Guilt- Rod Kimble

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Nothing much to say about this one except it's full of fluff sorta underage drinking?? I'm European so the legal age is 18 (even though we all do it WAY younger)  but this is America so them being under 21 does make it underage drinking.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Rod who had always been a bit of an outcast in school. He didn't have the latest gadgets or the coolest clothes, and he never seemed to fit in with the popular crowd. But one day, something amazing happened. Rod met a girl, and not just any girl - the most sought-after girl in school. Her name was y/n, and she was kind and funny and beautiful.

Rod couldn't believe his luck. He didn't know how he had managed to score a date with y/n, let alone become her boyfriend. And yet, here they were, walking hand in hand down the school corridors, laughing and joking and having the time of their lives as other guys watched in jealousy. Rod felt proud of himself for being the one y/n chose to love.

As they got to know each other better, Rod realized that y/n was unlike anyone he had ever met before. She was generous and thoughtful, always surprising him with gifts and treats that he could never have afforded on his own. He felt grateful and happy, but also a little bit guilty. How could he ever repay her for all that she had done for him?

One day, y/n told Rod that her family was planning a trip to Europe, and that she wanted him to come with them. Rod was thrilled, but also a little bit nervous. He knew that he would never be able to afford such a trip on his own, and he didn't want to be a burden on y/n' s family. But y/n reassured him that everything was taken care of, and that they were all looking forward to having him along.

The trip was amazing. Rod saw things that he had only read about in books, tasted foods that he had never even heard of before, and experienced a whole new world of culture and history. And through it all, y/n was by his side, holding his hand and showing him the way. Her family wasn't around them much giving them time to explore on their own and do whatever they wanted. And seeing as Rod was legally an adult in Europe he bought them alcohol using his passport, although he begged y/n not to tell her parents, he didn't want to make a bad impression. She just laughed and said what she always did to reassure him. "You're adorable Rod... I love you."

Years later, when Rod looked back on that trip, he realized that it had changed his life in more ways than he could have ever imagined. It had opened his eyes to new possibilities, new experiences, and new ways of thinking. And it had taught him that sometimes, the most unexpected things in life can turn out to be the greatest gifts of all.

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