You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 16

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Hey the music video by the side is in Chinese. It's called One More Time by Raymond Lam. Very nice, although some of you may not be able to understand it, but please watch it! The dance moves are AWESOME!!!!!! Felicity's pic on the side. On with the story~


Felicity's POV

We're on the plane now, heading back to Minnesota. I was sitting next to Alex again, me on the window seat and him on the aisle. Alpha Blake sat in front of us, in the front seat next to Sandra and baby Seb in the baby carrier thingy. Peter was sitting in behind us with Ashley. Darren and David the twins sat beside us in the middle row. They were currently fighting who to sit in the middle, beside some poor innocent girl. Joshua is behind the twins with a random she-wolf clinging on to his arm.

I was introduced to Alex's parents not long ago; they were really nice people, Geoffrey Beck St Clair and Christine Rochelle St Clair. In fact, the whole St Clair family is nice. I had a dinner over there, spent the night talking to Christine while Alex had The Talk again. They remind me of my parents, who I have no idea where they are. Abandoning me at first shift...sigh. I just hope that I can find them again, though it has already been two years without hearing anything from them. The money kept coming still, flooding my bank account.

"Hi sir, do you want a drink before taking off?" An air stewardess asked Alex ONLY, giving him a flirtatious smile. Alex looked her up and down, his eyes staying a bit too long on her chest area. The air stewardess seems to know that as she went to pull her already low neckline lower, showing off a bit of her lacy bra. A pang of jealousy went through me as I glared at the girl and growled. My eyes must be a blazing green now. My frosty glare seemed to have scared the air stewardess as she scurried off to do her job. Alex turned towards me, his eyes widened in shock. "Fi?" he asked slowly. I snapped out of my trance then. "Huh?" I asked him, blinking furiously. I had no idea why my wolf suddenly reacted this way. Why am I feeling jealous?

Alex smirked at me, as if he knew how I was feeling. "Jealous, are we?" he mocked. I blushed, sending him another one of my glares. I crossed my arms and turned to face the windows. "Awww c'mon now Fi...don't be a cry baby..." Alex continued with his mockery. Seeing that it wasn't working, Alex chose to bribe me. "Ok fine. I give up. How 'bout I buy you a Starbucks hot chocolate and a vanilla latte?"

That did it. "Ya ok ok ok ok!" I yelled, jumping in my seat to hug him. "Yay!" Alex chuckled at my childish act. "Calm down woman. I need to breathe," He said while untangling my arms from his neck.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be taking off in a few minutes time. A safety video clip will be shown to you later. Please enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip," the captain announced through the speakers. I returned to my seat, accidentally seeing something I should not be seeing. Joshua and the she-wolf were lip locked and the girl is giving him a handjob. Oh my gawd not again!!! Why am I always the one who have to see this kind of thing?! I admit that I have sex, but it is only with one person and I don't let other people see me doing it!!! Sooner or later I am very sure I'm going to be brain damaged by all these things I am seeing.

I must have looked really freaked out when I slowly descended into my seat as Alex looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok?" He asked me with a frown. I nodded my head, burying my face in my palms. "Can you please tell Joshua and that girl over there to get a room? I don't want to see them in that state," I replied, my face still in my palms.

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