You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 24

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Felicity's POV

I slowly regained consciousness. The things around me became clearer as my senses sharpened. I felt cold. Really cold. I was lying on cold hard floor and I  knew I was surrounded by wolves, since the wet dog smell was overwhelming. They were licking me, biting me, worrying at my body, closing in, pressing in. Their careless teeth nipped at my fur and some reopened my wounds, but I kept quiet so as to not let them know that I have awoken. Their muzzles pushed against my collarbone, the pulse at my neck. 

"So I see that our prisoner is awake," I heard a silky sweet voice purr. I remained still, breathing evenly, trying my best to look like I'm still unconscious. "Okay fine. Since she's not awake, step on her broken leg. It's bound to wake her up," the same voice ordered impatiently. What broken leg? I only remembered I had a fight and some scratches...a broken leg? Didn't think so. Bet he's just pulling my tail-- I howled in pain as I felt pressure on one of my foot that lay limply on my side. Guess I really broke a leg. 

"Are you fully awake now?" I heard the same voice ask me sarcastically. I looked up and glowered at the one that spoke. He had blood red eyes shining with...hunger? It was all I could see through the darkness of this room I was in.  

He walked over to me, hovering above my body. I could see him clearer now. He was shirtless, showing off those abs of his. His hair was brownish at the tips if you looked closely, but since it was dark, his hair looked darker.  He would look so much better if he wasn't my captor and clean. I snarled in his face, baring my canines. The excruciating pain of my wrongly healed leg faded into a dull ache. A look of anger flitted across his face, but it soon turned into a smug look. He lifted his leg, positioning in above my injured foot. "You'd better start respecting me, or else..." he trailed off, lightly using his foot to prod mine. I hissed, whining through my nose. He looked at me expectantly, and when I continued to stare into his eyes, he kicked my leg with so much force that it broke. Again.

I howled, tears of pain forming in my eyes. It hurt so badly. "Now, submit to me or I can do so much worse. In case you forgot, your left hind leg's flesh is torn to the bone and the muscles have only just finish healing itself. If you don't submit to me, well, you will just have it re-ripped open." I growled at him through my pain. No way was I going to submit to him. I'm the Alpha, not him!!! An Alpha NEVER submits. I'd rather go through all the pain than to bring shame to myself and those around me. "Fine. You decided to learn the hard way," the man growled, shifting into his wolf. He was the brownish black wolf! 

He continued to look at me as if giving me one more chance. But when he saw that I wasn't going to give in, he stared at me one last time before walking to where my hind leg was. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come. But instead, I was greeted by the whines of many wolves as they stood in a circle around me. I lay immobile, afraid that if I made the wrong move I would die. The brown black wolf walked out, tail between his legs and belly almost touching the ground. 

Then I felt a presence of two wolves. Their scent was faint, but somehow familiar. My instincts then told me that something not so good was going to happen. Oh no. I heard the door open. I was on lying on my side, so I could not see them.  But something in me made me lift my head up, and when I did, I had the shock of my life. My eyes went as big as saucers, and a surprised whine spilled form my throat. No no, it couldn't be! I know they're here, but--

Both wolves shifted to their human form, forcing me to believe that it was them. Impossible! Is it an imposer?! They walked towards me, both wearing an identical smirk on their faces. No, I swear, they were good guys!!! They are--

"Hello, dearest daughter."

Alex’s POV

I just felt like beating the crap out of something. What caused it, I don’t know. All I know is that I feel very frustrated right now and there are completely no leads to where Felicity was taken. I think I’ll just go for a run in the woods and hopefully calm down. I took off my shirt, only keeping my pants on. You’d never know when you need it. Like that time when we first found Felicity, I almost didn’t bring my pants along with me.

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