You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 26

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Alex’s POV

It’s Felicity’s birthday. There’s this place I’ve always want to take her to. I came across it when I was running on patrol. It was a beautiful sight. The cliff shows the full view of the city and the air feels so…fresh, so nice. I went up there to clear my thoughts sometimes, but then I stopped going there as all my thoughts were usually focused on Felicity. I wanted to make up with her, give her a surprise, and then make her my girlfriend. I love her, I know it. I can’t help the feelings that courses through me every time I see her. I felt guilty for ignoring her, but I was hurt. What can you expect me to do when the person you like a lot breaks your heart? I was rejected twice, by two different people. I need time to clear my mind for a while, and right now I totally regret not meeting up with her in the clearing.

I quickly changed into y wolf form, feeling the need of some fresh air. Having spent days cooped up in my room trying to figure out who abducted Felicity and where she is is taking a toll on me. I jumped out of my already opened window, landing on the ground noiselessly. I darted into the forest, my mind drifting off to somewhere else as I let my wolf take over my actions.

Unknowingly, I arrived at the cliff. The same cliff I was thinking about. I trotted over to the edge, sitting down on my haunches, just looking over the city. Minnesota is really a nice place. I shifted back into my human form, staring blankly at nothing now. I could feel my love for Felicity grow as I thought more and more about her. Her smile, the energy radiating off her, her wittiness, her humor, the relaxed way she is around me… “Happy birthday, Fi. I hope you’re safe, wherever you are. I’ll come to get you, no matter what.” I whispered into the night sky.

Somehow, as I was saying this, I felt a presence. It was just this energy coming off from something behind me. I turned around to see who or what it was, but it was gone. It felt familiar felt a bit like…Felicity? But it couldn’t be! If she came back, she would have come to me and tell me, not disappear. Wait. Hold on. It’s her nineteenth birthday, right? For a Moonstone Alpha, they have to turn eighteen to get their before mating powers, but for some certain cases, they have to turn nineteen to get their before mating powers. Felicity is a Moonstone Alpha, and today is her nineteenth birthday. So that means that Felicity has her before mating power already? But what is it?

{Alex! Get back here now! I’ve got a plan! Quick!} I heard Alpha Blake shout through the pack link, breaking my train of thoughts. I would tell that to Alpha Blake later, but I need to hear the plan first. While I was running, I was aware that Ashley, Joshua, Peter, Darren and David join me in their wolf form, their pants audible to my sensitive ears. {We will save Fi} they said in my mind, their voices filled with determination. I sent my thanks to them, running faster with them flanking me, eager to hear what Alpha Blake has in mind.
I reached, shifting into my human form, not caring if I was naked. I heard bones popping behind me, so I didn’t have to look to know that the others were also shifting. I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to give Joshua a weak smile before we all entered the room.

“Alpha Blake? You said you had something to discuss with us?” I asked. He looked up from his work, and I could see that he was quite excited to put his plan into action. “I’ve heard form one of our pack members that Nicholas is gathering all of his best trackers and setting off to find Felicity. We would never be able to find her before them, but if we follow them, we might be able to find Felicity before them!” I let the plan settle in for a bit. If we follow them, we might reach a few steps behind them, but we can still get to Felicity! That’s the only way to find her as quick as possible. “Yes, we’ll do it. Right now,” I said firmly. I will find her, no matter how long it takes or how we do it. "And Alpha Blake, I think Felicity just got her before mating power."

Felicity’s POV

"Where are we going now?" I whispered as Kingsley held my hand tightly, leading me to the front door. "Hush now, we are going into the forest. This territory is freaking big, so you have to keep close to me at all times. I have a feeling that they will only come back the next day, so if we are lucky and quick, we might be able to get to the stream and wash off our scents before the can catch us," he muttered back.

He sniffed the air before opening the door, most probably sensing whether there are guards outside the door. I took a deep breath, helping him out since my senses are so much more stronger than his. "None, but there are two of them somewhere in the woods," I murmured. He looked at me with surprise evident on his face, before giving me a grunt of acknowledgement and went out of the house.

"Okay, we are going to make a dash for the trees. Make sure we are not seen, and once you enter the forest, shift. I'll be right behind you. Run as quickly as you can, I'll meet you at the stream after I get rid of the two guards you sensed nearby." With that, he took off, and I could make out clothes flying everywhere as a flash of dark brown shot off. I followed a heartbeat later, immediately shifting into my grey wolf, sprinting into the direction where I can faintly hear the sound of running water.
I could tell I got closer and closer to the stream as the sound of rushing water got stronger. Too strong, actually. I slowed down, jogging over. What I saw took my breath away. The 'stream' was not a stream at all. It was a freaking fountain! No wonder the rush of water was so strong!

