains to the handcuffs rattled and eventually broke, the force of it almost throwing me off the bed. If only this was some James Bond movie, I would have easily have something to pick the lock of the cuffs and release myself in a more...graceful way. It really does suck to be in reality.

I hopped off the bed, and when I landed onto the floor with a soft plop, I noticed that I wasn't wearing what I was when I left the house. I am now barefooted, dressed in a black tank top and light colored jeans. I frowned. Who dressed me? I shuddered, hoping Nicholas wasn't present when whoever it was helped me.

I tip-toed my way to the door, pressing my ear against it and listening for any movements outside. I need to be extra careful now, seeing that I am pregnant, I have to protect two lives. There was nothing outside; it was deathly quiet. Slowly, I turned the door knob and stuck my head outside, again making sure that there was nothing that poses as a flanger to me and my child. Ironically, the entire place itself was already dangerous. Creeping outside, I closed the door as silent as I could, trying to make as little noise as possible. I don't even want to think of what they are gonna do to me when they catch me.

Shaking off all negative thoughts, I looked up and down the hallway. I was right smack in the middle of it, and I have no idea which way to go. Following my instinct, I decided to go left. I plastered myself against the wall, I sneaked along the hallways, making many turns. I had a feeling I was lost, since everything, every corner looked the same to me. The walls were painted a dark blue, in contrast to the white room I was in just now. The tiles were a dark brown color, and the ceiling was very high up. Chandeliers hung from them, all of them lighted up, which only means that the sun must have set. Somehow there were no windows at all to look out of, or in my case, to plan my escape route. This stupid mansion is a freaking maze, I don't think I know how to get myself back to that dumb ass room again. Where on earth do they even get the financial support to build this place? Sent they just a rogue pack? Sighing, I was about to try to make my way back when I heard voices.

Creeping slowly, I came sight to sight with a black door. This place is horribly dark colored, I thought myself. Pressing myself against the door, I listened intently at the conversation going on inside. "...yes, I think they are coming soon. She should have contacted her mate already." A voice I easily recognized as Nicholas' greeted my ears. It used to sound like a sweet melody, but now, it was like nails on a chalkboard. I winced at that thought, and digested what he said. Contacted my mate? Oh yes! Why did I not think of that? I made a mental note to figure how to do that later, but now I would just focus on the conversation going on behind the door. "She smells different, do you know why?" I heard Nicholas speak again. Another voice, a deeper one, spoke up this time. "She might be pregnant." The voice replied. I know this voice too. It's my father's. That little shit.

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