You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 7

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Hey I'm back again guys! Aren't you happy? I'm dedicating this chapter to PurplePixie coz she's a supportive reader! Enjoy the story!

1 week later...

Felicity's POV

It was really fun here. The guys Peter, Darren, Ashley, Joshua, David, Alex and a few others were really nice to me. Darren and David were twin brothers, while Ashley and Joshua were distant cousins. I went shopping with Sandra and we bought a whole lot of things. I was really close with Alex especially and treated him like a brother I never had. He pampered me, kept the boys away from me and taught me how to fight. I had a feeling I had gotten a tad stronger. I even forgot about Nicholas. That bastard. Who cares. Anyway I'm having fun, not as if I'm moping.

Tonight it was a pack bonding day. Though I was not an official member of the pack, I was still able to join it. It consists of watching movie and then going for a pack hunt. I was excited as I loved to hunt. It was so cool! I loved the feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins as I run.

I had some girl friends in the pack too, but since I hung out more with the boys, I didn't really talk to them. Peter was really nice to me too. I'm as close to him as I am with Alex though.

Right now I'm snuggling on the couch with my head on Alex's lap and my feet on Peter's. We were watching Nightmare on Elm's Street. It was kinda lame actually coz it didn't scare me one bit. The boys got a little bored with the movie and started talking to each other. "Hey people you wanna hear a story?" the joker of the group, Darren asked. There was a chorus of yes and so he begins with his joke. Little did I know how gutter-minded he was.

"There was once a horse, a mouse and a chick. One day, the chick fell into quicksand. It was stuck and could not get out. Then a mouse driving a BMW came along. He saw the chick but he could not do anything about it as he had nothing on him to pull the chick out so he drove away. The chick was near death when a horse passed by. He saw the chick drowning and immediately went to rescue it. But seeing that there was no twig around, he used his long dick to pull the chick out." I groaned loudly, causing everybody to laugh. I felt Alex vibrate as I covered my face with my hands.

"Wait! Wait! It's not done yet! There is a moral of the story. Anyone wants to guess?" Darren asked mischievously. People started to guess lame answers and got interrupted by Darren.

"The moral of the story is... you don't need a nice car to get a chic. You just need a long dick!" everybody roared into laughter after that, and I heard a few "so true". I groaned louder this time, but causing the entire pack to laugh harder. Mind you, this was a huge pack, and so it sounded like, I don't know. Anywho it was very loud. Even my dear nice brother Alex was laughing at me, along with Peter.

"Children! It's time for the hunt!" Alpha Blake called out. He was a really nice guy. In fact, he treated me as his own child. I jumped up immediately, racing for the door. I was soon followed by the rest of the pack, who were still chuckling. I saw a big dark brown wolf standing alongside a really light blonde wolf. Looks like Sandra and Aloha Blake shifted already. I took off my clothes (The pack have already seen me naked before when they pushed me into the swimming pool and made me wet)and shifted  into my grey wolf. My colours are still as vibrant as ever and they made me look rather nice. The different shades of grey made me look like a puppy so says Alex. The rest of them shifted too. The twins were rather difficult to identify. They had an almost-same scent and their colours are exactly the same. The only way to differentiate them is the small birthmark on their ribs. Darren's was on the left while David's one was on the right.

When everybody shifted, we took off running. The familiar feel of adrenalin filled my body as I begin to pick up speed. But suddenly Alpha Blake growled through the pack's mind link. {Wolves} he said. Everyone perked up their ears and sniffed the air, searching for danger. Just  then I picked up a very very very strong yet familiar smell. The pack halted already, and I looked up into the same pair of enthralling blue eyes that I fell for staring back at my green ones.

Nicholas's POV

I sent my pack out on a mission to find her. It has been a week since I saw Felicity. Hailey kept on going form boys to boys, and now she's sitting with the cheerleaders. School was really boring and my wolf wasn't speaking to me either.

After school, I rounded up my pack. I wanted to join the search for her. I had to see her and apologize. We went straight into the forest with me leading the way and soon I can smell that we were in the borders of another territory. I could also smell the scent of other wolves heading our direction. One scent stood out. Isn't that... [Mate!]  My wolf howled. As they approached, I could see them much better now. I caught sight of a grey she-wolf with black tips at the ears and tail and a darker shade of grey fur on her paws. She looked up at the same time I recognized her green eyes.


Ello peeps! Thought I would upload since you waited long enough. My exams only end in Tuesday so I'll only upload again then. So yeah.


<3 Cat

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