The water was clear; you could even see the sand bed under. There were fish swimming around in the water, and the moonlight reflected on the water edge, giving the fountain a warm glow. I stood there, mesmerized. How can a rogue territory have something so beautiful, so pure inside it? Isn't it weird?

I sniffed the air, smelling for Kingsley's scent. Very faint, so that means he is still quite far. Oh well, I might be able to wash off my scent first and wait for him.

I dived into my water, my wolf body caused large amounts of water to splash out. I could feel the fish swimming past my paws, tickling me. The strength of the water falling form the fountain was heavenly. It loosened the tensed muscles in my shoulders. I closed my eyes, a soft whine escaping as I enjoyed the free massage. I was so absorbed that I did not hear Kingsley arrive.

The bark scared me, making me yelp in surprise, my eyes opening immediately as I got into defense mode. I've had god damn training before, and I remember clearly that Alex told me never to let my guard down. Freak, they found me and now I'm dog chow.

My eyes darted to the dark brown wolf standing in front of me and relax, but glared at him. Kingsley laughed at me, a half bark half whine coming out of his throat. I continued glaring at him as I reluctantly got out of the water, shaking water droplets off my fur, making sure to get him wet. That stopped him laughing as the water landed on his face. I looked pointedly at the fountain, then back at him. He seem to get the message as he quickly got into the water and started cleaning himself while I rolled around in the dirt, using the mud and soil to cover up my scent. I got up, stretching, and stopped midway. I could feel my eyes widening as I saw a smoking hot guy emerge from the water. Standing in his naked glory, droplets of water hung down from his fringe, dripping down to his six pack and going down lower to places I so do not want to see.

"Like what you are seeing?" I heard a cocky voice ask. I would have blushed if I could; thank gawd that I am in wolf form now. But somehow looking at Kingsley like this makes me I'm betraying someone. Someone like... [Alex?] My wolf spoke softly. I was at a lost for words then. I couldn't say no, nor could I say yes. I shook my head, smirking at Kingsley trying to hide my real feelings. Yes, he is hot, but I think Laex is so much better. Furthermore, this guy already have a mate.

I turned and trotted off, not waiting for him to shift. It was then I dropped my façade, feeling the hollowness and emptiness in me as I longed for the comfort of home, and most importantly, Alex.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oi seriously, when can we ever get out of this place? We've been walking for a few days already!" I whined, slumping against a tree. I could not stay in my wolf form any longer. I was so tired. We've gone without any sleep, little food and water, and now we still have to continue walking?!

"Can you please stop whining? I find something a little off. I think we've been going in rounds," Kingsley replied, his eyes scanning our surroundings. Now that he said it, I did find it a little weird too. Our journey was too smooth, but we have been in this area for almost a week. Weird scents was always in the air, but we both passed it off as other wild animals.

"Okay, there's this clearing a bit further after here. If we got to there, we are safe since it is very near the borderline. We will then be in Minneapolis, and maybe we can steal some clothes to cover ourselves up. I'll think of how to get you back when we reach. Now come on, let's get going."

I groaned as he pulled me up, pushing me forward. I stumbled at first, regaining my balance soon after. "You don't have to push, you know," I grumbled. I need some sleep at least. I tend to get really cranky when I do not have enough sleep.

A few hours later, with me tripping over numerous unknown objects due to my sleepwalking state, we finally reach something like a clearing. "Hallelujah!!! We reached!! Yippee!! Can we rest now?" Without waiting for his answer, I fell strait onto the grass. I am just so tired..."Hush! Hear that sound?" Kingsley stood erect, his muscles tensing. "No nothing. It's just you. Goodnight," I mumbled, drifting off to sleep.

"GET UP! THEY FOUND US!" Kingsley yelled. The urgency in his voice woke me up. I jumped up, senses alert, paying full attention to the activity around us. "We're surrounded," Kingsley whispered. "Shift. NOW!" Once he finished saying, he shifted into his dark brown wolf, red eyes blazing. I followed suite soon after, just as a whole circle of wolves closed in on us. I growled lowly as Kingsley snarled at them. Then my 'parents' emerged. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Little Felicity and Kingsley playing hide and seek? Oh sad, game is over, and you've passed your curfew. Come home and receive your punishment, if not, I'll just have to escort you home. After all, kids cannot be trusted by themselves, can they?"

