You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 2

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Hi my dear readers, there is an author's note below. Please read it!

Felicity's POV

I tell you, I've never felt this shock before, even after I found out that I accidentally set the home econs room on fire ( I forgot to off the fire and went to the toilet ). I can't believe it! A jerk as my mate?! Wow. Mates are meant to be made for each other, not to be at each other's throat at all times! But wait, we only SUSPECT that he is my mate, so there is a possibility that he is not. I'll try tomorrow and see if it's real or not.

Nicholas's POV

Oh my gawd. How can it be? How can a rogue be my mate? Ok, I admit that she sure looks hot, but damn! I don't want a mate! Mates are for life; you will be tied down until you die. I cannot have a mate! I was a well known player, and will still be no matter what. But maybe, maybe we are not mates, it might be a mistake. We'll see tomorrow, we'll see.

I got into my car and drove back to the pack house to settle some things. My beta, George, spoke to me through our mind link. [Nick, we smelled an unfamiliar scent along our borders. The sentinels reported that there was more than one scent. You'd better hurry home quickly too. Your dad is looking for you.] [Ok. I'm reaching the pack house soon.]

I parked my car and got in to greet my father. "Father. George told me that you have something to tell me." "Yes, I do indeed. Come, take a seat.

"Son, we have a problem. The Full Moon pack wants to start a war with us and we need to be mated as soon as possible."

The Full Moon Pack was the second strongest pack in the country and we have been enemies since forever. Being mated allows you to unleash your full potential, in other words your special ability. Some can go invisible, some of their bites can be poisonous, some can make it hail, some can fry you with their gaze, and so on. But in order to get to that stage, we have to complete the whole mating process.

I didn't say anything to my father. I simply nodded my head, saying that I will try my best to carry out the order.


Felicity's POV

The next day when I went back to school, I was immediately stopped by someone. That someone grabbed my wrist and sparks flew up my arms at that simple contact. I went wide eyed. Please please not let it be Nicholas. Please. But as I turned to face the person, it turned out to be him. Oh for the love of God! Why must it be him?! I think he noticed too as he quickly retracted his hand and glared at me. "Listen here, rogue, don't think that just because we're mates means that I will be nice to you. Just stay outta my way, mutt."

My blood boiled. I narrowed my eyes at the imbecile creature standing in front of me. Scowling, I bite out "Excuse me, nobody said I expected you to be nice to me. In fact, I NEVER wanted you to be my mate." Nicholas flinched slightly at the venom in my words and I kinda felt guilty but that immediately evaporated when I saw him glare at me. I stormed off to my lockers to take my books, not before saying "By the way, you are such a hypocrite, mutt." And sending him a wink just to spite him.

I bumped into Hailey and Jessica who engulfed me in a giant group hug. "Felicity!! We didn't see you the whole day yesterday! Where were you?"

"Ok ok! Chillax!" We talked while walking to our lockers. "So, anything big happened while I wasn't here?"

"Sure there is! Desiree told the whole school that Nicholas is hers! Can you believe it?!" Hailey said in disgust. All of us hate Desiree with a passion, even timid Jessica who wouldn't even hurt a fly. "Jess, speak up! What has gotten you so quiet?"

It's true. Jessica had been even quieter the last two days. Jessica looked up and said very sadly "I'm moving away tomorrow. My dad found a new job in Washington and I have to move." As she said it, her eyes started watering. We hugged her and comforted her as she sobbed silently.

"It's ok. You'll contact us right?" "Of course I will!" Jessica looked up and we all hugged her again. "Ok! Now let's go for English before old Ms Garner gives us detention again!"

At lunch, all three of us met up together at the cafeteria. We eat and talked, until Hailey looked behind me and looked faint. I turned around and saw Seth walking up to our table. Hailey had a crush on Seth since freshman year but never had the guts to admit it. "Uh Hailey? Can I speak to you for a moment?" I've never in my life seen the popular player Seth so nervous before. "sure" Hailey got up and went after Seth, looking just as nervous as he is.

"I bet something good is going to happen soon!" Jessica giggled.

Nicholas's POV

"Nicholas! Come with me!" The chic-I think her name's Desiree-kept on pestering me. I even heard that she spreaded rumors around that I was here boyfriend. Walking to the cafeteria, I smelled it. Her vanilla scent wafted to my nose. [Mine!] My wolf howled. [No she's not! I'd take Desiree in a heartbeat!] My wolf became quiet, but I can sense its anger.

When I walked in, all heads snapped towards me and my pack. We strode to our usual table, with Desiree hanging on me. We took our food and discussed our pack affairs. George then smirked at me and said "Dude! That hot chic over there is looking at you!" I looked behind him and saw my mate looking at me. I think her name was Felicity. What a nice name for a nice gir-What on earth am I thinking! We locked eyes and I saw an unknown emotion flashed across her eyes. Was it sadness? But then she broke eye contact with me and turned to glare at thee slut hanging off my arms, trying desperately to get me to kiss her.

A growl shot across the room, so low that only us werewolves can hear. I immediately knew it was Felicity. She's jealous! I looked at her smugly, smirking at her. She started shaking, looking ready to shift and rip Desiree's head off. Maybe mine too. Her eyes started to change to pale red. Uh oh. The telltale sign that an Alpha is angry. Wait. Alpha? No time to ponder over this now. She shocked me by  taking a deep breath and relaxed. Her eyes changed back to their still piercing green and she stopped shaking. She just turned around and ignored me. No wolf that reached this very pissed off state can return to normal that easily! Unless... [She's an Alpha too] My wolf told me.

Felicity's POV

Phew. That was close. I almost shifted right there and then. I hope that nobody saw my red eyes. It takes a lot to get me that pissed. Luckily I calmed my wolf before she burst out into a furball-[Hey! I'm not a furball!] [Okok. Jeez. Just sayin']

Jessica, who was sitting at the table throughout the whole thing stared at me. "Are you ok? You looked really pissed."

"No. it's ok. C'mon, let's get to class." We got up and left the cafeteria, me ignoring Him.

Throughout the day, I saw that Desiree had left his side, but replace by a she-wolf. I think she's from his pack. I growled lowly at them, snarling and cursing under my breath. Nicholas only made matters worse by smirking at me. I ignored them and went back home.

When I reached home, I started doing my work after fixing myself lunch, but all I could think of is him. His baby blue eyes, so captivating, his kissable mouth, soft silky hair with the out-of-bed look... I mentally slapped myself for thinking about him.

After I took a shower, I went crawled into my comfy bed, feeling ezhausted. I tried to sleep, but all I could think of was Him. I sighed, finally feeling sleep take over me. As I started losing conscious, I thought about what the next day would bring.

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<3 Cat

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