Childhood bestfriends- Jake Peralta

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Sorry that this story is shorter than the others seeing as there's no specified words for characters but it is still filled with fluff all the same! (: enjoy reading and have a good day.

Growing up, they were inseparable. They did everything together, from playing in the park to solving mysteries in their neighborhood. They were the perfect pair; he was the brains of the operation and she was the brawn. They both had big dreams for their future, but they promised to always stay best friends no matter what.

Years passed, and life got in the way. They went to different colleges and made new friends. They still kept in touch for a while, but eventually, their conversations became less frequent until they stopped talking altogether. They both went on with their lives, but a part of them always wondered what could have been if they had stayed close.

Years later, they both found themselves working in the same police precinct, both as detectives. When they found out they were going to be partners, they were both excited and nervous. They hadn't seen each other in years, and they didn't know if they would be able to work together again.

Their first few days working together were awkward. They were both different people now, but they soon realized that they were still the same at their core. They both had a passion for solving mysteries and helping people, and that's what brought them together in the first place.

As they worked together, they started to rediscover the things they loved about each other. He loved her determination and her fierce loyalty, and she loved his quick wit and his intelligence. They found themselves laughing and joking like they used to, and they started to realize that the spark between them had never really gone away.

One night, after a particularly long day at work, they found themselves sitting in his car, talking about everything that had happened since they last saw each other. They talked about their dreams, their successes, and their failures. They talked about how much they missed each other and how much they had changed.

As they looked into each other's eyes, they both realized that they still loved each other. They had grown apart, but they had also grown together. They had both become detectives, but they had also become the people they were always meant to be.

And so, they kissed under the stars, and they knew that they were meant to be together. They had a lot of catching up to do, but they were excited to start this new chapter in their lives. They were childhood best friends who had grown apart over the years, but they had found their way back to each other, and they knew that they would never let go again.

As they started to date, they learned more about each other, and they fell deeper in love. He was fascinated by her unwavering sense of justice and her passion for helping people. She was amazed by his intelligence and his ability to stay calm under pressure. They also learned that they had a lot in common, from their love of pizza to their love of hiking.

Despite their busy lives as detectives, they always made time for each other. They would go on long walks together, talking about everything from their childhood memories to their hopes for the future. They also worked together as a team, solving some of the toughest cases in the precinct.

As their love grew stronger, they started to talk about their future together. They both knew that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, and they decided to take the next step. He proposed to her under the same stars where they had their first kiss, and she said yes without hesitation.

Their wedding was a beautiful affair, with all of their colleagues from the precinct in attendance. They exchanged vows under a sky full of stars, promising to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. They danced the night away, surrounded by the people they loved.

Years later, they were still as in love as they were on their wedding day. They had built a life together, filled with love, laughter, and adventure. They continued to work together, solving cases and making a difference in their community. They also started a family, with two beautiful children who they loved more than anything in the world.

Looking back on their journey, they both knew that they were meant to be together. They were childhood best friends who had grown apart, but they had found their way back to each other. They had gone on to build a life filled with love, and they knew that they had each other to thank for it all.

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