The sarcasm was dripping from their words was so damn strong. Their eyes were full of anger, but their face was a mask of mocking. I hissed, moving closer to Kingsley. I lay low, watching all of them carefully. Kingsley mirrored my moves, but he turned around, so he was way watching the wolves at the back.

My 'parents' then showed their true emotions. "You, Kingsley, we trusted you. We gave you a powerful mate, but did you appreciate it? And you, ungrateful brat. We sheltered you for sixteen whole years, and what did you do to us in return? We got you to help us get on top of the hierarchy, but what did you do? Run away with my pack members. Right now you have a choice. Submit to me, and get back to complete the mating ceremony. Or I will take you back by force, even if it kills you. If I can't have you, no one will," my 'dad' growled.

Both of us stood in our defensive position, stubbornly refusing to move. I will not, never, ever submit to anyone, even my own mate. No, I will show them that I am a strong Alpha!

I snarled, baring my canines. That was the last straw. Their patience broke, and I could feel the great waves of anger projecting from them. "GET THEM!" my 'mom' ordered, her eyes already starting to turn red. The last thing I saw was both of them shifting before I was engulfed in a mass of fur.

One lunged at me. I stayed where I was until the last second when I bit his front leg, stopping it mid air. It fell onto the ground in a heap, and I used that chance to finish it off. I felt another one land on my back, its teeth nearly missing my neck. I rolled on the group, trying to get it off me. It didn't work, and the stupid thing scratched my neck. I yelped, changing back into human form. The wolf lost its grip on me, falling down. I wasted no time; I grabbed his neck and snapped it. I turned around, just in time to dodge one that was aiming for my neck. In the end it got a mouthful of my arm, ripping out the flesh from it. I hissed in pain, using my good arm to hit the back of its head. It was instantly knocked out. I changed into my wolf form, crushing it's windpipe, killing it.

I caught sight of Kingsley fighting off a few on his own, and he was managing quite well. Then I felt hot searing pain down my back. I snarled, staring at the wolf that scratched me. Its eyes were glassy, as if there were no life in it. I almost felt sorry for it, but it lunged at me again. I went under it, breaking one of its front legs. If it had any common sense left in it, it would have already stopped. But instead it went for me again. I decided to spare it, so I snapped it's neck, effectively killing it in the spot.

I killed more and more, but in turn getting more injuries. The bite on my hand was healing, but I had many reopened scars, like the one on my leg, the multiple scratches on my fur had hardly any grey anymore. It was caked with blood, dirt and many other things. I was tiring out already, and Kingsley was just hanging there. He already fought off a lot of them on his own, but there was just too many of them. Just then, a russet brown wolf with black eyes jumped in front of me. My 'dad'. His eyes were black, and I remembered that I once saw him in wolf form. His fur is the exact same russet brown this wold have.

He snarled at me, pouncing. He landed on top of me, knocking the wind out of me as I fell to the ground. We got into a biting battle, nipping anywhere we could reach. I tried to use my Alpha strength to kick him off, but he was just too heavy. We tossed and turned; always with me below. I got hold of his shoulder and I bit it hard, tearing it. He howled in pain, but recovered quickly as he jumped at me again. This time, he got my neck.

He squeezed it, choking me. I scratched, clawed and struggled against his grip, but to no avail. I wheezed, dark spots appearing in my vision. My kicks were getting weaker as I could feel the energy leaving my body. The lack of sleep, food, water and blood made me feel worse. My lungs felt like they were about to explode. My eyelids felt heavy and my movements ceased. I felt the hold on my neck go tighter as darkness was about to envelope me.

Suddenly I felt the weight lift off me. My throat was released and I was dropped to the ground. I coughed, taking in deep breaths, but I still felt so tired. I just want to welcome the darkness, let it surround me...

In my hazinessI could feel my name being called out. Then I was shaking. Someone was shaking me. Who...?

"No no no Fi! Felicity, please. Stay with me, Fi. Don't leave me, please. Stay with me, okay? Fi, I love you. I love you Fi."

My consciousness was slipping out of my fingertips slowly. I could no longer hear the things going around me. The sentence rang in my head, but I was unable to register who said it. The darkness ahead felt cool, better than the throbbing pain I was in. I could not keep my eyes open anymore as I welcomed the darkness around me.

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