You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 28

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Dedicated to ShaynaWebb! Next six will be dedicated to chocolatelover, iiheartfood, ThornQueen85, watermelonpip, MartyVanity, xxRaksha_42xx and TahnaeGriffiths!!!!!

This is a long chappy (for me)!!! Enjoy, vote, comment and fan!!!! LURV YA ALL!!!

Song on the side is Summer Paradise by Simple Plan;)


Felicity’s POV

I woke up to the growling of my stomach. I yawned, stretching like a cat. Rubbing my eyes slowly, I lazily looked at the clock. 10:07 AM. I slowly crawled out of bed, rubbing my sleep filled eyes.

I trudged to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. My hair looked like a bird decided to build a nest in it and maybe lay some eggs, I look slightly pale, and the worst were my eyes. They looked dull, lifeless. It wasn’t even green anymore. The bags underneath them were very obvious due to the contrast of my pale skin. I don’t know, ever since I came out of the hospital, the only people I talk to was the boys, Alpha Blake, Sandra, and some other people, but not Alex. The whole in me made me feel very incomplete, and it made me guilty and uncomfortable that I was avoiding him. I sighed. There was nothing I could do. Kingsley became another of my friends. Alpha Blake decided to keep him in our pack and put him as a patroller, just like the boys as he thought that Kingsley might be able to recognize the scents of the rouges faster and better than the rest since he was more familiar with their scents. He fitted in well with the boys too, always playing and joking around.

My stomach growled again, reminding me why I woke up. I quickly brushed my teeth, combed my hair, changed out of my pajamas and dragged my tired body out of my room. I was still half asleep, yawning every few seconds, so I did not see the person in front of me until I crash into him/her. I gasped as I fell into a hard chest, my breath knocked out of me. Warm arms wrapped around me, breaking my fall. I looked up to see the familiar face of Alex staring down at me in concern, which soon became hard as he let go of me and walked to the door.

"Alex wait!" I called out from behind him as he strode to the door. He didn't even pause in his long steps. 

“I did, for three weeks, you never called or talked to me." 

"Look, I know your angry but-” This time, Alex stopped. He turned and glared at me, cutting me off. "Damn right I’m angry. I watched you die in my arms. Do you know what that’s like to what the life drain out of someone…someone you care about?" He trailed off, still looking at me. 

"I told you I needed some time," I argued.

“You said a few days.”

“Well I needed more.”

“ You should have said that.”

“Alex look I couldn’t talk to you without dragging myself into everything I was trying to get some space from. I needed some time to just work through everything.” I explained, exasperated.

He continued to stare at me coolly. “Nicholas helped you with that?"

I paused, looking away from him. "I told him to scram." I stalked off to the kitchen, getting myself some cereal to satisfy my earlier hunger. He really had to say that, didn’t he? I was apologizing nicely to him, and he had to go and bring up that bastard. I could hear Alex following me into the kitchen, also grabbing a bowl for himself.

"Why did you come here for?" I asked him, sitting down on the chair and passed him the milk. 

Alex shrugged. "Had something to discuss with Alpha Blake. So why did you guys break up?" He asked, putting the milk back into the fridge. 

I took a deep breath and looked at Alex in the eye. "I really really wanted to go back to him. But it didn't feel right. Somehow my wolf felt reluctant when Nicholas asked me whether we could be mates again. When he touched me it felt...normal, in a way. There is no sparks or any feeling that mates should have. Also, after I realized that the people that were supposed to be caring actually turned around and hurt me instead, something inside me changed. It’s like I built up this wall inside, I don’t know, I guess I didn’t want to hurt like that again. I know I’m not going to be able to be the kind of person I want to be; or have the kind of relationship that I want until that wall comes down. And it’s not gonna happen till I put this thing to rest." 

He nodded his head slowly in understanding, and then he looked at me again. 

"Then I suppose were just gonna have to find these guys and take them down. Doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you."

I smiled at him, glad that he wasn't as angry as before. "I heard from Kingsley that you know precognition. Is that true?" I nodded my head sadly. “That was how I found out that Nicholas wanted to mate me just for my powers and Hailey was a fake bitch." 

Alex's eyes immediately hardened, and then a look of realization came across his features. "OH I GET IT NOW!" He yelled. "Remember that time when we were all going to France? On the plane, remember?" I nodded my head slowly, not understanding where this is going. "You dreamt that Nicholas wanted you back, and you accepted. You said you were about to hug him when he went and make out with your friend called Hailey! Then you said that I came and hugged you from behind. I know what it means now! It means that both Nicholas and Hailey will betray you, and I'm sort of like the comforting friend. Is that right?" 

I thought about what his said, before realization dawned on me. "OH YEAH! Now that makes sense! Seems like I already had a bit of my power before I officially got it!" I laughed. 

A small smile lit up on his face as he held his arms out wide. "Come here," he said, and before he could say anything else, I immediately jumped into his awaiting arms. His woodsy scent filled my nose. I inhaled deeply, desperately trying to memorize his scent. I could tell he was doing the same with his nose buried in my hair and hugging me tightly around my waist. 

Alex pulled me back slightly and pressed his lips tightly to my forehead. "I missed you so much, Fi," he murmured against my forehead. I missed him too. So damn much. It was a relief to finally be able to be with him. 

"I missed you too, Alex," I whispered as he crushed me tightly into his chest again. We stayed like this for a few seconds, both at peace that the unfamiliarity between us was gone. 

That was when I felt his hands trailing lower down form my waist to my butt. I looked up at him questioningly, only to see a smirk on his face. Then he gave my butt a squeeze, causing me to yelp at the sudden movement and pleasure that shot through my body. 

Alex lent in closer to me, so close that our breaths mingled together. "I'm going to show you how much your absence have affected me," he whispered before crashing his lips into mine. I closed my eyes, moving my lips in sync with his. I circled my arms around his neck, closing whatever space between us. My fingers treaded in his hair, tugging at them lightly, earning a moan from Alex. He nipped my bottom lip, demanding for entrance which I denied him. He groaned, licking my lip. Still I did not let him in. But then I felt him lift me up and wrapped my thighs around his waist, causing a gasp to escape my mouth. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. His tongue massaged mine slowly before I took control. His hands trailed from my thighs to under my shirt, crossing the planes of my flat stomach to my breast where he kneaded them through my bra. I moaned in his mouth, my core wetting instantly. 

"Child alert! Child alert! Go get a room guys! Don't corrode Seb and the kitchen early in the morning! I wanna see tomorrow and every other day! I need to eat my breakfast too!" a voice and laughter interrupted us. Alex's chest rumbled as he growled at the boys who just entered the kitchen. I opened my eyes, looking up to see Alex's brown eyes had turned dark brown with lust and frustration. Turning to the boys who did not look one bit frightened, I saw Seb tagging behind Kingsley, tugging the hem of his shirt. He looked confused and frowned, probably not understanding why his uncle Alex looked so angry. 

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